Wujin || SEASON 2

"M-My s-sister....s-she was s-so y-young"

Hari cried next to Sooyoung's supposed grave as the others surrounded her with tears in their eyes. Suddenly a tall and beautiful man pushed through the group of friends and stood next to the grave. His eyes widened as he started at the teen's grave.

"H-How did this happen ?"

"Who are you ?"

Dae-su asked as he glared at the man with his teary eyes. 

"Myself Choi Chanhee...I was Sooyoung's friend."

"Oh...Sooyoung was suffering from severe depression. She took her life last night."

Suhyeok explained as he stared at the boy in anticipation. An annoyed look painted the boy's face as he sighed in worry.


The boy left the circle as quickly as he came in and left the graveyard in a car. The group of friends stared at each other when Mi-jin signalled them to continue the act for a few more minutes.


"But sir---"


"okay sir"


Chanhee nodded as he ran out from his father's office with tears in his eyes. He decided to visit Sooyoung's home first to talk to her sister (Hari) to get some information about Sooyoung's everyday life and mental health. 

The raven black haired boy knocked at Hari and Sooyoung's shared room's door. Hari opened the door as her eyes widened when she saw the boy outside the door. She thought quickly and said to him.

"Sir please wait outside for a few minutes because I have to pick up my clothes that are scattered around my room."

The boy nodded his head without doubting anything as he had come uninvited. Hari thanked the boy as she quickly ran inside.

"Sooyoung-ah ! Chanhee is here. Quickly hide somewhere !"

"Where do I hide ?!"

"Just go inside the wardrobe !"


Sooyoung pushed herself in the small wardrobe of their shared room and sat inside with the door opened just a little to let some air enter the congested space. Hari exited the room to open the door for the boy waiting outside patiently.

"Thank you so much for waiting"

"No worries ! I came uninvited and can feel your pain of losing your sister. Its completely understandable."

"Thank you so much for understanding. Would you like some tea or coffee ?"

"Water will work"

Hari nodded and left the room to their small kitchen while Chanhee scanned the room. He found a few pictures of a boy with Sooyoung and Hari and a few pictures of Sooyoung with her friends. Hari soon returned diverting the boy's attention.

"Thank you so much Ms Jang"

"No problem...any specific reason for your visit Mr Choi ?"

"Just call me Chanhee and no. I just wanted to talk about Sooyoung."


"First of all I am very sorry for the loss of your sister."

"Its fine...but Sooyoung was not my real sister. She was my brother's girlfriend. He died during the apocalypse."

Hari smiled sadly as she pointed at one of her and Wujin's picture. Chanhee listened to her attentively and said.

"I am so sorry for your loss. But how did Sooyoung die ? Last time that we met she looked quite happy."

"That was the problem with her. She hid her actual feelings and plastered a fake smile on her face so that we were not worried for her. She was even visiting Dr Park Jihyo for therapy. But the depression won over. She killed herself last night after consuming poision."

Hari cried in her hands as Chanhee stared at her in confusion. Should he comfort her ?

"Oh God...I am so sorry to bring this up. I should go now."

"Its no problem...you deserve to know it as you were her friend."

"Thank you so much Ms Jang"

"Take care Mr Chanhee."

The boy bid his goodbye and left the house with another destination in mind.

"Sooyoung-ah that was close."

Hari sighed as she wiped her tears.

"To be honest you are quite a great actor."

"I know right ! Anyways we need to leave in a few days at any cost otherwise our lie will be detected."

"Hmm...you are right."

Chanhee knocked on Ms Park Jihyo's office and entered the luxurious white room after hearing a sweet 'come in'.

"Good Morning Ms Park....myself Choi Chanhee"

"Good morning Mr Choi ! Do I know you by any chance ?"

"Oh I am afraid that you don't. Actually I am a government official."

"How may I help you sir ?"

"I am here to investigate about Oh Sooyoung who attempted suicide last night."

"Oh my God...poor girl ! She was suffering from severe depression after she lost her family, boyfriend and vest friend to the zombies."

"Ohkay....anything else about her ? From how long is she coming to you for treatment ?"

"Its been 6 months actually. She had trouble sleeping and zoned out a lot. She also had mental breakdowns from time to time and the worst thing were her nightmares."

"Thank you so much for the information madam."

"Always ready to help."

Chanhee exited the room and headed to his father's office to let him know the information that he collected till now.

"Wujin-ah ! Check if apartment number 2311 is cleaned properly or not"

"Okay ! Is that going to be Sooyoung's apartment ?"

"Yes !"

"Fine ! I'll go right now !"

Wujin shouted from the living room to Namra who was cooking some food for their dinner. The boy entered the lift and quickly pressed the button to the 8th floor. 

The lift stopped at the 6th floor and a certain one eyed mullet boy entered the elevator and eyed Wujin with a smirk on his face.

"What the fuck do you want, Yoon Gwi-nam ?!"

"Calm down boy...I am just heading to the terrace to smoke."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

Wujin rolled his eyes and stared at the elevator door, waiting for it to open on the 8th floor. He sighed in annoyance when he heard Gwi-nam whistle a tune.

"Stop that its annoying !"

"Like I care"

Wujin was about to shout at the boy when the elevator doors opened on the 8th floor. He quickly exited the elevator and watched in anger as the man eating mullet monster waved him a goodbye.

"He gets on my nerves for no fucking reason ! Fucking asshole !!"

Wujin mumbled as he walked down the beautiful corridor of the apartment building and towards Room No 2311.
