7. My birthday

Hey everybody!

Hope you like this chapter, love you all!!! Oh, and prepare yourselves. I have a little surprise on this chap!...

Read to find out!


Chapter 7: My birthday

I woke up to my mom singing the happy birthday song in spanish with a cake in her hands. Wow it's already September 23! It's Friday, the day of my birthday...

" 'Ay, mi nena es quinceañera!!"(oh, my girl is a quinceañera) A quinceañera is something Puertorricans do when a girl turns fifteen. It's like a sweet sixteen only, ya know, sooner.

I laugh a bit, still a bit on the limbo side because of sleep.

I made a quick wish (it may or may not have to be with Ian) and blew out the candle.

I had asked mom to not do anything drastic like a party for my birthday. I only asked for dad and Edward to be here tonight and see a family movie.

I do the morning routine, say bye to mom and head to school. In the way there Sara's mom told me Sara had woken up early (surprisingly) and went to school. That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. Sara, waking early... Pshshush! ha ha!!! She must be sick or something!

I got to school and headed to my locker to get my English book, which I left. In the way there Keithlin appeared and started to sing:

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthd-'' I clasp a hand over her mouth and look around, people were staring. I hate attention.

"Shush! People are judging!!" I look around and a few were laughing. ''I won't let you go until you promise not to sing, ok?''

I didn't take my hand away until she nodded, then she screamed:


She finished with a huge smile. Everybody looked at me.

My face heated up. "Gosh, shush!" We started to head to my locker.

"Ha ha, sorry sorry... But you only said singing!" Keithlin said between giggles.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

I got to my locker and took out my English book. I was closing the locker when Ian rounded the corner casually. When he saw me he stopped with huge eyes.

I smiled at him and waved. He took a step back, turned around and rounded the corner he just came through. Almost running!

What did I do? I asked in my mind confused.


I looked at myself 'Do I look that bad?'

I was wearing a green T that had the France tower drawned on it, had my skiny jeans and black convers, my hair was loose. I'm pretty sure I did not look like a witch... Well, I hope I didn't.

I looked at Keithlin. She was looking at Ian's way with a look that said 'Unbelievable'

"Hey Keithlin, what's wrong with Ian? Do I look bad or something?''

Her eyes winded in shock ''I-I don't know what your talking about...'' She was lying. Sara knows how to lie, but Keithlin is a different story.

"Keithlin, you saw Ian. When he looked at me he panicked; like if he was scared of me.''

I saw her desperate eyes looking for an answer, an escape. What is she hiding?... Suddenly her eyes sparkled and, out of no where, she pulled a present bag that said happy birthday from inside her bag.

"Happy Birthday Samantha!'' She screamed. With that I forgot all about Ian. Well, you know, for the time being. ( 'cause I could never forget all about Ian)

We headed to English. I had already put Keithlin's present on my locker and thanked her. It was a little teady bear, a chocolate bar (Yummm) and a Happy Birthday card.

When we got to the classroom, the teacher wasn't here yet, just a few students here and there.

At our usual seats were Sara and Taylor. When they saw us they came running and ambushed me with a bone crushing hug.

"Happy Birthday Sami!!!"

"Ah girls-I-C-can't-breath!" I tried to escape.

They let me go and laughed.

Taylor had a birthday bag on her hand and gave it to me ''Happy Birthday Sami. Open it.'' and she winked and had a mischievous smile... I wonder what she got me...

Wow... She got me a 3 photo frame. One was me with Taylor, another one was the seven of us: Sara, Taylor, Hunter, Keithlin, Ian, Jake and me. The last one was of me and Ian when he was giving me a back hug, this one was in shape of a heart. I felt my cheeks burn up...

Taylor gave out a loud laugh and said ''You will thank me later."

"You don't cease to amaze! Thank you!" I pushed her a little and put the frame back in the birthday bag.

Then came Sara. She hugged me and said: ''Girl, you are a quinceañera, you are now fifteen! I want to thank you for being my best friend for all my life. I don't know what I would have done without you, that's why...'' she took out two tickets from her back pocket, my mouth winded.  "I bought two tickets for Harry Potter 7/second part the movie!!!!" She smiled at me.

