Music Room

"What are you both staring at ? Come help me tie this bastard. He won't stay still."

Gwi-nam ordered the two friends.

"Yaahh ! What are you both staring at ? Help me ! Save me from this psycho."

Sooyoung shurgged as she walked over to the single couch and sat there to relax herself whereas Hwa-young stood struck in her place.

"What are you doing ?!? I am expelling all of you. Leave me !"

The principal shouted in annoyance but gulped when Gwi-nam held the knife close to his throat.

"Shut the fuck up, you old hag !"

Gwi-nam shouted dangerously as he glanced at Sooyoung who was sitting comfortably almost about to doze off.

"Oh Sooyoung ! Help me tie him up."

"Hmm....I don't want to."

Sooyoung replied coldly with her eyes still closed. She was about to doze off again when her best friend spoke up.

"Why are you doing this ?"

"Why I am doing this ? Tch.....He was going to kill me. He told me to bring his car from the parking lot."

"Yaahh ! Oh Sooyoung ! You will be expelled if you don't save me."

"Hmmm....does it even matter ? You are going to expel me when Hyosan is being destroyed ? Stupid."

Sooyoung stood up from the couch and took a stroll around the room. She found a sealed water bottle and drank some water before passing it to Hwa-young.

"Leave some for the others also."

She then started going towards the door but her eyes widened when Hwa-young decided to pick up a fight with Gwi-nam.

"Stop whatever you are doing. You were, are and will be a loser forever."

"What did you say ?!?"

"I am recording all of this !"

Sooyoung turned around and saw a working phone in Hwa-young's hands with the record button turned on.

'What the fuck' Sooyoung thought as she saw Gwi-nam hide the knife behind his back.

"You are only a gopher. A useless and coward thug. You are nothing."

"I am not a gopher or loser ! I will prove you. Just wait and watch !"

"Hwa-young what the fuck are you doing bitch ! Leave that narcissistic mullet and come. We need to get to the others."

Gwi-nam's hold on the principal loosened as the old man took the chance to run but fell on the floor dead when Gwi-nam cut open his throat.

"Oh shit !"

Both Hwa-young and Sooyoung muttered staring at the dead body of the principal which was surrounded by his own blood.

"Am I still a loser ?"

Gwi-nam asked with a menacing smile on his face. He was wiping the bloodied knife on his white shirt as he was walking towards the girls in a slow pace.

"I-I have recorded everything in this phone. I will give it to the police."

Hwa-young said making Sooyoung facepalm at her friend's stupidity. The boy in front of them had just now killed the principal. They could be his next target but Hwa-young cannot use her brain even for a second.

"Give me the phone !"

"No !"

Gwi-nam ran towards the two girls like an angry bull with his only target as the phone. Just before he could touch Hwa-young, Sooyoung have him a high kick making him stumble backwards with a bloody nose.

"Oops ! Sorry not sorry."

"Yaahhh !!"

He wiped his nose before running to attack Sooyoung but the girls acted quickly and left the room, closing the door on his face.

"Lee Hwa-young how can you be so stupid ?!"

"What ? What did I do ?"

"You agitated that fucker even when he killed the principal infront of our eyes."

"But he was in the wrong !"

"But----leave it ! Now keep running he is following us."

Sooyoung increased her pace while pulling Hwa-young with her. She suddenly groaned in pain when the knife hit her back. Thankfully just the plastic handle of the knife hit her.

"That fucker !"

Sooyoung picked up the knife and started running to find a safe room while stabbing the zombies coming her way. She turned back and found Gwi-nam still following them.

"Why is he stuck to us like a leech ?!?"

Hwa-young finding no safe place, ran into the library and pushed a few zombies before making Hwa-young climb the bookshelf and following her soon after.

"You were bitten, right ?"


The boy didn't listen to their response and pushed them both from the bookshelf to the ground. Hwa-young muttered a few profanities while she started running along with Sooyoung. Both the girls climbed another book shelf and turned around to see Gwi-nam pushing the other boy to the zombies.

"Serves him right...!"

Sooyoung silently celebrated but started moving when she saw Gwi-nam coming their way.

"Oh fuck !"

Within no time, Gwi-nam reached the two girls before tackling Hwa-young to the wooden bookshelf. He smirked as he lowered her head to the zombies.

"Should I make you their food ?"

"S-Stop !"

Gwi-nam was hit by a thick book on his head as he turned around towards Sooyoung. Just as he faced her, she hit him with a hard covered thick book which she found in the library.

Gwi-nam held onto his head which now had a big red bump and a long cut from the edge of the book. He whined in pain as Hwa-young stabbed the phone in his eye to remove him from her figure. She then kicked him in his crotch and pushed him to the zombies.

"Hwa-young ! Sooyoung ! Help me !"

He cried as the zombies bit into his audacious flesh.

"Adios fucker !"

Sooyoung smiled as she waved at the boy crying in pain. She turned around ignoring Gwi-nam's pleas for help, held Sooyoung's hand and started running out of the library as the bookshelf's were being moved vigorously by the zombies.

"I will kill you both !!!"

The girls successfully exited the library with the bookshelves falling down like dominoes.

"Fuck ! That was close."

They ran to find another safe room as Sooyoung took out the kitchen knife from her skirt's pocket. She held it tightly in her hands and kicked and stabbed the zombies in their way before they reached the music room safely.

"Holy shit !"

Hwa-young muttered as she slide down the wall trying to catch her breath.

"You are so dumb Hwa-young !"

"What ? What do you mean ?"

"The police won't do anything about this all. He would have died alone if you didn't pull out that reckless act."


"You know I wasn't even worried about you when the zombies were chasing us. Wanna know why ?"

"Why ?"

"Because they won't find any brain in you for them to feast on !"

"Yaahh ! Oh Sooyoung !"

Meanwhile in the broadcasting room

"Oh shit ! They are fighting ?"

Everybody looked in surprise to see the two best friends fighting for some unknown reason. They had finally found them alive using the drone as they sighed in relief.

"Let's get to them soon."
