
Neymar's POV

"Bye Allison", I say, having the strong want to punch something.

"Bye", she replies, looking straight to the ground and closing the door behind me.

I hurry down the hallway and bring as much distance as I can between me and Ally's room before a loud scream escapes my mouth and my fist meets the wall. The stabbing pain hits me all of a sudden, making me groan and lean at the wall while I squeeze my eyes shut. I try my best to ignore my hurt hand even though it's almost unbearable and clench my jaw instead as I enter the elevator.

Ally looked so hopefull at first but this emotion in her eyes faded more and more until there was nothing left but pure sadness and desperation. Or am I imagining things? She has a boyfriend who is real douche but my grandma always used to say that the words and actions of a drunken person are the sober thoughts. But-

My screen of my phone suddenly lightens up and I read the caller ID quickly before rolling my eyes.



My voice sounds quite raspy for some unknown kind of reason.

"Hey Ney, where are you?"

I furrow my brows at her direct question.

"Why do you want to know?", I ask instead of answering and walk out of the elevator.

"Because your manager just phoned me, being mad as hell since you entered the hotel where this Allison girl is staying in", Candice reasons and I can make out chatting sounds in the background.

"I was at Marcelo's, he is staying in that hotel too", I lie and leave the hotel through the main entrance which is the worst mistake I could possibly do.

Lots of paparazzis are standing outside, yelling questions in my direction and taking tons of pictures of me.

"Great but nobody seems to believe you"

I ball my hand into a fist but feel the pain again, making my fingers go numb.

"Well, they have to because Allison and me don't have any contact anymore"

Climbing in the nearest cab and giving the directions to the driver quickly, I hold my head down since the flashing lights of their goddamn cameras are almost making me blind.

"Your manager wants you to go back to our hotel right now", Candice states and I am almost sure that Mr. Reed is standing right behind her and listens to our whole conversation.

"I am already on my way and I gotta go, bye", I say angrily and end the call without waiting for her to respond.


"You are in big trouble", Candice greets me as I arrive at our hotel, being mobbed by paparazzis again.

"Thanks for the information, I do know", I reply annoyed and let myself fall onto the cream-coloured couch.

An uncomfortable silence fills the room, causing me to nervously shift on my spot and taking out my mobile after a while, scrolling through my Twitter feed.

@neymar_isbaee: am I the only one who isn't pleased to see the new photos of @NeymarJr leaving the hotel this Allison b*tch is staying in?

I feel my blood boiling and already think of something good I can reply but Candice interrupts my thoughts rudely.

"Why can't you just let her go?"

I glance at her being quite irretated and lick over my lips, wetten them.

"Don't play the innocent guy, it's obvious that you weren't at Marcelo's", Candice says, sadness and bitterness swinging in her voice.

"If you tell Mr. Reed-"

"I don't want to tell anyone about it. But what is so special about her? What does she have what I don't have?", she cuts me off and leaves me speechless as I try to search for the right words to say.

I look up to her and notice a single tear slipping out of her eye but she wipes it away quickly.

"Hey, please don't cry!", I say shocked and take her hands, pulling her more into my direction, "It is not about what she has what you don't have because you are a great girl and you are also very pretty"

Candice smiles lightly at my compliment but her eyes have lost its twinkle.

"And the only thing that is different from her to you is that I get those kind of feelings when I am with her... I can't describe it and if I could I would change the situation immediately", I explain and glance her deep in the eyes before pulling her into my arms.

"Thank you", Candice whispers into my hair and I press my lips against her forehead softly before we pull away.

"How did you even know that I was with Ally? Am I lying this bad?", I laugh lightly and Candice also sends me a small smile before shrugging her shoulders.

"It is just obvious how you care about her because your eyes light up everytime you talk about her or simply hear her name. You clearly love her and you also want her back, don't you?", she sums up and I nod slowly.

