Min Eun-ji || SEASON 2

The man walked into the big laboratory and walked over to someone staring at Min Eun-ji locked behind the glass window.

"Sir I brought the human blood sample you asked for. Its a girl's sample."

"Hmmm...keep it on the table and come here with the file of Eun-ji."

The boy did as told returning within few minutes.

"Is there any problem with her sir ?"

"Just write down the things that I tell you Chanhee...don't question anything till asked."

"Okay sir"

"Temperature is 32.5°C....no heartbeat recorded....time taken for the injuries to heal is 30 seconds for small injuries and 1 minute for serious injuries....no reaction to heat and cold....aggressive reaction to blood. Her sclera is slowly turning red in colour."

The old man dictated as his son wrote down all the details. 

"Any record of memories ?"

"No record of memories found after last experiment."

"Okay da--sir"

"Its okay...call me dad since my colleagues are not here."

"Fine dad"

"I need to take her blood sample for further research...can you turn on that button for me ?"

The boy nodded and pressed onto the red button on the panel while he watched his father put on surgical gloves and take an injection from the supply kit. The door to the room containing Eun-ji opened. The teen was strapped to a small hospital bed and started moving aggressively when she saw the man enter with the injection.

"Leave me !!"

"I just need a blood sample so keep quiet."

After the sample collection, Mr Choi exited the room, removed his gloves and sat down infront of a microscope with three blood samples - Min-ji's sample, Sooyoung's sample and another volunteer's sample.

"Chanhee ! Min Eun-ji's blood sample is reacting with sample 2 (Sooyoung's sample). The person has antibodies in her body. We can finally get the cure ! Bring her here within next few days doesn't matter if its forceful or after convincing."


Hoes for life 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Soo_old 👵🏼
Guys...I think I am going to die

What ?!? What happened ?

Let me ask again...who tf named this group chat ?!?

Mi-jin 👭🏻
I did...got any problem with it, smelly feet 🤨

Explains why its so weird

Wait....wHaT's wItH tHe nIcKnAmE ?!?

Soo_old 👵🏼
Guys I am about to die here and you are fighting 😥😔

Shut the fuck up you bitches...my baby's hurt. Tell me Sooyoungie, what happened ?

Soo_old 👵🏼
An i-insect just s-stung my a-arm...its h-hurts

You can stutter on text ?!?

Tf...you disturbed me for a fucking insect bite ?!? 

Soo_old 👵🏼
Guys this is serious 😣

Wtf....I am out of this conversation

Me too

Me three

Onjo 🥟
Me four

Me five

Soo_old 👵🏼
Hyo-ryung ?

Hyo_to-the_ryung 💅🏻
Sorry Sooyoung-ah

Soo_old 👵🏼
You guys are fucking useless...atleast Hari unnie will be there for me 💗


Soo_old 👵🏼

Soo_old 👵🏼
I am going out for a walk


Sooyoung slammed the door of her apartment with her phone in her sweater's pocket. She quickly wore her coat over the sweater and angrily walked towards the stores to get something to eat.

"I can't believe it...they trusted with me going out alone."

Sooyoung giggle to herself as she sat down inside the store after she put hot water in her ramen to let it cook for sometime. Her phone was buzzing continuously in her pocket making her annoyed. She quickly took out her phone and put it on silent and stuffed it back in her sweater.

"People can't even let others eat in peace."

She stood up after 5 minutes to throw her trash in the bin when she collided with someone. The dirty ramen bowl with a little bit soup fell onto the stranger as Sooyoung's eyes widened. She quickly threw away the trash and bowed to the person in embarrassment without looking at their face.

"Its okay...Ms"

Her eyes widened like saucers when she heard the familiar voice. Her cheeks grew redder in embarrassment as she recognised the voice of the boy from before.

"Sooyoung....My name is Oh Sooyoung. I am so sorry for your clothes. I will give you the money to let you buy new ones. I am again so sorry...I keep on colliding with you and causing you trouble. I---"

Sooyoung rambled as she stared at the floor in embarrassment. Her eyes left the floor and settled on the boy infront of her when she heard him chuckle.

"No worries Ms Sooyoung. I am Choi Chanhee by the way."

The boy put his hand out for a handshake as Sooyoung just stared at this hand infront of her in confusion. The boy pulled his hand down embarrassingly as both of them chuckled awkwardly. Suddenly the boy turned serious.

"I have something important to talk with you. Can we sit ?"


The two settled down on a chair in the store. Chanhee started explaining the whole situation to the girl without further ado.

"So...I had taken your blood sample the last time we collided. I am really sorry for that."

"That is why my arm had that injection mark....okay"

"Your blood sample was test for the cure in the government laboratory and you will be surprised to know that your blood really has the cure."

"What ?!"

"Hmm...and now we need you for further tests etc etc....Are you able to understand my point ?"

"Hmmm...give me sometime to let me discuss this with my friends."

"This is confidential but I don't want some teen to suffer under the hands of my father like the other girl from Hyosan High is suffering so....they will take you no matter if you like it or not."

"Hmm I understand but let me talk to my friends first."

"Sure...Here is my number. Let me know you decision soon."

Sooyoung nodded as the boy handed her his number on a card. He sweetly smile before walking out of the store, leaving Sooyoung in worry and confusion.

"WHAT ?!?"

Namra shouted when she heard the words of the professor. Sooyoung really was in danger in that good for nothing rescue camp.

"Yes...the news is confirmed. They have found the cure in Sooyoung and will use her as their lab rat if we are unable to get her out of there."

"What are we going to do !?"

Hwa-young muttered in worry as she paced around the room. Her thinking capacity was degrading at this point as she stared at Namra and Mr Lee. 

"Think of something Mr Lee...How can we get them out of there ???"

Namra called out to the genius man infront of her.

"You both go home and let me think of something..."

Both the girls nodded and left the laboratory in worry for their best friend.
