
Ally's POV

Of course, Ney should be the one to be angry with me but his rudeness and the thought that it is not even necessary to greet me and simply be mad with me makes me upset.

Sighing as I push myself up from the bed, walking to the door, I realize that it's already ten in the morning and I kept the door locked all night. I go downstairs as I try to make out any noises that show me that Ney is somewhere in the appartement.

"Ney" I say carefully and look around the livingroom and the kitchen but can't find anyone.

He probably already left for the practise, who knows?

My stomach makes unhealthy sounds, signalizing me that I need food immediately. I open the fridge just to see that it's completely empty, I still didn't go to the supermarket after the little Erik disaster again. Grabbing my purse, I decide to head to Starbucks instead, nothing is better than the delicious mocca frappucinos.

After changing into casual streetwear which covers the small bump pretty well, I leave the appartment and drive one of Ney's many cars to the city centre of Barcelona. It luckily isn't very crowdy at that time of day so I only get recgonized once before I reach the starbucks. I enter it and join the people standing in the short queue. My nose takes in the wonderful smell of fresh made coffee as my eyes travel all around the place a-

Neymar is here!
I have to apologize.

I leave the queue to join Ney who is sitting completely alone on his table as another person enters the starbucks and rushes to Ney's table.

No way... What is Candice doing here? How is she in Barcelona? Why is she meeting Ney?

Suddenly, I feel pretty anxious and uncomfortable as I am about to throw up. Candice obviously noticed me standing there because she says something to Ney and points at me. Ney turns around, his eyes widening as he spots me. The little bitch called Candice sends me a grin; her face practically has written satisfaction all over it.

I am not going to leave, it will just make her hella happy.

I fake-smile as I make my way over to the table for two on which both Ney and Candice are seated.

"What a surprise to meet you here, Neymar, Candice," I greet them fakily, "Can I take a seat?"

Candice looks as if she would like to slap me into my face hard but Ney seems to be quite relieved and nods immediately.

"Of course meu amor"

"Candice, we haven't seen each other in sooo long" I say and put on the brightest smile I can.

"Yeah, it's so nice to see you!" she replies but her jaw is clenched which tells me that she didn't mean a word she said.

How surprising.

"Baby, I actually want to apologize to you" I say as I practically attack Ney with kisses.

He seems to be pretty taken aback as a "It's fine, linda" leave his mouth. Candice rolls her eyes and I can tell that she feels awkward and uncomfortable.

I really don't care, it's her own fault.

"How is your life so far?" I grin at Candice evily as she narrows her eyes at me in anger.

"Just great, just great," she hisses and grabs her jacket off of her chair, "I have to go now, I am sorry Ney. Maybe we can meet again some time when we are alone"

As she spoke her last words she looks at me as if she is about to kill me and turns around before Ney can even respond.

"What are we going to do today?" I ask happily as Candice finally left.

Ney doesn't reply but rolls his eyes in annoyance and shakes his head, probably at my behaviour.

"Why did you just chase her away like that?" he groans and burries his head in his hands, "You are unbelievable!"

I freeze on the spot, my good mood is like washed away as I look at Ney to make sure that this isn't some kind of bad joke but sadly he doesn't make any attemps to smile and tell me that he was joking.

"Excuse me? You were just meeting up with your ex girlfriend without telling me and you are mad with me?"

"Yes, I am, because you obviously don't trust me enough! You should really know by now that I love you and not her" he tells me, still pissed, not even looking at me.

"Of course I know that but she is your ex! I don't l-"

"You also are around Marc the whole time, fooling around with him although you know exactly that I absolutely hate it!" Ney breaks me off furiously.

I gasp for air after his harsh comment, being kind of gobsmacked.

"Well, then go and run for Candice, I shouldn't be the one holding you back" I bring out and already feel the tears prick into my eyes again.

"I really think I am going to do this because I have to apologize to her for your behaviour!" Ney shouts angrily and grabs his jacket just as Candice did.

I get up from my chair quickly and practically run out of the starbucks while reaching for my phone.


Neymar's POV

As I watch her leaving, being completely angry and close to tears, I already regret the things that I have said to her. Ally behaved quite strange and possessiv infront of Candice and actually caused her to leave but I am almost sure that she wanted this to happen.

I sigh deeply and press my lips onto each other tightly before paying for my coffee and casually walking out of the starbucks. Dialling Ally's number in hope she will pick up, I already think about things to say to her.

I am sorry for snapping at you.

Please forgive me.

I don't like Candice the way I like you.

I need you more than anything and can't even live without you anymore.

Nothing sounds good enough so I listen to the mobile, praying to god that Ally will pick up. But she doesn't. Not even after the fourth time I called her so I give up and groan in frustration, punching against the next wall. I try to slower my breath and calm down. Suddenly my phone rings, getting my hopes that Ally might call back, up but it isn't her, instead it's Candice, her grinning ID picture beams at me.

"Hello" I say as I pick up, trying to sound normal.

"Hey Ney! I was just wondering when we could meet up the next time?" she asks sweetly and I swallow hard, thinking about possible consequences.

"How about right now? Ally says, it's okay, she will already be leaving for home" I lie easily, holding tighter onto the phone.

"No problem, I will give you the address of my hotel" she tells me happily.


Ally's POV

"He doesn't mean it that way, I am almost sure he already regrets the things he said" Lisa tells me through Skype, her face full of worry.

"I hope you are right" I mumble and wipe over my eyes for the hundreth time in what feels like seconds.

"Just relax and let him calm down," Lisa says, trying to make me feel better.

I am so lucky to have a friend like Lisa, she just helps me through the tough times.

"Just a quick question; have you already found the traitor?" she asks and I shake my head in desperation.

"I personally think it was Candice but Ney keeps on saying it was Erik" I sigh and draw a flower with my finger on the table infront of me.

Erik keeps reminding me of flowers because he always used to buy me huge bouquets of red roses on the Valentine's Day or on other special dates. Sometimes he just got home from training and hands me flowers as a sign that 'he is only thinking of me' as he used to say.

"Earth on Ally" Lisa yells and claps her hands loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry" I mumble, "what were you saying?"

"That I am to 100% sure that it wasn't Erik" she repeats and I nod in agreement.

"But how can I prove that it is Candice fault not Erik's?" I ask her, sighing deeply.

"You have to set them a trap" Lisa answer as if I am Sherlock Holmes and I am doing this on a daily base.

She obviously noticed my irretated look because she grins before explaining.

"You have to meet both of them without Ney being around. You have to ask them questions and record everything. Maybe they will spill the news"


Hey loves! Sorry for not updating this weekend but I was quite busy :/

I hope you like the chapter, I really tried to make it exciting!

So I have also decided who will be the next footballer to be in my new fanfic and I chose Erik Durm and Marco Reus, they will be fighting over a girl, I will tell you when the first chapter is up! What do you think about my choice?

Thank you for commenting and voting, please keep doing it, it makes me so happy!