I started to jump up and down hugging Sara ''Oh my God! Girl you over did it this year, you didn't have to!!" But I really want to go, I added that in my mind.

"Only one detail. This tickets are for December 10 to the 17, so you can use it when that week arrives. I know you have never seen this movie, sorry for the late date. Oh, and, as you know, Harry Potter isn't on Cinemas, but here, you know the little theater that is on our town? That only shows like one movie the whole week? Non of them new?"

I nod my head. She's talking about the mini-theater that is capable of many people inside, but only show one movie. They are not new movies, like last week they were showing Nany Macfee... We can walk from Sara's house ten minutes and arive at the mini-theater, the town is like five minutes away from the school.

''Oh! That's ok! I don't know how to thank you enough!"

Never enough, I added in my mind. I, as Sara, are fans of the H. Potter movies. But we are not exaggerated. We don't have a bunch of posters, like other fans. We just like to see the movies and read the books.

"Oh, just go out with Ian, and then I will be happy!" She smiled at me and clapped her hands.

I looked at her seriously ''Don't go there.''

Sara laughed and her raised her hands. ''Sorry sorry... but you will do it eventually.'' I punched her in the arm. Hard.

"No, seriously. Why do you think I bought two tickets? For you and your conscience?! No way!" Sara said going all dramatic.

I look at her and smile "Well, I was planning on taking you. Since you bought the tickets...''

''That can be arranged! GO OUT WITH MR. HOTTY!'' She said while shaking me by my shoulders.

"Ok ok, I'll think about it! You happy!?'' I yell.

She smiled cutely "Yup.'' I just roll my eyes.

"So what are you going to do today to celebrate?'' Asks Sara.

I shruggle ''Just hang out at home and see a family movie with dad, mom and Edward.''

"I imagined you would do that! That's why we are going to the mall this saturday! With all the guys!'' I was about to open my mouth to protest.  ''Oh, and don't protest, I already talked to your mom. She agreed.'' She smiled while nodding. I just roll my eyes and smile. I've been rolling my eyes too much lately.

We went back to our seats. Later, Hunter entered with Ron and other guys following.

Ron: ''So the girl was all like 'what' and I was all like 'you heard me'....'' he kept talking, but Hunter wasn't listening.

He looked at me and mouthed 'happy birthday'. He left Ron talking to the guys and came next to me and game me another bone crushing hug (I swear, the only thing people give are bone crushing hugs) then took a small box from his pocket and gave it to me ''See if you can remember this day.'' He then went back to Ron that was still talking and waving his hands in the air. See? Ron is weirder than Sara...

I opened the little box and had a photo in it... OMG. It was a pic of the five of us (Sara, Kaithlin, Taylor, Hunter and I) on first grade! I love it!

I put it safely in my pocket and pay attention to the teacher that had just walked in.


The class was... unexpected. Sara approached Miss Forest and told her it was my birthday. She allowed everyone to sing, just before the bell. When the bell rang, they were still singing Happy Birthday, and everyone that passed stopped and sang too.... I'll kill Sara one day. NO, better. I'll get my revenge! Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

We went to the cafeteria. In the way I left the presents in my locker. Hunter stayed with Ron on the 'boys' table. I hadn't seen Ian since that stunt of his... I wonder where he is...

I look at Sara, she looked inpatient.

I couldn't see Ian anywhere. I remembered our encounter this morning and decided tell Sara about it. She was her cousin so maybe she knew.

"Hey Sara, do you know what's wrong with Ian? When he saw me this morning he avoided me. Basically turned around and left... I didn't even get to say hi."

Her eyes opened huge and said ''He did what!!?"

I jumped surprised and explained again. I heard her mumble something about an idiot... I supose she called him an idiot.

"So you know what's wrong with him?'' I ask, I saw Taylor and Keithlin look around nervous, they know too!!! WTH?!

"Um, no I don't know what's wrong with him, that is really strange.'' She said seriously, oh well...

