Heyo guys!

I have something really important to tell you! One of you wonderful readers neymania made an amazing Trailer to this book (well rather for TBGG to be specific) and I personally love it.

You should totally check it out, you can find it attached to the summary at the beginning of TBGG and here! If you would like to you can also leave your opinion on the Trailer in the comments, that would be amazing! :) x

Thank you again to neymania I honestly can't thank you enough girl! xxx

I also wanted to thank you all again for voting and commenting and reading this book like BOTH ARE CLOSE TO HAVING 200K WHAT IS HAPPENING YOU ARE CRAZY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LOVELIES!!! xxx

Have a wonderful time and amazing summer vacations if you are already lucky to have them (I don't count to those people :( )

Alina x
