Vinte e nove.

Shower- Becky G

Ally's POV

"May I stay with you when you read it?"

I couldn't ever say no to Crissy begging eyes and the pout and she's going to read it sooner or later so I nod and smile as I open the light red envelope.

'The time

I spent with you

It feels as if it was years ago

I miss taking you

Into my arms

Making you feel save

Taking you out

To romantic or wonderful places

Seeing the beautiful smile of yours

Brushing back the strains

From your pretty face

So I am asking you

Why don't we go out


On Friday?

Tell me!

Your not so secret but still admiring writer'

I feel like paralyzed as Crissy finishes reading right when I do, gasping loudly beside me. Not able to even speak nor move I stare at Neymar's messy handwriting, trying to still get the fact that he wants to see me again into my mind.

"That's perfect!" Crissy squeals, her beaming smile directed towards me but I don't really notice it.

I rather feel like falling from a high building and not knowing if something will catch me before I crash onto the hard ground. The uncertainty of what may happen is making it unable for me to be happy about the anew change in Neymar's and my relationship. I wish I could turn the voice in my head off that keeps telling me that I should be careful because I could get hurt again.

"Are you alright Ally?" Crissy asks carefully and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know what to do" I complain, the tears pricking to my eyes as I say so.

Stupid hormones.

"Relax Ally" my new best friend tells me as she leads me to a chair and forces me to sit down. "Going out on a date never hurt anyone and even if you don't want to stay with him after it you can tell him, it's just a date not your marriage"

Crissy is actually right, I have got nothing to lose...

"But what if he makes moves on me?"

I honestly feel like I am sounding like a child, complaining about everything and overthinking every damn situation that comes to my mind.

"Then you will simply tell him that you are not ready and he will have to obey" Crissy explains and puts her other hand on my arm, glancing at me understandingly.

I don't say anything for a moment and stare at the white wall across from me, wishing that I wasn't the one to have all those stupid, little problems.

"He wouldn't ever hurt you again Ally and don't you think he wouldn't make all the effort if he just tried to fool you?"

"You are right" I sigh deeply before I bite onto my tongue.

"That means?" Crissy asks, the attempt of a smile playing on her lips.

I exhale heavily, feeling my palms getting sweaty just at the pure thought of it.

"I am going to do it"


 Neymar's POV

"These are the looks of a true champion!" David Luiz yells besides me as he basically jumps from the couch, arms stretched out.

"You have just won one match against me and you are calling yourse-"

"You are just jealous!" David interrupts Oscar who sits next to me, being quite annoyed by David's behaviour. "The hater nowadays"

With those words, David acts like a Hollywood diva and makes the attempt of flipping his locks back which fails, of course. Marcelo, Fred, Thiago and me keep sitting on the couch and laugh about the two of them as it is just way too funny to watch David behaving like the king of the world and Oscar pouting like a little child.

"Sometimes I really hate Fifa, it's destroying true friendships" Marcelo jokes, causing us all to laugh even harder, well except of David who still is into his role and Oscar who only lets the attempt of a smile to be seen.

"Just because you lost-" I begin but Oscar cuts me off before I can even finish my sentence.

"You can just know the feeling because you don't know how winning a Fifa match feels like"

He grins right into my face after he teased me as the other guys gasping for air inbetween their laughter.

"I have better things to do than playing Fifa the whole day long, man" I defend myself and stick out my tongue like a five-year old jokingly.

"Oh you are right, writing love letters for example" Oscar grins brightly as he pats me onto the back.

"But, without making fun of you anymore, how is it going Shakespear? Any reactions?" Marcelo joins the conversation, making all the other guys, even David who dropped out of his role by now, look at me interested.

I feel the heat rush into my cheeks as I glance from one guy to the other, all of them waiting for a response.

"He's blushing that means they are back together!" Fred cheers but I shake my head quickly before the others can join him.

"No, we aren't" I admit and stare at my fingers awkwardly.

Peeking up a bit, I can see the disappointment in every of my mates face.

"Where is the problem, man?" Thiago asks and stands up to pour himself something to drink.

I shrug my shoulders helplessly and bite onto my bottom lip in desperation.

