Vinte e dois.

I'm a mess- Ed Sheeran

Ally's POV

"Marc,... I have to talk to you"

A sudden anxiety fills me as his lips curve up into a smile and he tosses the controler away to look at me.

"Go ahead"

When Marc glances at me and notices my rather scared face expression his smiles disappears as quickly as it appeared.

"What's up?" he asks, a worried tone swinging in his voice.

I take a deep breath before counting to five slowly, a trick that Sarah had shown me.

It was her idea to tell Marc today that I was leaving and not wait any longer as he could perhaps 'understand it wrong' and might be even more disappointed that I am not telling him earlier. I hate to admit it but she's probably right, I shouldn't keep such an important thing from Marc, I need his help and his faith.

I've already told Erik today in the afternoon and it also wasn't the nicest thing to do, he looked at me quite shocked as I told him where I am heading to and he also demanded that I have to call him at least once a week since he wants to make sure that I am alright.


Endless sun, endless beaches, endless fun. Wonderful nature, friendly people, amazing weather.

The perfect location to raise a child if you ask me, far away from all the trouble that is called my current life, far away from the problems that will be created as soon as Neymar returns from his short trip to Colombia and also far away from people in whose near you don't want to give birth to a precious, little baby.

"I'm leaving Barcelona in two days" I sigh as the shock spreads Marc's face quickly.

"You are joking, don't you?" Marc forces himself to fake a laugh, "And if you do, it's not funny bonita"

I swallow hardly, not daring to look him into the eye.

"I am not Marc, I just can't stay near Neymar just yet" I explain quietly and fumble with some strains of my hair nervously.

Marc sighs deeply and I can hear him standing up, walking towards me. As I look up I spot him glancing at the wall, ruffling his hair in desperation.

"Listen Marc, I don't mean to leave in forever, it's healthier for the baby and for me and on the other side I-"

Suddenly I feel Marc's lips on mine, interrupting me midsentence and catching me by surprise. It feels like a bittersweet gift he's giving as we won't see each other in quite a long time. His lips move along with mine in a perfect motion, fitting onto each other as if they were made for it.

Marc pulls away after a few minutes of pure passion and showing hidden feelings, bringing his hands up to my cheeks as his forehead leans onto mine.

"I wouldn't stand such a long time without you," he whispers and I lean closer again to kiss him one more time but Marc places his index finger on my lips, seperating mine from his, "I am sure that a lot of people are not able to be completely happy without you but I'm letting you go as I know it's the best for you. Just let me tell you how much you really mean to me because I know that after you give birth to the baby you will never be mine again"

It feels like a stab with a digger into my heart as I realize that he's right; Marc and I could have been the luckiest people on earth together but several people or actions tore us apart.

"I love you"

His words hurt me even more as the following, brief kiss he presses onto my lips before he leaves the room rather quickly, locking himself into his bedroom upstairs.

"I love you too" I mumble and stare at the spot I've seen him last, touching my lips, still feeling warmth in my stomach as I close my eyes.


"And you two kissed?" Sarah's surprised expression is exactly what I expected it to be; wide-eyed, O-shaped mouth.

We are sitting in some kind of café in Barcelona, watching busy and stressed people walking up and down the street and sipping our delicious and hot cappucino.

"Yes" I reply as I feel a little awkward telling her about my love life.

Why did I kiss Marc?

What has gotten into me?

I'm only making this harder for both of us...

"And you are still to 100% sure that you want to leave Barcelona? You obviously feel a lot towards Marc" Sarah says after she stayed quiet for a while.

"I am very sure. It will only get complicated once Neymar will come back tomorrow and I've already packed all my stuff, the flight will go about 10am in the morning" I inform her, sighing deeply.

"But you will feel so alone in Brazil! I mean you don't anybody there" Sarah tells me, obviously trying to convince me to stay in Barcelona.

She's actually right, I don't know anything about Brazil. I don't have a flat or a job there either, the money is getting less and less and I am barely speaking Portuguese, the only words I learned are "Olà", "Obrigado", "Adeus" and "Meu Amor".

Meu amor.

My heart is acheing terribly as I think about how Neymar used to lean down to me gently when I sat on the couch, grinning as he caught my smile.

"I love you more than words can express meu amor"

I clench my jaw and try to think of something other as well as avoiding the sudden urge to cry.

"You know, I will always stay your bestie, you can't just simply escape from me" Sarah grins, not noticing that I am not feeling well but she actually causes me to laugh.

