
"Schatz, we have to go!", Erik claims from downstairs, "The limosine is waiting"

"Just a second!", I yell back and straighten my red chiffon dress which matches my black high heels perfectly.

I changed slightly in the last two months; my hair is now longer and dyed blonde, today I am having curls which looks super cute as my stylist would say.

Erik smiles as I walk down the stairs, pecking my lips quickly.

"You look gorgeous, Liebe"

"And you look handsome baby", I reply and follow him to the car, interwining our hands.

We drive for about thirty minutes but Erik and I sit there in comfortable silence most of the time, my thoughts drift to Ney's message yesterday.

I haven't replied yet because I just didn't know what to write. If I would ask him something like 'Are you still in love with me?' or 'Why are you texting me, you were angry for months', it would turn out quite awkward.

I am never going to see or to talk to him again anyways...

"We are there, Monsieur, Mademoiselle", the driver announces, causing me to snap out of my little daze.

"Thank you Sir", Erik says and holds the door open for me, reaching for my hand.

"You are such a gentleman", I smile and he grins back, pecking my cheek.

"Only for you Schatz"

I absolutely love it when he calls me German things like 'Schatz' or 'Liebe', it just rolls of his tongue much easier than English and sounds so romantic and gentle.

We reach the red carpet after only a few steps, stepping onto it and immediately being greeted by yells coming from the paparazzis.

'Erik, Allison, over here!'

'Erik, is it true that you will be leaving the BVB to go to Real Madrid?'

'Allison, we heard you are pregnant, tell us more about it!'

I almost laugh at the last comment, I am clearly not getting pregnant while I am still this young.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but Erik and I are not having a baby"

Erik sneakes his arm around my waist and pulls me farther onto the red carpet then we let the paparazzis take a few photos of us and make our way to the interview section where an excited reporter already waits for us.

"Allison, Erik, it's such an honor to meet you two!", she claims, shaking our both hands.

We mumble a few friendly words before she asks the first question.

"Erik, there are rumors that you will leave the BVB for Real Madrid! Is this true?"

"I am sorry for all of my fans who also like Real Madrid but I am not thinking of leaving the BVB in the coming years", Erik replies patiently and the reporter nods, turning herself in my direction.

"How does it feel to be the girlfriend of a famous football player just like Erik or for example... Neymar?"

I take a deep breath, innerly counting to three before answering.

"It doesn't depend on how famous your boyfriend is, the most important thing is definitely that you are truly in love with the one you are with"

Erik sends me a sweet smile and his grip tightens, causing my lips to curve up into a smile aswell.

"That is honestly so cute", the reporter squeals, "but answer me one more question before I let the two of you go again"

I hate reporters and their endless questions.

"How do you feel about Neymar also being here tonight?"

My heart literally stops while my face probably goes pale in one second to the other as I try to catch my breath and look quite normal infront of the camera.

"I didn't know that Neymar is also here so I honestly didn't really think about it", I fake-smile and feel myself completely freaking out on the inside.

He's going to be here after that message last night?!

Why has nobody told me?

"Thank you for your time", the reporter purrs but I am clearly in the mood to smack her stupid smile out of her face.

"Listen, I didn't know that he will be also here", Erik whispers as we go from the red carpet into the big hall where everything is decorated for the evening.

"I know Erik, don't worry", I reply and try my best to smile at him but he doesn't buy it, of course, he just knows me too well.

"You don't have to talk to him at all, I mean, it's not like we are the only three people who are invited to this gala", Erik tries to calm me down and surprisingly really helps me.

He's right, I will just avoid Ney.

I take another few breathes before nodding and smiling at Erik weakly.

"You are right"

Erik takes my hand softly, guiding us to our seats for the evening. I almost cheer loudly as I notice that not Ney but Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell will be sitting next to me.


"It was great, wasn't it?", Erik asks, a bright smile plasters his face.

"Of course it was baby", I reply and peck his cheek.

The most adorable part of the whole charity gala clearly was as little kids went onto the stage and sang "Over the rainbow" together.

