
Neymar's POV

I find Ally in a small lane, her knees tugged to her chest. She trembles uncontrollably and looks like something really bad happened to her.

Should I tell her that Erik told me about the pregnancy?

"Ally...", I begin and sit down next to her, carefully placing my hand on her arm.

"I am pregnant", she bursts out, her whole body is shaking by now.

"Erik told me", I whisper and move my hand from her arm to her face, wiping her tears away.

Her mouth falls wide open and she seems to be terrified and shocked.

"I-I am s-so sorry N-Ney-"

"It doesn't matter, it takes two to make a baby and besides that I am to one hundred percent sure that you will be the most perfect, caring, lovely and beautiful mother on the planet", I compliment Ally and watch her face go scarlet.

"Stop Ney", she mumbles and a shy smile appears on her face, "but you are not angry? Not even a little bit?"

"Not even a little bit", I answer and with that Ally pulls me into a tight hug.

"Erik broke up with me", she murmurs into my chest and as she looks up to me again, her eyes are already filled with tears again.

My heart starts beating faster and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Erik broke up with her!

I try my best to hide the huge smile that makes attemps to appear on my face as I carress her cheeks.

"It is a tough situation for him but you will find someone better than him", I tell Ally and cup her face softly, looking at her lips.

She closes her eyes slowly and moves closer, our lips almost touching. I breath in her scent that smells like a mixture of vanilla and Coco Chanel's No.1, realizing how much I miss every little detail about her in my life.

'Yo quiero estar contigo, vivir contigo, bailar contigo-'

Ally exhales sharply and slides away from me awkwardly, reaching into her pocket and taking out her mobile, answering the call that destroyed our perfect moment.

I lick over my lips and feel disappointment float my body, wishing the lips of hers would have touched mine.

"No, I don't have time today" I hear Ally's sweet voice that repeats over and over in my head like a melody.

My eyes wander from her perfect face to the curves of her body, the white loose blouse that is tugged into the skinny ripped jeans that fits her perfectly.

"I am not sure if-"

Ally seems to be interrupted by her caller and moves her hand through her wavy hair in a stressed move. I send her a questioning glance but she simply ignores it and concentrates on the things the person tells her over the phone.

"Okay, we will meet tomorrow..., yes I will,... goodbye to you too"

She ends the call, seeming nervous and clearly not pleased.

"Who was it, linda?", I ask politely and pat onto the free spot next to me, gestruing her to sit down.

"No one important", she replies and I can tell she is lying but before I can even convince her to tell me the truth she continues talking.

"I have to go now, I have to pick my stuff up and everything... I will see you"

I stare at her for a moment, not quite believing what just left her mouth so she nods in my direction and leaves me sitting on a cold bench in a lane in Dortmund.


Ally's POV

Breathing heavily, I order a cap to the café Erik ended our relationship in, my thoughts twisting. Marc wants to meet me again to talk to me about everything and I am honestly afraid of seeing him again.

What if he makes moves on me?

I try to swallow the knot that is in my throat and hurry down the streets until I reach the café about five minutes later. Climbing in the cab, I decide to text Erik before I show up at his appartment.

From: Erik
Sure, but I hope you don't mind me being there too

To: Erik

I feel my stomach churning as I realize that there is no other way for me than seeing my fresh ex again. My thoughts wander from Erik to Ney and the almost-kiss. His lips looked so kissable, his eyes so lustful and his body-

"Fräulein, we are there", the cab driver interrupts my thoughts politely and I nod quickly as I hand him the money, send him a smile and get out of the car.

I can't help but feel anxious as I walk to the entrance of the appartment, ringing the bell. The door is being opened about ten seconds later, revealing a shirtless Erik who just has a loose towel wrapped around his torso.

Idiot, he's doing it on purpose.

At first, I don't even realize that I am staring at his abs until he waves infront of my face more annoyed than happy but winks at me the next second and disappears in the bathroom again.

