
Neymar's POV

I almost feel bad as I just leave her standing there by herself with nobody around. Feeling her glances on my back I make my way towards one of the tables that are specially for the Barça players.

Ally looked so beautiful and natural but then so different with her blonde dyed hair and the slight curls that were already reaching her belly.

You have to stop thinking about her Neymar, she has a boyfriend and-

"Earth to Ney!"

Someone interrupts my thoughts rapidly, causing me to flinch and finally recognize the girl infront of me.

"I am here, physically and mentally", I argue and decide to simply ignore her sarcastically laugh.

"Of course you are"

I can't help but dislike her even more than before if that is even possible. May I introduce, my new fake-for-the-media girlfriend Candice who wants me to like her for real and tries to compliment me whenever it is even possible. She thinks that I already have a liking on her but she is so wrong, there is no other person on this planet that I hate so much like her.

"Anyways, your coach were searching for you since he wanted to make some announcement or something, you should definitely look for him"

Her voice is as annoying as a voice can possibly be, it rather is a high-pinched, squealing noise that is coming out of her mouth.

"I will, don't worry"

Candice sends me a sweet smile and steps towards me, pecking my lips with hers. I have the urge to push her away and tell her how much I dislike her but I can't since I would break the contract and Mr. Reed seems to like Candice so I can do simply nothing about it.

Candice isn't unattractive in any kind of way, more like the contrast, her hair is a slight red-brown colour and her eyes are glisterning in a warm brown. She has a nice smile and dimples that are popping out whenever her lips curve up the slightest bit. Just like I said, she isn't ugly or anything near that and I could actually like her... if there wasn't the personality thing.

"You look so handsome tonight"

Can I please puke onto the floor?

"Thank you"

Candice's finger traces onto my chest, making me want to slap her hand away but I tell myself to stay calm since I don't want to cause a scene or make my manager angry. As I feel Candice grab my hand my thoughts travel to Ally again, probably one of the only two girls who I really was in love with, the first one definitely was Carolina with whom I have Davi. I am not quite sure what I feel for Ally anymore but I just noticed a few minutes ago that I am still pretty attracted to her since my heart began to beat harder when I spotted her at the bar. Does she really feel something towards Erik or is it just for the media too?

Ally is so damn beautiful...

"Are you daydreaming about me?", Candice whispers in my ear, causing me to come back to reality.

"No, I wasn't", I reply rather harshly and notice that her arms are tightly wrapped around my body as if she wants to prevent me from going somewhere.

I take her arms off of my torso and bring my glass of champagner that is on the table, on my lips and gulp down the whole liquid at once.

"Do you want to dance?"

Can. I. Please. Kill. Her. Right. Now?!

"We just wanted to go to the dancefloor too", Oscar says and points to Ludy, grinning like an idiot.

"Why not?", I answer, fake-smiling into his direction while Candice grabs my hand and pulls me towards the loud music.


The sight of Ally and Erik dancing so close to each other that no space is between their probably sweaty bodies anymore makes me mentally go insane. I should be the one dancing with her like this, I should be the one holding her like this.

Why did I even let her go in the first place?

Because she cheated on me. 

Does she know about Marc's and my agreement?

Probably not.

I want her and only her.

I grab the nearest shot I can reach and swallow everything without thinking twice and glance over to Ally her boyfriend again. My stomach turns and I want to bring every bit of the food I ate today out again.

"Are you alright?", Ms. Annoying-Voice asks me, sounding truly concerned.

"Of course", I say after taking another shot and grin at her brightly.

Her silhouette goes blurry all of sudden and I almost stumble over my own two feet, preventing myself from falling by holding tight onto the table.

"I want to dance", I manage to bring out and look at her drunkily or at least, I try to.

Candice's eyes light up and her lips curve up into a smile before she nods in happiness.

"Yeah, I would like that"

I hold onto her waist as the sound of electronic music fills my ears and makes my body nearly numb.

"I really, really like you", Candice purrs and starts to kiss my neck hardly.

My attemps to focus on dancing fail miserably but I decide to let her do whatever she wants as I begin to watch Ally from afar.

Her eyes are locked with mine and she looks more than just shocked as she spots Candice glued to my body.

I have no idea if I imagine things but Ally looks pretty jealous as she almost attacks Erik with kisses in the next second, clearly pleasing him. My jaw clenches and my hand balls itself into a fist as the sudden urge to kill Erik and push Ally away from him comes over me, causing me to lose control over my actions.

My lips crash onto Candice's roughly but she seems to like it and kisses back hungrily. Pictures and memories of me and Ally making out come to my mind again.

This has to stop.


The first thing I notice is me lying on the cold hard floor of my hotel room. The position is quite uncomfortable so I try to move but accidently bump into another person that is probably right next to me. My eyes open slightly but the brightness of the sunlight is far too much for me so I squeeze the lids together tightly.

I suddenly hear someone shifting around next to me and sighing deeply before a loud scream fills the room.

"Candice, for God's sake, can you please just-"

"I am no Candice you fucking asshole!"

I recognize the voice as soon as the first word leaves her mouth and I quickly open my eyes. Ally is sitting next to me, looking more than just horrified and close to tears.

"What have you done?! What has happened?!", she yells which is no good for my aching head.

"I have no idea, I was drunk but could you please stop shouting?", I beg and take another look at her exposed back and-

Exposed back?!

"I will search for anything that will tell me what happened", Ally announces before grabbing her clothes and disappearing into the bathroom.

"Shit", I curse and get up in slowmotion before putting my underwear on.

I walk around the room looking for my missing plain white t-shirt.

I probably had sex with Ally and I didn't even remember anything?

My whole body is almost numb and sore like hell, making it impossible to even take a few steps without groaning.

"Ney, uhm I mean Neymar, have you found-"

Ally cuts herself off and kneels down, she probably found what she was looking for.

"Can you please just-"

I walk over to her, observing her perfect body from afar. Erik is such a luck guy to say the least. I follow Ally's finger that points to something on the floor, a used condom.

"I cheated on Erik"

Her voice is barely above a whispers as the words escape her mouth and a quiet sob comes out of her the next second.

"Ally, please don't cry", I say and gently take her into my arms as the tears continue falling down her cheeks.

Her whole body is shaking and I wish I could somehow make her feel better about the whole situation.

"Please don't tell anyone", Ally begs, her eyes still filled with tears as she pulls away from me slightly.

"I won't, I have a girlfriend", I try to sound as normal as possible and smile at her carefully.

"Thank you", she mumbles and points to the door before pointing to the door, "I will go now"

"Bye", I say and Ally smiles a little, waving at me before the door closes behind her.

I sigh and sit down onto the bed for a few seconds.

This is all too much for me.

I love her.


hey guysss, early update, hope you like it aha.

have a nice weekend xxx