"Do you want some champagner, Schatz?", Erik says, wrapping his arms around my waist as we make our way to the aftershow party.

I open my mouth to reply something but being interrupted by none other than Jürgen Klopp, the Dortmund coach, grinning as he spots us.

"Durm, nice to see you here! Allison, it's an honor to finally meet you again"

Jürgen is probably one of the nicest people you can think of, he treats everyone with respect and is also pretty funny, nice and chilled.

"I really don't want to intrude but Erik, do you have a minute? There is business I want to talk about with you real quick"

"I don't k-"

"He's fine with that", I cut Erik off since I already can imagine that he was going to say that he wouldn't leave me alone.

"It will just take, like, five minutes", Jürgen promises and disappears with Erik in the crowd of people, leaving me alone at the table.

The champagner.

My lips curve up into a smile and I slowly make my way over to the bar which is decorated quite beautifully with white fake flowers all over it.

"What can I get the beautiful lady?", the bartender flirts cheekily, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Just one glass of champagner please"

The bartender pours the expensive liquid into a glass and hands it to me.

"Here it is, mademoiselle, I hope you enjoy your time here", he winks at me and as I am about to say something someone suddenly speaks up.

"You are such a disgusting guy, how can you dare to flirt with someone who is taken?"

The sound of his voice makes me shudder and my heart stop. The words simply roll of his tongue like they used to before, gently, softly and with an attractive Brazilian accent which makes my palms still sweat immediately.


I have no idea why I just let out his name sounding more like a question as I turn around and face him. Seeing his handsome features again after a long time of sadness and anger towards him causes me to somehow feel quite uneasy and his fingers that touch my arm almost carefully do not make the situtation better.

"Yes, it's me, Allison"

His hazel eyes didn't lose its twinkle while we were apart and his lips still are able to show off those blending rows of perfect teeth. I hectically shift a strain of my curls behind my ear, standing there quite awkwardly as he grabs my wrist gently and pulls me aside.

"Thank y-you for helping me", I manage to bring out without embarrassing myself.

"No problem"

Ney's voice makes me want to throw myself into his arms again, my stomach churns at the pure thought and causes me to swallow hard, trying to resist him.

"You got the message from last night, didn't you?"

His voice suddenly changes from warm-hearted to serious and cold, making me feel even uneasier than before.

"Y-Yes", I stutter and avoid the eye contact for a few seconds since I am not quite sure what to expect from him.

Ney groans and ruffles with his hand through his hair, making it look incredibly messy and hot. I gulp and watch him as he tries to find the words he will use to say that he regrets his doing.

"Listen Allison"

My full name sounds weird coming out of his mouth, I haven't really heard him say my real name ever.

"Please, just forget about it, it was... let me say, a drunken mistake, Marcelo and Oscar thought it was quite funny to send you such a message", Ney continues, his glance begging me to just erase this text out of my mind.

If that would be so easy...

"Nobody can know about it, please promise me that you won't give it to the media"

It hurts me that he thinks that I would do something like this to get more attention from the public, I have to confess that I imagined our first meeting after the break up very different.

"Of course", I say, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Thank you so much!", Ney sighs relieved and it seems as if he is about to hug me for a few seconds but then he just smiles and shakes my hand like we are strangers.

"Adeus Allison"

"Bye", I mumble, my voice so silent that I am sure that even Ney can barely understand me.

I watch him disappearing behind the crowds of people and catch myself by the thought of wanting him to turn around again.

"Schatz, here you are!", Erik claims and his muscular arms wrap around my body tightly.

"Here I am", I mumble, still thinking of Ney as we go to our table again.


Ney finally involved yayy!

Thank you for your votes, I honestly freaked out as I noticed that I reached 20 votes on the first chapter of this story, you are amazing! Please keep going! xxx

The next update will hopefully be up on Saturday or Sunday but I am not sure about it since I am going to be on a handball match on Saturday and my birthday is on Sunday but I will try my very best!
