
Sooyoung and Hwa-young were sitting down in silence as they rested their back against the wall. They were tired after the run but were relieved that Gwi-nam was dead, or they thought so. Suddenly they heard an ear piercing sound coming from the school announcement system.

"Hello...1...2...3....mic check !"

"Get lost !"

"Uhh...I have never done this...."

"Move !!"

They giggled as they heard Dae-su and Suhyeok fighting over the mic.

"Sooyoung, Hwa-young this is Suhyeok. We are coming to you so stay where you are."

"What the fuck ? They will die like this !"

Sooyoung muttered staring at the speakers of the school announcement system.

"I am going to them. They are so stupid."

Hwa-young said in a sassy tone.

"Not more than you"

"Yaahh !! OH SOOYOUNG !!"

"What ? Its true !"

"Shut your fucking mouth !"

"No ! Aaaaa"

Sooyoung opened her mouth teasing an already angry Hwa-young. The teased girl took a deep breath and walked towards the door but stopped when she heard Onjo begging.

"Stay please ! I don't want to lose you both too."

Hwa-young sighed before sitting down next to Sooyoung who was surprisingly fast asleep.

"This girl can sleep anywhere !"


Sooyoung whined in her sleep due to the uncomfortable posture of her back. Hwa-young just chuckled before carefully making her lay down with her head on Hwa-young's lap. She was sitting in silence when she heard the meditation music playing from the school announcement system.

"I am surprised they used this much brain....Oh they have Namra !"

Hwa-young mumbled as she waited for their arrival. Hopefully they are not going to lose someone dear to them. Just as Hwa-young was about to fall asleep, the door of the music room opened with a thud, waking her up.

"Hwa-young !! Sooyoung !!"

Onjo shouted as she stepped inside the room but shut her mouth once she saw Sooyoung sleeping. It was dangerous to wake the girl up since she loves her sleep more than she loves kdramas.

Onjo was followed by Cheongsan who came in shouting unaware of the devil he just woke up.

"Onjo yahhh !!! Why wer----"

"Who the fuck had the audacity to wake me up ?! Fuck !"

Sooyoung groaned as she sat up straight. She stared at Cheongsan coldly before glaring at him with fire in her eyes.

"Lee Cheongsan....was it you ?"

The others entered to find Sooyoung glaring at Cheongsan. Dae-su looked at the confused before looking at Onjo for explanation.

"He woke her up..." Onjo whispered to Dae-su.

"Oh My God...Rest in peace Lee Cheongsan. You will be remembered."

Dae-su whispered while staring at the two. He then passed the message to the others who were just as confused as him before. They stared at the drama going on in front of them.

"I am sorry Sooyoungie. I didn't know you were sleeping !"

"I will accept your apology after killing you. Is it alright ?"


Sooyoung stood up on her feet and ran towards Cheongsan who quickly ran and his behind Suhyeok.

"Lee Suhyeok move out of my way !"

Sooyoung said as she stepped closer to the tall boy intimating him.

"Sure ! Sure !"

He quickly move away while mumbling an apology to Cheongsan.

"I am sorry bro. I don't want to die young."

"And you have the audacity to call me bro ? You left me alone in this life threatening situation !"

Cheongsan stared at Suhyeok in disbelief as he ran away from there. He ran around the room in circles followed by Sooyoung who was panting in exhaustion by now.

"Lee Cheongsan what the fuck are you ? Usain Bolt ?"

"What ?"

"Slow the fuck down you piece of shit !"

"What ? No !"

He huffed as he ran and stood at the corner of the room away from Sooyoung. The said girl fell to the floor in exhaustion as she mumbled profanities at Cheongsan.

"You are saved this time since I tired now. Sit down now !"

Cheongsan sighed in relief and layed down on the floor exhausted.

"Thank God he is safe !" Onjo muttered to Hwa-young.

