
!Competition: the winners!

Thank you to all of you who participated, I didn't think that so many of you would actually participate! I let myself inspire by your role choices and I think it turned out quite well. I decided on the following readers:

~thatchica_x as Marc's sister
~eriksangel as Erik's younger sister and Marco's girlfriend
~Neyneys_bae as another one of Ney's many exes

Congratulations to the winners, your roles will involve with the story quite soon, I'm not sure how big they will become, I will see how they interact with the other characters and fit in the plot.

I'm so sorry to all of you who participtaed but didn't win, I really appreciate your reading, your votes and everything you've done for me and my story! I hope you are not sad about it and I may or may not have already another competition in mind and you will be the first ones for me to choose if you want to! xxx

Broken-Hearted Girl- Beyoncé

Ally's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Erik asks me, not really trusting my plan.

"I'm not going to rob a bank or anything, I'm simply talking to this Candice chick" I say but soon realize that there is quiet a lot to worry about, for example if she is even letting me in.

"You are probably right," Erik sighs and focuses on the street again, steering the car safely through the streets of Barcelona. "But I just don't want you to get hurt"

I can't help but find his behaviour pretty adorable although I still can't figure out how he can still be such a nice person towards me.

"You're cute" I reply and look at Erik shortly, admiring his features.

"We are there"

I nod and send him a reassuring smile which he returns immediately before speaking up again.

"Don't forget to call if something bad happens"

"I won't" I promise and climb out of the car, walking to the huge entrance of the hotel.

Luckily I am all by myself in the elevator that's bringing me up to the fourth floor slowly. I take a look into the mirror that is hanging to my right, finding a young, brown-eyed woman staring back who has a mob of messy chocolate brown curls on her head that used to fall down her shoulders in a perfect motion, who wears loose and comfortable clothes although she likes to dress up and show up in the costumes for the dance shows.

The reflection of myself is worse than I first thought; how do Neymar, Erik and Marc even deal with a hobo-looking girl like me?

The elevator stops for my sake and I gladly get out of it, walking down the floor until I find the number 412 which hopefully is Candice's real room.

I lean against the wooden door and make out sounds from behind it as I softly knock and then wait impatiently for Candice to open.

It doesn't take her that long to appear behind the doorframe, looking at me searchingly.

"Allison Smith, what an honor" she greets me, her voice filled with sarcasm as the words leave her mouth.

"Pleasure" I reply, forcing my lips into a smile, my eyes never leaving the red-headed beauty.

"What could you possibly want here? Asking me how my appointment or how I like to call it; date; went?" Candice fakes a happy expression, gesturing me to come in.

I bite onto my lip hardly, trying not to let some unfriendly comment escape my lips although it's more than tough if you are directly looking at some two-faced bitch who sadly is neither ugly nor unclassy.

"I'm sure it was great," I respond as I walk past her into the hotel suite, "but I am here because of other causes"

"Then go on, I have only fifteen minutes left shawty"

I try to swallow the rude insults that are practically just waiting in my mouth to be spilled, along with the anger and hate towards her.

"So I was wondering if you could help me finding out who leaked information about my pregnancy"

Candice laughs and it sounds like the laughter of the perfect, arrogant and mean but stunning main character of a chick flick. She pushes back her bronze hair that keeps falling into her face before directing her eyes to me again.

"You don't know? You really don't?"

I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion.

How should I know?

"No" I simply answer and rest my hands on my bump that's getting more and more by the day.

"Are you sure I should tell you? I might make you cry" Candice smiles evily as I shake my head.

"I want to know. Right now"

"As you wish, but sit down, it's better for the baby" she demands and I actually follow her order.

As if the attention seeking whore would care about my child.

"I will start right from the beginning" Candice announces, seeming quite cheerful.

Bad sign.

"I am pretty sure you already imagined who it could be and since I am one of those possible spoilers you visited me, right?"

I nod shortly as I interwine my fingers in nervousness, already feeling uncomfortable and humilitated by her.

"Yeah, you are right. I was the one who told the media. The bad girl I was I tried to destroy you since... you know... I love him"

Tears prick to her eyes as she speaks and I almost feel bad for her as I see her standing infront of me and suddenly seeming to be broken inside.

"You ruined everything Neymar and I ever had Allison Smith!" Candice yells and sobs as her furious glance meets my innocent look.

