The Intense Fight

"Yes me !"

Gwi-nam smirked while chewing something in his mouth. He had fresh blood smeared all over his face making Hwa-young gag at his appearance.

"Atleast wipe your mouth after eating, you pig !"

Sooyoung shouted trying to distract the halfbie from hurting her friends. The smirk on Gwi-nam's one eyed face faded away and was replaced by anger.

"What did you say ?!"

He angrily roared and stepped forward towards the group.

"Deaf bitch"

Hwa-young said and stood infront of the group protectively. Gwi-nam snapped his neck towards the girl and glared at her in anger.

"Who are you ? Did you came from the one heart club ?"

Dae-su asked the bloodied boy in confusion. Gwi-nam stared at the bear boy in confusion and raised his eyebrow.

"You don't know me ?"

"I know you very well. You are a loser bully who kills and hurts others just for fun. You are a trash and a piece of shit !"

Hwa-young shouted making Sooyoung cry internally at her best friend's stupid mouth.

"She is right. You are neither a good student nor a good human being. You are absolutely nothing."

Sooyoung added while internally crying at her words.

"I usually don't hurt pretty girls but I will respectfully gouge your eyes out and throw your blind ass to the zombies."

"Try it you shit !"

Cheongsan shouted and ran to punch Gwi-nam but the bully threw him away like a rag doll. Cheongsan landed on a pile of wood as he groaned in pain.

"Cheongsan !"

Onjo ran towards her boyfriend while Sooyoung faced Gwi-nam with an angry look on her face. She clenched her fists and confidently stepped infront of Hwa-young.

"Don't come in my way. I will just kill these two and go away. If not then get ready to die !"

Nobody backed off as Gwi-nam roared in anger and ran towards the two girls. Suhyeok and Dae-su quickly came forward. Suhyeok punched Gwi-nam in the face while Dae-su pushed him away from the group.

But everybody stared in surprise when Gwi-nam kicked away both Suhyeok and Dae-su together and seemed unaffected.

"What the fuck is he ?!"

Wujin shouted and ran to Sooyoung's aid. He pushed away Gwi-nam who had come closer to the two girls. Joon-young joined him in trying to beat the boy but in vain when Gwi-nam easily threw them to the pile of wood.

"Brother ! Wujin ! Hwa-young help them !"

Sooyoung shouted in anger and ran towards Gwi-nam. Hwa-young quickly got into action and helped the two boys while Sooyoung fought with the one eyed halfbie.

"You. Son. Of. A. Bitch ! You. Dared. To. Hurt. My. Brother. And. Wujin !"

Sooyoung shouted as she powerfully kicked the bully with each word but she was stopped when Gwi-nam held her leg in mid air. He smirk as he spit some blood to the ground.

"Got ya"

He was about to twist her leg when Sooyoung jumped in the air and kicked him on his neck. The air fell silent as a crack was heard on Gwi-nam's neck. Sooyoung freed herself from Gwi-nam's grip and stood straight.

"No, you did not."

She dust her clothes and watched as Gwi-nam cracked his neck in its place painfully slowly.

"That looks like it hurt"

Sooyoung said with a smirk on her face and before Gwi-nam could regain his posture, she kicked him in the back of his knee and banged his head on the wall of the rooftop.


She muttered sadly and backed away from the groaning boy. She then kicked him on his back making him fall to the floor.

"Thought you were going to kill me"

"Sure, why not"

Gwi-nam said and stood up. He wiped the blood off his forehead and walked towards Sooyoung. The girl stayed calm as she stared at the boy blankly. Suhyeok quickly lunged forward and kicked Gwi-nam on his chest making him bend backwards in a weird position.

Sooyoung further kicked the back of his knee making him fall in a weird position. A loud crack was again heard as Gwi-nam stood on his feet completely fine as if he regenerated into a new body.

He ran forward and kicked Suhyeok away before holding Sooyoung in a choke hold. The tall girl struggled as she kicked his arm multiple times but to no avail. She suddenly remembered about the file she read in the Science Lab's Supply room, Jonas Virus.

It clicked on her mind that Gwi-nam was gaining his power due to all the anger he was feeling in his body. She stopped struggling unable to breathe properly.

"I told you...I will kill you !"

He smirked and stared into Hwa-young's eyes. He continued choking Sooyoung making her face go pale due to the lack of Oxygen. He was suddenly hit on the back with a burning wood from the bonfire.

"Who the fuck---"

Gwi-nam turned around while cursing but was met with a punch on his face by none other than Namra. Gwi-nam threw Sooyoung away as he held his broken nose. He shouted in fear when he felt his jacket burning due to the fire.

"Well deserved"

Hwa-young said while hugging Sooyoung who was coughing violently. Sooyoung calmed down her unsteady breathing and stared at Namra with gratitude. She stood up and elegantly walked over to the burning jacketed Gwi-nam.

"This is for hurting my friends."

Sooyoung said with a hoarse voice and kicked Gwi-nam towards the wall of the rooftop.

"This is for bullying innocent students"

She gave him another kick.

"And this is for hurting me !"

Sooyoung gave him a final, hard kick making him fall from the rooftop.

"NO !!!"

Gwi-nam shouted as he fell of the high building. Sooyoung just watched him fall along with Namra and soon walked towards the group that had gathered around the fire once again but with new injuries.