A moment later I saw Ian followed by a smirking Jake coming this way with his hands behind his back looking nervous. What's wrong with everyone today?!

When he reached the table he sat next to me and Jake next to Keithlin. Then Ian said ''Happy Birthday Sami.''

Aaaaaand pulled from his back a red rose...

I died and lived again.

My mouth went wide open, and closed, opened, and closed... Ian got me a rose... It was a simple small red rose.

For some people it may be simple or lame, but for me it's the best gift he could ever give me.

I took the rose and smelled it with a smile on my face. ''Ian... I love it!" And hugged him, I didn't care if he thought it was strange for me to hug him. It felt right.

My heart was beating fast. No one had gotten me a flower before... it felt special.

He let out a bunch of air and said ''Phew, I tought you wouldn't like it!"

"Psh, like it? I love it!!!!! Thank you soooooo much Ian, it means a lot!"

Oh gosh, I said too much. I think I have butterflies in my tommy... No, an angry mob in my tummy better said.

I looked at the girls and they were smiling at me, well except Sara. She was doing a weird movement with her head, like if she was twitching or was in pain.

Suddenly Sara sighed, followed by a loud cough, earning our attention. ''Hey Ian, don't you have something to tell Samantha?!''

I looked at Ian. His face slowly gave off a soft shade of red. ''Well, Sami I hope you have a very very very happy birthday!!! Um... I have to go, so see ya later!" He rapidly stood up and left. What the...?

''Argh...'' Sara pushed her food from in front of her and slammed her head on the table many times and mumbled words like ''Stupid....coward....a rose...feelings... seriously...''


I look at Jake, he was holding his laughter with his hand, but Keithlin elbowed him on the ribs. He winced in pain and stopped laughing, turning all Mr. Serious.

I look at the rose and can't help think 'what is wrong with Ian?'

I told the girls to wait here while I took the rose to my locker. Sara wanted to come with me, so I let her come.

In the way there I'm thinking. I had my head down looking at the rose while caressing it's petals. Why is Ian scared of me?

It's like if I was the plague or was contagious... My heart ached at that thought. I've known Ian for a while. He wouldn't act like this without a reason.

The corridors were really silent. Ian's face popped into my thoughts... Wow. This month has been cool. I turned into a friend of the boy of my dreams.

I raise my head and look at the end of the hallway, next to my locker. There was a guy with his back to us that was talking to someone, I couldn't see who.

We were getting closer. I noticed who the dude was. It was Ian. Who is he talking to?

We got closer and... Carla! I frowned. He is talking with Carla...?

Carla looked my way realizing I was present. She smiled at me; an evil smile. She turned back to Ian, swirled her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

I felt my lungs give out all it's air. I could not breath. My heart... I just can't explain the feeling. The only words to describe it is to compare it to a punch to a fragile ice sculped heart; breaking it to a million pieces.

But that's not the worse part. Oh no. The worse part is that he is kissing her back. He is not fighting her. Not pushing her away...

I always thought that the girls that told their 'tragic' story of broken hearts was exaggerated in all points, but now I feel what they feel.

It's like your own heart is killing you from the inside to the outside... The sorrow, the sadness, the pain. All of it came barging into me, like clouds letting the rain fall. I would never recommend anything like this to anyone.

The thing is that I knew not to get my hopes up. And I did. It's all my fault.

My rational side knew it. It tried reasoning that I was not his girlfriend. I didn't have claim on him.

But my emotional side was doing rampage inside of me.

This scene... Infront of me... unbearable. Unshed tears started to fill my eyes. They were like the clouds that were ready to deliver a storm.

It felt like decades passed with me feeling agony inside.

I didn't realize the rose slipped from my hand and fell on the floor. A soft 'thud' echoed on the hallway. Almost un-hearable, but enough for Ian to break their kiss and turn around.

Our eyes met. A single tear escaped my eye. I pursed my lips together. I was trying to contain the tears. I would not let him see me like this.

I wasn't his girlfriend for God's sake! He could kiss anyone he wanted!

But it hurt so bad...

I could feel the tense situation, the awkward scenario.  His eyes were surprised, then changed to pure regret in an instant.