"I saw that this was the only chance to get rid of you. I know exactly that you hate me just like I hate you and I am positive that you thought from the beginning that I was the one to blame! But guess what, dumb girl? I am not the only one"

I let her words sink in and anxiousity fills my body as I watch her slowly calming down and regaining that stupid, evil smirk of hers.

"You have had a lot of contact with Erik lately, haven't you? He's also in Barcelona and they spotted Mats bringing you into the hotel"

A wave of pure fear and disbelief swaps over me as I begin to shake my head rapidly as if I could get rid of the bad thoughts.

No. This can't be true.


"I already see that you get what I am going to tell you, don't you?"

I doesn't reply but feel my eyes wetten as I stare at my hands, trying to avoid the tears. I can't let that bitch see me cry.

"Exactly, Erik helped. He wasn't quite concious about what I was going to do, but he spilled a lot of information"

I rub over my wet eyes as hurt spreads from my heart to my whole body, filling every single part of it with pure pain, making it numb and shaking.

"I will tell you what happened in case Erik didn't told you. I contacted him after Neymar told me about the pregnancy. The poor boy is so naïve"

Candice shakes her head as disapproving sounds come from her mouth and she fills a glass with water and places it infront of me onto the table.

"We had quite a wonderful time after he told me anything I had to know. You must have really enjoyed your nights with him, didn't you?"

She literally makes me boil inside, it's a wonder that I haven't ripped out every single of her long bronze hair yet.

"Stop-" I begin weakly but Candice interrupts me immediately.

"No need to be upset darling, he is a great boy, but so naïve and so hurt by your actions. Erik was crying the whole time as he told me about everything, thinking that I was down the same road and just as broken and weak as he was. Yes, I was broken but never weak. Not me"

The tears burn in my eyes, ready to fall down my cheeks in streams, covering my shirt and face. It feels like a weird dream in which I am stuck in, unable to wake up or escape.

"Then there is another person who helped me and you will also quite dislike the next thing I am going to tell you"

Who will come next?!



My manager?!

"Neymar himself"

For a few moments, it seems like the earth stopped moving just like everything else too. Even my heart feels like it stands still for a matter of seconds, unable to work on because of the pain that's being caused by one evil and jealous bitch right infront of me. Then reality hits me like thousands of bricks would have fallen onto my head, making my thoughts spin and my stomach sick.

"W-What?" I stutter and pinch my nails into the leather of the couch I am sitting on.

She must got something wrong there.

"You heard right, Neymar. He still loved you a lot although you quite hurt him with Bartra and he wanted revenge on Erik and you. He told me a lot of interesting things, about how you were always bitching around with Marc or Erik, how you are still messing around with the feelings of the three. I'm planning on telling the news channel in," Candice cuts herself off, taking a look at her watch, "five minutes when I am supposed to sit in a car to Barcelona's biggest TV station"

My breath goes slower by the second, causing me to cough and gasp for air. The giant pressure in my chest grows with every little move as the feeling that I'm being trapped under water, gets stronger.

"Candice... please not and N-Neymar what-"

"No worries, now that I've got you on your knees, I don't need the humilitation live on TV anymore although it would have been quite funny. About Neymar," she takes the glass that is still standing infront of me and empties it in one gulp, "he regretted everything oh too soon and tried to make everything undone, practically got to his knees that I won't do anything. But I did. To hurt you like you hurt me when you were stealing him away from me like there would be no Erik in your life, simply ignoring the feelings of others. To hurt him like he hurt me when he was talking nonstop about you, crying and sobbing how much he needed you, how much you were missing on his side and how he loved you more than any other person on the planet"

I'm pretty sure my face is completely pale and bloodless at the moment, it feels like I am not existing anymore, like I am just some part of the air filling the room.

"Thank you for being honest" I press out as my lungs seem to refuse letting in the oxygen.

"No problem hun, always"

The satisfaction written all over Candice's face causes me to get even more sick to the stomach.

"And always remember; don't trust the wrong people, they can hurt you more than another person like me in your case, could ever hurt you"


Dun dun dun. I bet you weren't prepared for this, were you?

Please don't forget to vote and comment, thank you for everything you've done for me!

And if I don't get to update again before New Year's Eve, I also hope you will have quite a lot fun on this day, it's one of the best in the whole year on my opinion.

Love y'all xxx
