New Plan

The night went peacefully with no zombies passing by their cozy stay. Mrs Lee woke up first and looked at the time. She widened her eyes as it was already 30 minutes past their departure time.

"Kids wake up ! Its already 6:30 a.m."

"What ?!"

Hwa-young and Hari quickly woke up and shouted together.

"Wake the others up too. I need to pack up before we leave."

"Yes mam"

Hari woke up the seniors and her brother while Hwa-young woke up the juniors. They all stared at Sooyoung, still fast asleep and then glanced at each other.

"Who's going to wake her up ?"

"Not me !" Cheongsan shouted when he saw everybody's eyes on him.

"Namra ?"

"That would be a big no"

"Wujin ?"

"Not me ! Ask Joon-you---"

Wujin shut himself up and stared at the ground after he realised that they had lost Joon-young forever.

"Its okay ! You guys go ! I will wake her up."

Mrs Lee said after she sensed the sad atmosphere in the room. She quietly walked over to Sooyoung after everybody went to their places.

She sat down next to her and caressed her (fried) blond hair lightly with a motherly feeling. She was fond of the girl even though she was practically a giant in height.

"Sooyoung-ah ! Wake up darling !"

Mrs Lee called causing Sooyoung to snuggle into her lap and find comfort in the lady's endearing prsesence.

"A few more minutes aunt"

"Everybody is already up and ready to leave."


"Yeah...its already 7"

"What ?!?"

Sooyoung quickly opened her eyes and ran into the small washroom of the cabin. She splashed her face with the water and ran to Dae-su while wiping her face.

"Let me check up on Dae-su's  ankle then we will continue our journey. Is it alright ?"

"Yes !"

"So are you feeling ? Are you able to move your ankle ?"

"A little bit Doctor Oh."

"Hmm...your ankle seems better than yestesrday. Don't move it too much, fine ?"

"Yes Doctor"

Sooyoung nodded her head, continuing with the playful act and stood up while turning towards the group, her back facing Dae-su.

"Lets go !"

"But what about me ?"

Sooyoung turned back towards Dae-su and stared at him for a while. She seemed lost in her thoughts.

"Nevermind...leave me here, I will only slow you down."

"Shut up !!"

Everybody shouted making Dae-su shut his mouth. He just gave them a nervous smile while Sooyoung was lost in her thoughts.

"Guys I have an idea"


"I think we should go to the nearby hospital to get medical supplies."

"Wouldn't that be unsafe ?"

"Does any of you know how to drive ?"

Mi-jin and Hyunjin raised their hands and stared at each other in surprise.

"Since when do you know how to drive ?"

They asked each other simultaneously.

"An year or two before this outbreak"

They again said together and hugged each other while jumping.

"Are you kids ? Get away !"

Min-jae separated the two and pulled Hyunjin behind his back.

"Okay okay ! Lets plan our trip before this place becomes a battle ground."


Mrs Lee kept a check around the area while the students discussed their plan.

"We will be divided in 2 groups. The first group will go out and the second group will stay with Mrs Lee and Dae-su." Namra said in a serious voice.

"But what---" Cheongsan interrupted Namra but Suhyeok shut him up.

"Let her complete"

"The 1st group will exit the forest area and move towards Hyosan since we are closer to Hyosan."

"Won't it be risky ? Can't they go to Yangdong ?" Hyo-ryung asked in a worried voice.

"Yangdong has been wiped off. All the medicines and other important stuff is already taken away by the government."

Sooyoung said in a serious voice.

"How do we know that ? It may be false."

"Mrs Lee told us. She and Mr Nam had to look for a first aid kit but there were none."

"Ohh...I am sorry for not believing you."

"No worries...Namra continue"

"We will be able to find abandoned cars or vans...hopefully. We can use a van to move in the city."

"Seems like a good idea but won't it be better if we go to a pharmacy since it will be safer than a hospital."

"And how is that so ?"

"I think that when this virus was in the initial spreading stage, people would have rushed to hospitals for help first. Also the main hospitals are quite far into the city it will be riskier for us to go in even if we have a van."

"Hari noona has a point."

"Hmm...then we can go to a pharmacy. Keep your guard up. This is for both the groups." Namra said and looked over to Sooyoung.

"Now lets divide ourselves into groups. Who volunteers to be in group 1, that is, the search team ?"

Cheongsan, Suhyeok, Namra, Hari, Hyunjin and Min--jae raised their hand.

"We need someone strong to protect Mrs Lee and Dae-su...Cheongsan and Suhyeok one of you has to stay back."

"I'll stay back then."

Cheongsan said and backed away from the search team. Sooyoung nodded her head and continued.

"Hari unnie you also stay back."

"What ? Why ?"

"I think we should take less people with us to the city. It will be safer because the more people in a group, the more noise will be made."

"Okay, cool !"

Hari nodded her head and stood next to her brother.

"So...Hari, Suhyeok, Namra, Hyunjin, Min-jae and I are going to the pharmacy. Anyone else wants to join ?"

"Me !"

Both Mi-jin and Wujin shouted together and glared at each other.

"I told you that I will go !"

"Hari/noona ! Look at him/her !"

They shouted at each other, together.

"Stop !!!"

Sooyoung shouted and glared at the two teens acting like toddlers.

"Mi-jin will come with us since she knows how to drive. No arguments !"

Sooyoung raised her voice in authority after she saw Wujin about to protest.

"So...Hari unnie, Cheongsan, Onjo, Hyo-ryung, Wujin, Dae-su and Mrs Lee are staying back. Rest of us are going with the Search Team. Is it fine with you all ?"

"Yes !"

Sooyoung looked over to Namra and signalled her to take the lead.

"Time for the instructions"

Everybody groaned and looked at each other annoyed.

"Starting with the group that is staying back...Stay inside the hut till we don't come back. Stay as quiet as possible. If the zombies pass by stay absolutely silent and don't move in the cottage too much."

"Yes Mam !"

"Time for the search team...Stay close by. Do not make unnecessary noise. Do not bicker. Stick to the group and don't walk away. Is it clear ?"

"Yes Prez !"

Namra smiled and stood next to Suhyeok.

"We will be leaving in 10. Suit yourself."

Suhyeok announced as the students got ready to face the blood thirsty monsters yet again. They knew that they couldn't back away from the situation put infront of them. They had decided to stay by each others' side and help one another in anyway possible.

"Fighting !!"
