
Chapter 26


Powers Tech Building

Bruce stood in front of Derek Powers. Powers was supposed to be dead. He died in the last Purge along with Deathstroke and Green Arrow.

"You're supposed to be dead." Bruce stated.

"I survived Batman. Chemicals in the explosion helped me live. I know it wasn't you who left me to die. You're the original Batman not the new one." Powers said.

A green beam of chemicals shot out of Powers' hands. Bruce dodged the green beam, barely. The green beam burnt part of his cape off.

"You have the power to be immune to the gases in the air but you don't do anything to stop them?" Bruce questioned.

"I'm not a hero Batman. I'm a survivor." Powers said. He shot another beam at Bruce, which Bruce dodged. "My life is more important to me than other lives."

Bruce threw a Batarang at Powers' face. The Batarang cut Powers' face. Blood didn't come out of the cut on Powers' face, it was a green material that lit up.

"You destroyed my mask you idiot." Powers stated. Powers ran towards Batman and tackled him.

Bruce punched Powers in the face and pushed Powers off his body. Powers' face was coming off his skull. Powers ripped of his face like a mask and revealed his skull that was lit up with a green flame.

"Oh my god." Bruce said.

"When the current Batman left me, I lived but my skin got burnt off." Powers said.

"I could help you. Please, just stop this." Bruce said. "You could help this city and stay safe."

"There's no helping me Batman." Powers stated. "Look at me!"


"My name isn't Derek Powers anymore it's Blight." Powers said.

Blight tackled Bruce and choked him. Bruce felt his body feeling weak.

"Do you feel that Batman? My new forms radiation entering your body?" Blight asked. "They can't be treated Batman. You'll die."

Bruce kicked Blight off his body. After Bruce punched Bligbt in the jaw and kneed him in the skull to knock him out. Bruce got up. Bruce coughed up blood in his mask. He called Barbra.

"The radiation came from a metahuman. The metahuman is Derek Powers. He didn't die in the explosion." Bruce said in his earpiece.

"Did you take him down?" Barbra asked.

"Yes, Koff. Send a Batpod." Bruce commanded. "Pick up Powers. I believe he's the key to disabling the nanites."

"K. Are you okay?" Barbra asked. "That cough didn't sound so good."

"I'm fine. Just send the Batpod." Bruce stated. He didn't want anyone doubting him.

"I did. It's coming." Barbra said. Bruce heard the Batpod land behind him.

"It's here. I have to go." Bruce said.

Bruce hung up and put Powers in the pod. Bruce was dying. He had to hurry. Bruce knew he was the only one who Joker would let beat him.

Bruce grabbed out a medical pack. Bruce drew his blood with a needle from the medical pack. He scanned the blood with the Remote Device. The Remote Device told him his blood was infected and he only had two and a half hours to live. The radiation was killing him slowly and painfully.