"Sami...'' Ian said in a pained whisper.

I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know why he was in pain, but hearing his pain only increased mine.

He couldn't see me like this.

I turned around and ran. I didn't care where, I just ran, not letting another tear escape. Maybe you would think 'hey this girl is a total coward'... if you think that, then you don't know what it feels like.

Plus, I have no claim over him. Once he sees my reaction, he'll know I like him. Ian will think differently of me. I think I might just have ruined our friendship.

God I'm stupid!

I don't know how much I ran. By now I couldn't see a thing by all the tears in my eyes. I think I entered the girl's bathroom that was located at the other side of the building. I crunched my self under the sink and the waterfalls started. The scene played again, and again, and again in my head... It was in an infinite repeat.

How could I be so naïve. I thought maybe... that maybe he, one day, would feel the same way.

Who am I kidding?! He is Ian! One of the most popular kids in High School! He belongs with Carla, not me; the awkward nerd.

I have been a total fool thinking I had a chance.  I'm Samantha, Ian's friend. Nothing more! I am just lucky to be one of his friends. If I wouldn't have become his friend I would be a nobody. I think I will and always be just his simple friend.

Maybe now, because of my reaction, I will be nothing to him...


- 10 minutes earlier -

Sara's POV

Where is he?! I have been looking for Ian since forever! I didn't wake up early for him to backstab me! What an idiot!

You must be thinking 'Why is Sara insulting and looking for her own cousin?'

Well simple... Because he promised me he would tell Sami today!

If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, well listen to this. Ian likes Samantha! Surprising right!? He told me last weekend.

My family was invited by his Dad for dinner at his house. After we ate we hanged out in his room and Ian told me everything. He even told me he was getting her a rose! What a joke, right? Like if he is really brave enough to give her a rose.

I sat on the table with Taylor, Keithlin and Samantha.

Where is Ian?!

Suddenly Samantha explained to me what happened this morning.

''He did what!?"

I can't believe he did that! He just blew his cover! He is such an idiot! Argh!

Samantha explained what happened again. I mumbled that He was such an idiot, but I meant to say it on my mind not mumble it.

She asked if I knew.  I lied saying I didn't know.

I think I distracted her enough... so back to my thinking. Where is that idiot of a cousin! He told me he was going to tell her on lunch break! It's already lunch break!

My patience for this type of things is very thin.

Out of nowhere Ian appeared followed by Jake and said ''Happy Birthday Sami!'' and pulled from his back a red rose...

You got to be kidding me. A red rose? I thought he didn't have the guts!

''Ian... I love it!"

I look up and she was hugging him.

That is so cute!... Tell her now you doofus!

They had a small exchange where Samantha told him she loved the rose.

I started to move one hand to try to catch his attention. He looked at me and frowned, not getting my message. I started to portray my thoughts through my mind:

'Tell her now. Tell her now.' I repeated in my head while making pointing movements at Sami with my head.

Ian just frowned.

Oh come on! Didn't you pass the Jedi test with Yoda?  I think not. But I did!

I sighted loudly and coughed ''Hey Ian, don't you have something to tell Sara?!''

Like tell her you like her? I added in my mind.

Ian's eyes opened huge, realizing what I meant and then blushed. He of course, not long after, scrambled away. This obviously left Sami in a very confused state.

My cousin is an idiot.

I slammed my head on the table out of frustration.

''Stupid Ian. He is such a coward. A rose isn't going to express all his feelings. Does he seriously think that?... Stupid!'' Pretty sure I ended with a red mark on my forehead.

Sami stood up and told us she was putting the rose in her locker. I went with her.

While walking I am thinking how to get them both together, cause if I depend on Ian... nop. Won't work at all.

Samantha and I are walking through the hallway...

Hehe. Inside joke, obviously you can't go into a hallway!!!! ha ha... wait. That wasn't funny at all... ok... back to earth...

I look at Samantha, since she stopped walking and stared with a pained face up front.

So I look at front and what do you think I found!?

No, not a little blue smurf... It would be cool to see one...

I saw Carla and Ian sucking each others faces.


