Sorry guys if you thought this was an update, I will hopefully update on Friday again since I have to learn for Maths and Music and I will be watching a movie on Wednesday.

The reason why I am writing this is to tell you about my new story which I hope you will just like as much as you like 'Apart' and 'TBGG' (I am just going to call my story like this right now). So first of all, the story will be about Marco Reus and Erik Durm since I love their cuteness and the way they play football. My story is going to be called The Night and here is a little summary.


"Of course I like Erik; he is literally the sweetest person on earth and just a guy to fool around with, I really do care about him, he is like a treasure that you don't want to give in others' hands"

"I also like Marco but in a different kind of way than Erik. It might sounds strange but I simply feel attracted to him. There is this sexual tension between us since the time we first met"

Helen Winter, 21 years old, and her best friend Lauren Steg, 22 years old, win a radio quiz and get two tickets for the Athlete of the year event.

Marco Reus, 25 years old, and Erik Durm, 22 years old, are also at this event because they are famous football players and won the World Championship with their team.

What will happen when they meet and who will Helen choose?


I hope you like the idea and the plot of the story so far! The first chapter will be up when I get the first opinions of you. xx

Please tell me what you think about it since it's pretty important for me as a writer! xxx

I hope you had a great weekend so far, enjoy the rest of it!
