
Ally's POV

"Erik? It's me, Ally"

I bite onto my nails nervously, feeling incredibly bad about everything that happened, I cheated on my boyfriend, again. Even though it was a drunken mistake, I will never be able to make it undo.

"Schatz, gosh I am so worried about you, where are you?", Erik claims, sounding truly concerned.

"I have no idea babe", I respond and continue chewing on my nails as I step outside the hotel.

Luckily for me no paparazzis are infront of the hotel today so I can get easily to the cab that I ordered a few minutes ago.

"I am taking a cab to the hotel", I tell Erik and play with a strain of my hair.

"Do you remember how you got there Süße?", Erik asks as I climb in the cab and smile at the driver before handing him the address.

"I have no idea handsome, I was completely wasted and my head hurts like hell"

"Me neither", Erik replies and I almost begin to cheer loudly.

He doesn't know that I was with Neymar, he doesn't know that I left with him, he knows nothing.

"I will be home in a few minutes", I announce and end the call with my boyfriend after some quick goodbyes.

My stomach hurts at the thought that Neymar and I had sex again after about three months of not even texting each other. Yes, I have to admit that Ney makes me feel in a kind of way that isn't the best one in my situation since I am taken but I am just ignoring these stupid nervous feelings in my whole body at all.

Erik is the one I am in love with, not Ney.

I take a deep breath and try to focus on the street and traffic and how lucky I am to have Erik.

"Nous sommes là mademoiselle", the cab driver suddenly speaks up and I notice that I am directly infront of my and Erik's hotel.

"Merci", I smile and give him a bit money, climbing out of the cab.

It's pretty cold today since we already have January and a bit of snow is also on the streets and the pavement. I quickly make my way through the people to the hotel, ignoring the fact that paparazzis take photos of me and go through the entrance.

Taking the elevator up, I think about what I can say to Erik about how and where I woke up. As I reach the door I make the decision to just keep the whole Neymar-thing to myself and simply tell Erik that I found myself in a bar or something.

"Liebling!", Erik claims as I open the door and walks towards me with a cheeky grin on his face, embracing me and kissing the top of my head.

"That was so stressfull", I sigh and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Where were you Schatz? I woke up in the same location where the gala were last night"

"In some kind of bar around people I don't even know", I lie and press a kiss to his exposed chest.

"Are you okay?", Erik asks worried and caresses my cheek softly while looking me deep into the eyes.

I nod and smile innocently before connecting my lips with Erik's briefly. He seems to be satisfied with my short response and takes both of my tiny hands in his big ones.

"You know that I am travelling to Poland with the German nationalteam tomorrow morning?"

I look at him wide-eyed while shaking my head, a feeling of sadness filling my stomach and body.

"For how long will you be there?", I ask and free myself from his grip, walking over to the coffee machine, turning it on.

"I will be in Poland until Saturday night and then I will directly be flying to Schalke since we will be playing against Ireland next Tuesday", he explains and sends me an apologetic look.

"And after that you probably have to take a flight to Dortmund again, right?", I mumble and pour milk into my coffee.


"But at this time I have to be in Spain because of our tour", I groan before taking a huge sip from the hot liquid.

"So we won't be able to see each other again for two months?", he says quietly, hugging me from behind and resting his head on the top of my shoulder.

"Probably", I reply and swallow the rest of the coffee at once, "let's just make this last day special, right baby?"

Erik grins and pecks my cheek before nodding.


"I will miss you", I whisper and press my lips to Erik's for the last time, resting my forehead against his.

"We will facetime every evening right?", Erik asks and glances at my lips intensively, licking his own.

"Exactly", I answer and hug him tightly, burrying my head in his chest.

"Erik, Mats, hurry up otherwise we will be late", Jürgen Klopp shouts loudly from across the hall of the airport.

"Stay save", Erik quickly whispers and kisses me again before walking away and turning around again halfway, waving.

"Bye!", I yell before my boyfriend and Mats disappear around the next corner.

I sigh deeply as I search for the exit of the goddamn airport, feeling the pain growing in my chest. Making my way through the crowd, I spot a nice looking café outside  and immediately having the strong want to drink a frappucino or something. My thoughts are cut of by my mobile announcing a new message. I pull it out of my bag and open the messenger.

From: Neymar Jr.

I think we have to talk about everything that happened, care to meet up somewhere?

Ney x

I overthink the situation quickly before replying.

To: Neymar Jr.

No problem, maybe at my hotel in half an hour? I've heard Marcelo is staying there too, so the media shouldn't get suspicious.

From: Neymar Jr.

Perfect, see you.

I chew on my nails nervously as I walk to a free cab and enter it.


A loud knock on my door wakes me up from my daydreams and makes me open the door.

"Hey Ally", Ney greets me, using my nickname.

"Hey", I reply awkwardly and for a few moments it seems like Ney is about to hug me but then he just nods and points to the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Oh uhm, yes, of course", I blush furiously and keep my head down in the hope that Ney will not notice how embarrassed I am.

We both walk into my hotelroom and sit down onto the couch which colour is the most awful I've probably ever seen in my life.

"About that night...", Ney comes right to the point, making me look up to him, "what do you think about it?"

I don't want it to be forgotten although neither Ney nor me remember anything about it.

"I have a boyfriend as you know and I don't know if-", I cut myself off and shrug my shoulders helplessly.

"I also have a girlfriend", Ney agrees without any emotions in his eyes, "but I have no idea if it would be clever to tell them about it"

I swallow hard and try to think of any words I can reply.

I still have those kinds of feelings for you even though I am taken?

I am not able to ever forget that night?

"It would be a lot easier if", I take a deep breath before the hurtfull words escape my mouth, "that night wouldn't even happened"

Please don't say that I am right. Disagree. Please.

"You are right, of course", Ney says and I feel my heart aching, "but we can't make it undo, so I suggest we act like nothing has happened since Candice and my relationship is fresh"

Candice. So that's the name of this bitch.

"I can completely understand that", I lie and try my best to hide the growing disappointment in my stomach.

"How is it going with... what was his name again? Eduard? Edward?", Ney asks and I can feel my blood boiling at his question.

He is definitely doing it on purpose.

"His name is Erik and we are perfectly fine, thank you"

I am not sure if I am imagining things but it looks like Ney clenches his jaw and balls his hands into fists.

Is he jealous?

"How are you and... Carola?"

"Candice, and it couldn't be better, thanks"

His voice sounds sour like an unripe apple but I decide to ignore it and nod.

"Sorry to be unfriendly, but I have important business today so it would be nice if we can continue our conversation in the near future?"

I try my best to be polite towards him even though I would really like to slap him into his face.

Candice? Seriously?

"That's fine by me", Ney responds as he stands up and walks to the door, "bye Allison"

No nickname anymore....?

"Bye", I fake-smile before I close the door shut behind him and let myself fall onto the couch again.

What am I supposed to do?


hello guys, here's the new update, I hope you like it xxx

If somebody of you knows anyone that can make amazing trailers or if you yourself know how to do it: it would be great if my story would have a trailer! So if you are interested don't be shy and contact me! Some of you already send me their lovely covers and I might change mine into one of yours so if you like making covers and you are interested you can always send me yours! xxx

I am trying to update wether on Wednesday or Saturday so have a nice week! xxx
