
Chapter 37


Maxine Gibson's Mansion

Terry went to Maxine Gibson's Mansion on his motorcycle. He wanted to know more about Amanda Waller. When Terry got to Maxine's mansion's door, he rung the doorbell. It took exactly a minute for Maxine to get the door.

"Terry! I thought you would be with Dana or something." Maxine said.

"I'm letting her have some time by herself." Terry stated.

"What do you need?" Maxine asked. She brought Terry inside.

"I need to know Amanda Waller's last known location." Terry stated.

Maxine got on her computer, she looked up Amanda Waller and found her last know location. Terry was standing next to her watching as she searched.

"Her last known location was in northern Blüdhaven. It was on Night Wing Hill St. It's the only house there, so it shouldn't be hard to find. Oh yeah, it's a mansion, that's worth half a billion dollars." Maxine said. Terry was on his way out.

"Thanks Max. I owe you a lot." Terry said. He left Maxine's mansion and travelled to Blüdhaven.

Amanda Waller's Last Known Location

When Terry got to Amanda Waller's last known location, he saw a mansion that was twice as big as Maxine's. He saw three armed men guarding the mansion.

"Waller's got to be here." Terry thought.

Terry didn't have the time sneak around and take out all men. He was going to take them head on. Terry always kept three knockout darts with him. He used the knockout darts to defeat the armed men.

After knocking out the three armed men. Terry kicked open the door to Waller's mansion. Terry walked through the main hall of the mansion.

After getting to the end of the main hall, a blond woman attacked Terry. The woman was skilled in martial arts. Terry was able to predict most of her moves though. After a few deflected jabs, Terry put the woman in a lock.

"Where's Waller?" Terry questioned.

"I'm right here. Canary stand down." Waller came down the stairs to the right of the hall. "I beginning to wonder when you'd show up. Terry McGinnis, or do you prefer Batman?"