Now that is something you don't see each day.


Oh fuck... they are kissing!

That Little Bitch, oh my gosh. And HIM! HE. IS. A. BACKSTABER! He lied to me!

I was about to show Ian what Miss lefty and Mr. righty (My Fists) think about this situation.

I heard a silent thud. I look at the source of the noice on the floor, Samantha's rose. OMG. Samantha! I look back at her. A single tear escaped her eye.

"Sami...'' I heard Ian say in pain. I look back at him.

"Shiiiit..." Where did that came from? Oh yeah, me.

He was looking at Sami with an agonizing look. Oh, he must be in pain alright or I'll give it to him!

Not a second later, Samantha flew (running, obviously) out of there. I stared at Samantha's back until she turned a corner.

"Oh, what's wrong with that nerd, jealous?'' she snaked an arm around his arm.

He didn't move. Ian had a pained petrified face

''Well that shouldn't be a problem! Let's continue!" Carla's voice echoed trough the hallway.

Ohhhh that did it.

I went straight to her and started to push her back against the lockers. She frowned at the sudden violence.

''You! You little... Argh!!!!'' I shoved her shoulder.

I'm angry, but I know that I would get in trouble if I leave marks for forward evidence to get me expelled.

I continued to shove her, but not with all my power, it might kill her (I mean, with how fragile she looks) or leave nasty bruises. Like I said, evidence.

''Argh... stop... Stop! Mmm!'' She complained and moved to the side, escaping my rage. She ran away, oh but I'll get her later. I'm seeing red!

If this was a normal situation, me and the girls would be laughing at Carla for trying to run on high heels! But not now. Now I was furious! No, more than that. They broke my best friend's heart!!!!

I turn to Ian. He was looking at the way Samantha ran. I went straight to him and started to push him on his shoulder.

''I can't believe you did that! You lied to me Ian." I pushed him again. "Even worse, you broke Samantha's heart!''

I pushed while yelling at him... ''Sara, please... I can explain.'' Ian said pained.

Oh, but I continued.

'' '¡Tu eres un verdadero estúpido, ¿lo sabías? ¡Eres un idiota! ¡Sángano! ¡¿Cómo te atreves!?'''

(You are stupid, ya' know? You are an idiot! Idiot/stupid! How dare you?!)

I kept insulting on Spanish 'till Ian caught my hands and said "Sara stop. I said I can explain!''

I pulled my hands from his grip and crossed my arms across my chest, tapping my foot. ''Well, I'm listening! You better have a good explanation."

He let his arms down and looked at the floor.

He maintained silence. I was about to open my mouth when he suddenly kicked the locker furiously; leaving a little bump... that must have hurt.

"Argh! I just, I don't know what came over me! I-I didn't want this! I don't like Carla, you know it! I don't know what happened to me back there, but please, you have to believe me!"

"Why were you kissing her?" I asked with a glare.

He groaned. "I don't know. Never in my life would I dream of kissing her. I'm disgusted right now! She just kissed me and I just went with it... I don't know why I did it. I had Sami in my mind before she came!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. Ian pursed his lips. His eyes were glossy.

"I only like Sami. No one else! I'm so, so sorry Sara... You have to believe me!'' He finished looking at me. He had tears in his eyes.

I sighed ''I don't like it. I believe you... But I am not the one you should be saying sorry to.''

He looked at me, lost. I give out a chuckle ''Don't tell her, but Sami likes you, a lot!''

His eyes mirrored shock, a single tear escaping ''She does?'' wiping it away.

Manly tears... That's strange to witness... Sara, concentrate.

I nod, right on the bell. It rang, and like ants tha hallway filled with teenagers. Just like it filled, it emptied, leaving the both of us alone again.

"Fuck! Samantha! I have to find her pronto!!!'' I ran Samantha's way. I heard Ian following. I know where she is. Actually, I hope she is there... it's a big school. I just hope I find her fast...

I'm gonna cry... WHY SAMANTHA!!! WHYYYY!!!!!
What will happen next!? I know!  Until next time my friends... Bye!!!!

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Acnaiv ;)