I swallow multiple times before actually following his invitation to come in. Making my way upstairs to the bedroom, I notice the old pictures that are still hanging on the wall; Erik when he was younger and dressed in his Mainz jersey, him together with his family and last but not least one on which Erik and I were happily standing next to each other, his arms wrapped tightly around my body. My head was turned to the camera, flashing it a huge smile while Erik's glance lasts on me, his lips curved up and his eyes glisterning from happiness.

My stomach feels like someone just stabbed it with a huge knife, making me press my lips together into a thin line.

"Are you finished Allison?", I hear him yelling from downstairs, causing me to finally look away from the photo.

"Almost", I tell him and hurry into the bedroom before he can notice my voice cracking.


Marc already sits in the restaurant as I enter it through the back entrance. His whole face lights up as he spots me and his strong arms wrap me into a tight hug before I can even greet him. Inhaling his manly scent, I close my eyes and realize how much I missed him.

"How have you been?", his raspy voice reaches my ear quietly.

His Spanish accent makes me go quite weak in my knees and I try to distract myself by thinking of an answer.

"Pretty good, thank you. What about you?", I reply as normal as possible, smiling at him as he pulls a chair out for me.

Marc always was and obviously still is that polite kind of guy and the tipical gentleman every girl would fall for.

"Me too, thank you. It has been a busy time for me since I have had to travel quite a lot for the football but that's my job"

He sends me one of those wide smiles that would make my heart skip a beat everytime he has shown me one.

"I don't want to sound rude but are you dating that Erik guy again? I've seen you all over the media", Marc asks, not seeming as cool as a few seconds before.

"No, not anymore", I respond, forcing a fake smile onto my face.

"That's quite a shame!", he says surprised but also kind of happy, even if he tries his best to hide it.

"Well yes", I mumble, finding the situation awkward and feeling uncomfortable.

Luckily the menu cards arrive in that moment, giving me space to think about Marc and the way he behaves today. Every girl who says that he is unattractive or rude is lying to herself, that's for sure.

I feel his gaze lasting on me as I order myself water and a steak with fries and salad, causing me to become nervous.

After the waiter disappeared, we carry our conversation on or to be more precise, Marc does. He keeps asking me questions about how my life changed since the last time we met and how my career is going.

Our meals are served by the same waiter after fifteen minutes, interrupting our talk shortly.

"Are you still having contact with Neymar?", Marc asks out of the blue just as I am about to finish my glass of water.

I almost spit out the liquid and glup down everything quickly.

"No", I lie and smile at him fastly before excusing myself and rushing to the bathroom.

My mobile buzzes as soon as I enter the ladiesroom, causing me to flinch and pull it out.

From: Neymar Jr.

I am infront of your hotelroom, are you sleeping? x

To: Neymar Jr.

Not quite, I am out

I place my phone on the sink and start to apply new powder before the screen enlightens again. Sighing, I read the message quickly.

From: Neymar Jr.

With whom meu amor? x

I roll my eyes and groan at his curiousity.

To: Neymar Jr.

That's none of your business pretty boy

Glancing at my reflection at the mirror, I concentrate completely on my make-up until my mobile bleeps again.

"Ney, for God's sake!", I curse as I pick it up again.

From: Unknown.

I know about your baby with Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior

I frown as I read the text and goosebumps spread to every tiny piece of skin on  my body.

To: Unknown.

Who are you and how did you get my number?!

The anonym writer answers immediately.

From: Unknown.

It doesn't matter. I am going to spill the news to the journalists if you don't abort the baby Allison dear

My eyes fill with tears and my hands start to tremble. What does that cruel person want from me?

To: Unknown.

I won't bye.

Breathing heavily, I strumble into the diningroom, spotting Marc who waves at my direction with a huge smile on his face.

"You were gone quite a long while", he notices, "is everything alright?"

"No, I feel ill", I lie and hold my stomach as if I am about to throw up.

"I am going to take you to your hotel", Marc decides and glances at me worried before paying and leading me outside.


sorry for the late update but my parents were stressing me out about school and everything -.-

what do you think, who is the anonym writer? does he or she already appears in the story?

thank you for reading, voting and commenting for my story!

I also have an idea for a new story but I am not so sure about whom I should write the story. I would really appreciate your suggestions!

Love you all xxx
