Secret Lab ?!

The van came to a halt infront of the pharmacy. The students gulped and glanced at each other nervously.

"I think I should go first and take a look around the shop."

Namra said and got ready to go out.

"Wait ! You cannot go alone !"

Suhyeok shouted and held Namra's hand which was about to open the door of the van.

"Yes I can...Did you forget that I am invisible to those zombies ?"

Namra removed his grip from her wrist and looked around the van.

"Stay inside till I don't signal you to come."

Everybody nodded their head as Namra stepped out of the van. Suhyeok stared at his girlfriend in worry and bit his nails nervously.

"You are going to chew your fingers off"

Sooyoung said and removed his hand from his mouth. He patted his back in a comforting manner.

"Close your eyes for sometime."

She forcefully made him close his eyes and looked around the area herself. She could spot a few zombies lingering around the area as her eyes widened.

"Shit !"

"Why ?"


"What do we do now ?"

Mi-jin looked around in panic as tried to find something to defend themselves with. 

"Lets cover the windows first."


The students hurriedly covered the windows with some papers they found in the van. They took a sigh of relief and waited for Namra.

"Is she fine ?"

Suhyeok whispered and carefully removed a small portion of the paper to look for his girlfriend.

"Namra is coming !"

He whisper shouted and watched as the girl tossed away the zombies lingering near the van. She looked around and opened the door of the van.

"Its safe inside. Lets go fast !"

Suhyeok quickly came out of the van followed by the others as they ran into the pharmacy. Namra closed the glass door of the shop after pulling the shutter.

"Oh god my heart almost failed !"

Mi-jin exclaimed and quickly switched on the lights. Her eyes widened when she saw the condition of the pharmacy. The medicines were lying on the floor messily with some steel racks that had fallen to the floor.

"Looks like there was an earthquake !"

She gaged at the smell and sight of blood as she took in the condition of the shop that once used to be clean and bright.

"What all do we need ?"

Min-jae asked Sooyoung as he also looked around the recked shop.

"Grab some painkillers, bandages, ointment for pain, tablets for fever, ointment for wounds, muscle relaxer. Check the date of the medicines before taking them."


"We will meet at the counter in 15 minutes."

Sooyoung walked towards a small white door in the pharmacy while the others looked for the things she mentioned before.

"Let me see if I'll find a wheel chair or anything to help move Dae-su."

Sooyoung opened the door and gasped at the sight. It was a big lab with hi-tech technology to perform experiments. She walked into the place and started looking around without touching anything.

"Who would have built such a place in a small pharmacy ?"

She talked to herself as ended up infront of another small room with a steel door but a big glass window. The lab was cleaner than she expected as she walked out of it after finding nothing useful in it.

"Sooyoung I found a pair of crutches for Dae-su !"

Suhyeok said as he excitedly ran towards the girl. Sooyoung smiled as she patted his shoulder.

"This will surely help him. Good Job Suhyeok !"

"Thank the way...what is behind that door ?"

He asked curiously making Sooyoung laugh at his curious face.

"There is a lab behind this small door."

"What ?!?"

He shouted making everyone in the shop alert. The students quickly ran to the two and glanced around in panic.

"What happened ? Why were you shouting Suhyeok ?"

Namra asked as she worriedly scanned her boyfriend for any injuries.

"Calm down Prez...I just told him that I found a lab behind this door."

"What ?!?"

Everyone shouted as Sooyoung covered her ears.

"You people are going to make me deaf at this rate !"

Mi-jin ignored her words and opened the door of the lab. She gasped at the sight of the neat and tidy lab and closed the door after taking a good glance at the place.

"This is so cool !"

"I know right ?"

Mi-jin agreed with Sooyoung and turned towards the group.

"Do you all have everything ?" Hyunjin asked.


"Good ! Lets go to the supermarket then." Namra said and turned towards the exit.

She carefully opened the door of the shop and opened the shutter a little bit to check the area.

"Guys we need to go faster, there are a lot of zombies in the area."

She said as she looked around worriedly. She quickly opened the shutter and ushered the students out of the pharmacy before closing the shutter again.

She was the last one to get on the van as the door closed behind her. Hyunjin quickly started the vehicle and turned it into a small lane to get rid of the zombies following them.

Sooyoung removed the papers from the windows and looked around the area for any signs of human life. 

As they were passing by a small hotel, they jumped in surprise when a zombie landed on the roof of the van. Sooyoung opened the window of the van and pulled her head out to look up.

She gasped in surprise when she saw multiple zombies at the windows of the hotel and one of the windows' broken. The zombie on the roof of the van had rolled down towards Sooyoung as she quickly got in and rapidly closed the window in panic.

"Don't stop if you want to survive !"

She shouted as Hyunjin accelarated the van. Mi-jin hugged Sooyoung who was trembling badly at the sight she witnessed a few minutes before.

"Sooyoung-ah calm down...its okay...we are safe."

Namra said ashe wiped of the sweat from Sooyoung's forehead. She opened a bottle of water and gave it to the pale girl.

"You look as if you are going to die. You have become so pale. Wujin will kill us !"

Suhyeok playfully screamed as he tried to lighten the mood but in vain.

"What did you see that scared you this much Sooyoung-ah ?"


"What ?!?"

"S-Samll c-children who were t-turned into z-zombies."

She said as she took a deep breath.

"Oh shit...thats messed up."

Mi-jin muttered as she tightened her hold around the girl.