"And if this is your wish", Candice takes a deep breath and swallows hard, "I will help you"


Ally's POV

"Let's try it again!", our coreographer shouts enthustically, earning exhausted and annoyed glances from our dance crew.

We have been practising for about three hours today and before that we went to the gym to get our bodies in shape.

The music starts blasting through the room and gives me kicks of adrenaline I am always feeling when I am listening to a tune you can dance to.

After another round of dancing our ten minute coreography our coach seems to be more than pleased and claps her hands.

"Perfect. We will continue tomorrow at eleven am at the gym"

I breath out and let myself fall onto the floor in exhaustment, squeezing my eyes shut. The thoughts about Neymar and Erik didn't leave me the whole night long and I barely slept at all until my eyes finally closed themselves around four am in the morning.

"Are you alright Ally, or do you need something?"

I open my eyes a little and directly look at my coreographer who is offering me a hand to stand up. Taking it, I nod and thank her quickly before leaving the building and already thinking about my cozy bed  although it's only seven in the evening.

My feet take me to the cab that I ordered quickly, gladly no paparazzis and crazy fans are mobbing me today. Just as I open the back door and want to climb in, I feel a large hand placing itself on my shoulder, causing me to turn around. My glance immediately meet his and his brown orbs some kind of take me in in no time.

"Hey Allison"

His voice is raspy as if he just stood up a few minutes ago and a shy smile forms on his lips.

"Hey Neymar", I reply rather surprised and give the cab driver a signal to wait a minute, "what is taking you here?"

Ney looks at the ground and bites his lip before his eyes find mine again.

"I just visited the beautiful city of Dortmund and I saw you at the cab so I thought I would quickly come over and check on you"

"How kind", I respond but I feel my heart jumping at his comment and I give my best to hide the huge smile that plays on my lips.

"Do you have something planned for the evening?", Ney asks, seeming a bit nervous which actually is too cute to be honest.

"Nothing more than simply lying in my bed and sleeping", I answer and a little smile appears on my face.

"Care to go and grab some food with me?"

I honestly never expect Ney to ask me such a thing after our awkward night but I nod and point to the cab.

"I can tell him to drive to the McDonalds drive in"

"Sounds perfect to me", Ney grins and enters the cab after me.


"And guess what happened next", Ney grins and shoves a fry into his mouth.

"What?", I manage to say through my hysterical laughter.

"Marcelo jumped around in the room and yelled: 'I am King Kong, the gorilla' "

I laughed harder than before, if that is even possible and hold my stomach that is hurting terribly.

"How can a person be that drunk?", I gasp for air before another giggle leaves my mouth.

"Go and ask yourself, you also were a funny person to be with when you were drunk", Ney says and leans back into his seat.

A small smile plasters my face and I look away shyly, my cheeks coloured in bright scarlet.

The cab driver drove us around for the past hour, listening to the funny stories Ney would tell me and also smiling lightly from time to time.

"Fräulein, we are there", the driver breaks the awkward silence and I nod quickly before reaching in my pocket for some money.

"No, no, I am going to pay when he drops me off at my hotel", Ney argues and I send him a shy smile.

Once a gentleman always a gentleman.

"Thank you", I say, "and thank you for the evening, it was quite funny"

My words cause Ney's eyes to light up but I am almost sure I am just imagining things.

"Bye Ney", I smile as Ney suddenly leans over and hugs me.

"Bye", he whispers as we pull away, our lips only centimeters apart.

Stop it Allison, for Erik's sake!

Our lips touch gently, just like they used to and a known feeling fills my stomach like you were coming home from a long journey.


I pull away quickly, shaking my head and tears coming to my eyes.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit!", I mutter and open the cab door, stepping outside.

"Ally, shit I am so sor-"

I don't hear his last syllables because I slam the door shut and fastly make my way to the hotel, my body full of guilt and regret.


The next chapter is up, i hope you enjoyed it! I am going to update as soon as this chapter reaches 18 votes, do you think you can do it? ;)

have a nice weekend! xxx