"Yeah otherwise our lover girl would have been too sad." Hwa-young muttered back teasingly making Onjo annoyed.

"Yaahh !" Onjo whisper-shouted with her red face.

"Class were bitten ?"

Hyo-ryung pointed out as she stared at the bite mark on Namra's arm. The accused girl stared at the bite mark blankly as she saw the others step away from her in fear except Suhyeok and Sooyoung.

"Thats not true ! Tell them you were not bitten by a zombie !"

Suhyeok shouted while standing in front of the black haired girl.


"Tell them !"


"She was bitten by Gwi-nam !"

"What ?!?" Hwa-young and Sooyoung shouted together in surprise.

"Yeah !"

"So you are telling me Prez was bitten by Gwi-nam. As in Yoon Gwi-nam ?" Hwa-young asked in disbelief.


"Gwi-nam was bitten by zombies." Sooyoung said for Hwa-young.

"WHAT ?!?"

Everybody shouted in surprise as they stared at Namra.

"But he was fine. He talked to me and I even fought him." Suhyeok desperately tried to explain.

"But if you are bitten by zombies you turn into one."

Cheongsan coldly replied and picked up a metal music stand.

"He was fine ! Prez ! You saw him too."

Suhyeok shouted as he shielded Namra from Cheongsan's piercing gaze.

"Are you sure he was bitten by zombies ?"

"Yeah ! Not only one but many !"

"Then I will turn into a zombie too."

"What are you even saying ?!" Suhyeok shouted at Namra.

"I should leave...thank you Suhyeok and Sooyoung."

"Me ?" Sooyoung asked pointing at herself.

"Yeah for not being afraid of me and being my first friend."


Sooyoung muttered touched by the girl's words. Namra started going towards the door but was stopped by Sooyoung.

"Where will you go ? You are fine."

"Sooyoung have you lost your mind ?!?"

Cheongsan shouted as he ran to hit the bitten girl. Suhyeok quickly came forward and shielded both the girls as the stand hit his back.

"Lee Cheongsan stop it !"

"Suhyeok-ah move away ! Gyeong-su was enough. I don't want to lose anymore friends."

Cheongsan stated as he threw the broken music stand away. Both the boys were fighting while the others tried to separate them.

"STOP !!"

Onjo shouted making both of them halt. She turned towards the two best friends.

"Are you sure he was bitten ?"

"Yes a 100%"

"Did you see him turn ?"

"No, we were busy running away."

"Maybe he was bitten and did not turn. There are always immune people in movies !"

"Nam Onjo have you lost your fucking mind ! This girl has zombie blood running in her veins."

Jimin shouted making Sooyoung roll her eyes in irritation.

"GUYS !! It has already been 30 minutes and she still hasn't turned. She will be fine." Sooyoung stated.

"No she is not ! Zombies killed my parents. My innocent mom...."

Jimin said with tears in her eyes. She stared at the two girls with hatred in her eyes as she turned away from the group.

"She is not a zombie. Her hands are warm !"

Onjo said while holding onto Namra's hands.

"Sooyoung-ah push me if I turn."

Namra coldly stated as she walked over to the window and sat on the ledge making Suhyeok and Sooyoung panic. Sooyoung ran towards the girl and pulled her away from the ledge before slapping her.

"Have you lost it ? You could have died ! You are fine. Its already been 30 minutes. You will not turn. Stop being so stubborn. We lost a life last time someone was being stubborn and childish. I don't want to lose you too. So Get yourself together !"

Sooyoung shouted with tears in her eyes. She hugged Namra as she sobbed on her shoulder. Cheongsan had tears in his eyes as he held onto the music stand tightly, remembering his best friend.

Everybody's eyes widened when Cheongsan ran towards the two girls and was about to hit Namra but Sooyoung shielded her.

"Fuck ! You son of a bitch, Lee Cheongsan !!"

She shouted as she turned around and kicked him in the stomach.

"She was about to bite you !"