"There are these two little problems," I mumble and fumble on the hem of my sweatshirt, "first; she doesn't know whether to trust me or not, she seems to be really afraid and second; I asked her out on a date in my last letter but she didn't reply for half a day now"

"Don't worry about her not reacting, I bet she's calling a friend or something to overthink the situation and to hear another opinion," Oscar tells me, "as least that's what my wife tends to do"

"Are you sure?" I ask him in disbelief, knitting my eyebrows together.

"Of course I am" Oscar smiles. "Don't worry so much"

"And about her being scared," David says, "that's what girls are like, if you hurt them, they will have fear to trust you in forever unless you prove them wrong"

"That's what you got to do at your date, convince her that you are to one hundred per cent honest and that you are the best she could ever get" Thiago advices me, the other guys nodding in agreement.

"It's pretty easy for you, I mean, she still likes you" Marcelo tells me.

"Do you really think so?" I say, the doubt in my voice is unhideable.

"Yes" Marcelo reassures me and hands me a can of beer. "Where are you going to take her by the way?"

"I thought of showing her around Rio and taking her to places that are similiar to the ones we already had dates at in Barcelona" I explain, earning nods and grins from my teammates.

"But you also need something that makes her weak, something that makes her heart melt and makes her take you back in any case" Fred thinks out loud, causing silence to fall over us.

"Singing her favourite song to her?" David suggests but I shake my head immediately.

"I am not that bad at singing but I am not a second Justin Timberlake either"

"What about making her a book with photos of you and her in it?" Thiago beams at me.

"That's actually a great idea I-"

"I HAVE GOT IT, I HAVE GOT IT!" Marcelo yells and interrupts me, causing all of us to nearly have a heartattack.

"Marcelo, I was close to dying!" Fred shouts offended but Marcelo doesn't even seem to listen to him.

"I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA!" he screams and jumps up, his whole face light up.

"Tell us!" I beg excited.

"Pray for yourself that it's a good one" Fred tells him jokingly.

"I swear, it's probably the best I have ever had"


Ally's POV

My fingers tremble as my thumb moves across the screen of my phone; I am looking through my contacts. Half of them are random people I am not talking to anymore because we lost contact after we gratuated from school in England. There are also some who started texting me again when rumors about Neymar and me being in a relationship spread the media, reminding me of how 'well' we used to get along. And then there are some contacts of people I am in touch with almost every day, my friends, family and other important persons in my life.

Suddenly I stop scrolling down and stare at one contact in my phone I have been avoiding most for the past weeks. I feel quite uneasy as my finger brush the contact, giving my phone the sign that I want to write a message for the person. It's Neymar, of course, and I really don't want to agree to the date but I have to, otherwise Crissy is going to kill me and I will never know what would have happened.

What should I write?

'Hey Neymar, it's me Allison and I-'

I click onto the delete button and the message disappears from the screen, the whole text sounds pathetic and childlike.

'Hey Neymar, thank you for your invi-'

Deleting the whole text once again I shake my head rapidly. This is even worse than the first version, he will probably think I am desperate and can't wait to see him again and that is not what he should think.

I groan in frustration and bury my face into my hands as I try to figure out what to do. The feeling that you have when you don't know what to do or what to text a person to not sound nervous, annoying or pathetic, is terrible. The message should sound casually as if I am not even in the mood for a date, more like I am not excited or desperate to see him. A smile creeps onto my face as I quickly write the perfect version of a message, my fingers stopping at the 'send' button.

Swallowing heavily, my fingers brush the button and Neymar should be receiving the message just now.

To: Neymar Jr

Tomorrow sounds okay. A.

I smile to myself, hoping that Neymar will exactly think the things when he reads my message that I want him to; confusion, ambition to fight for me.


Sorry, the chapter is rather short but the next is probably going to be huge so be prepared xxx

Do you have any questions for me or things you want to know about the story or about myself? Please tell me, I am going to make a chapter in which I answer your questions if many of you want to know something about me or the story!

It can be random like why I chose Vanessa Hudgens to be Ally or what my favourite singer is or idk what, you can decide!

Thank you for so many votes and comments for 'TBGG' and 'Apart', you are honestly the best readers I could wish for!

Please don''t forget to vote and comment!

Have a nice weekend xxx