"And you won't get rid of me that easily as well" I respond and poke her cheek, before leaning back into the comfortable, fluffy material of the seat.


*the next day*

Neymar's POV

The house lies in silence as I enter it, tugging my luggage along. My first instinct is to yell loudly to know if Ally is hiding somewhere but something tells me that she's not here. The sweet scent of hers, smelling like Strawberries and Chanel's No.5, doesn't float the room as it used to when we lived together.

Before I cheated on her.

Before I messed up.

Before my days were drenched in loneliness and boredom.

Before I was teached how it feels to miss the most important person in your life.

"Ally?" I ask carefully as my glance travels through the room.

It's only 9:30 in the morning, a quite unusual time for her to be up.

Maybe she's sleeping.

My heart starts beating faster as I take two steps at a time to reach the bedroom, feeling myself becoming nervous.

She has forgiven you for sure.

Don't upset yourself even more.

I enter the bedroom carefully, trying to make no noises as I step into it.

The bedroom seems different than before, it feels like something is missing as I walk past the empty, neatly made bed with the white sheets and pillows Ally has chosen quite a while ago.

The second thing I notice is that all of Ally's stuff is gone; her clothes, the make-up, even the photo of her family she used to have on her nightstand.

My breathing begins to get faster as I look around myself hectically, searching for details that could show me that she's just messing with me. My eyes catch a white, folded paper on her side of the bed with her neat handwriting on it.

'To Neymar'

I shudder as I unfold the note, beginning to read the sentences she seemed to wrote down in a hurry.


The airport in Barcelona is full of different and interesting people, causing me to push myself through the crowd.

I've finished reading Ally's letter with tears in my eyes, realizing that I have lost the only thing that kept me down-on-earth and that made my life happy and worth living besides football.

"ALLY" I yell, not paying attention to the nosy people that turn around as they recognize my voice.

Running towards the gates and security guards, I glance at my watch quickly, checking the time.


"ALLY" I shout once more, looking for the brunette beauty who must be somewhere here at the airport.

I come to a stop at the airport control, nervously and hectically moving from one foot to the other.

My eyes travel through the giant hall, observing every person who looks similiar to Ally for a while but being disappointed every time.

"Dear flight attendants, the plane to Brazil is going to border right now, please line up infront of the pass control. Thank you and have a nice and enjoyable flight!"

After the female voice disappears and the boxes crack loudly, people start to move at the gates, lining up at the control. Everyone seems to be trying to get away from Barcelona as they push each other to side to be the first in the line.

Just like Ally, she also doesn't want to stay here.

She used to hate those arrogant people who seem to push themselves everywhere, wanting to be the first in the train or the queue even though they will be waiting one way or another.

I sigh and move my hand through my hair, looking around the hall one more time as suddenly a brunette girl catches my attention, just walking past the control into a bus that brings you to the plane.

"Ally" I whisper as I observe the graceful moves of the young woman.

I start sprinting as fast as my legs are dragging me towards the pass control, past the security guards that run after me immediately.

"ALLY!" I scream as loud as I can and wave above my head, trying to catch her attention.

"Sir, you have to go through the control before you-"

"I DON'T CARE" I yell and push my way through the surprised people who are whispering and pointing at me ridiciously.

My eyes are locked to my beautiful Ally inside the bus, seeming to read a novel as her fingers brush a strain of her hair behind her ear.

"Sir, you-"

"ALLY, IT'S ME" I scream and finally get her to look up from the book.

It is definitely her, her eyes widen as she recognizes me.

I try to get past the pass control as suddenly a security guard grabs my arm hardly and forces me to stop. Wanting to shake the nasty hands off of my body, a second security guard storms to me and grips my shoulder. Both of them push me away from the counter but I could care less as I try to free myself and stare into Ally's eyes that are filled with shock and tears as she slowly gets up to her feet and presses her hand infront of her mouth.


The bus doors close and the vehicle drives out of the parking lot slowly, turning so that my eyes leave Ally's forcefully.

And that's when I feel the first tears prick to my eyes, before my knees get weak and I don't try to refuse anything anymore.


Such a sad chapter today :(

I just want to remind you that this is called a Neymar fanfiction so you don't have to be afraid that he and/or she will end up alone.

Quite a few answered to my question last time if I should make a chapter about myself and I am planning to write it next week please send me your questions!

Please also vote and comment for the chapter, I'm so thankful for every little attention this book is getting and I couldn't be more happy with it at the moment!

Please also check out my other fanfic about Marco Reus and Erik Durm, it's called 'The Night' :)

Have a nice weekend! xxx
