
Chapter 1


Neo Gotham

Terry McGinnis, aka Batman Beyond was in Neo Gotham, where he got intel from Bruce Wayne, the original Batman, his mentor, that Cadmus Facilities was being attacked by an unidentified man. Terry was at the Gotham Fishing Docks finishing up some dregs that were mugging fishers there. He was tying the four dregs up when he got the intel. Terry wore a black Batsuit with a red Bat emblem on the chest. The mask of the suit covered his whole face.

Cadmus was ten miles away. Luckily, he could get there very quickly, flying there at 80 mph. He would fly past skyscrapers as he flew there. He even flew past the Wayne/Powers Building.

Once he got to Cadmus, he saw a man in a red mask. The man was also wearing a leather jacket. On the man's shirt was a red Bat symbol different from Terry's.

Terry confronted the man. He noticed that this was the man that Terry saw on TV when he first started being Batman about six months ago. Him and another man killed many Jokerz during the last Purge.

"So, it's the new Batman." The man in the red mask said, "I knew the dregs couldn't keep you busy."

"You gotta try harder to keep me busy." Terry talked back.

"I see that now." The man in the red mask said, "So, how'd Bruce find you?"

"You know?" Terry asked shockingly.

"Of course, I'm the Red Hood, I'm a smarter and better mercenary than the once great Deathstroke. Well, great until he got killed by the weak guy who used arrows. What was his name? Green Arrow? Laaaame." The man in the red mask said, "Well I'm done talking to you, for now."

Red Hood threw a knife at Terry's shoulder. Then Red Hood threw putty at Terry's face. Red Hood then got out a grappling gun from his jacket and swung away. Terry removed the putty from his face but not in time to confront the Red Hood again. The Red Hood was already gone.
