6. Truth or Dare

This chapter is a bit short, this is only to introduce Keithlin's mother, Keithlin's neighbor, and tell you more about Taylor.

This chap is dedicated to my best reader carlos_books and Samantha- reed :). You can thank me later guys... ;)


Chapter 6: Truth or Dare

The week flew by. Taylor, Hunter, and us have made a tight group. It's 8pm, Saturday. The girls and I are at Keithlin's house. Keithlin lives almost 30 minutes away from school on car. Her house is huge, it has two floors, but doesn't have a huge backyard like Sara's house. Down stairs is the kitchen, a bathroom, living room and tv room. At the upper level there are four bedrooms and a bathroom.

We were having a sleep over here. I got here around ten minutes ago. I was putting my things in Keithlin's room. Her walls were painted in different shades of purple. Her bed was king sized. It only filled a little space of the huge room. She had a painting of a girl on a tree. Behind the girl a boy stared. I don't know why but it reminds me of Sara.

I heard Taylor scream from downstairs:

"Sami! Hurry up 'Letter's to Juliet' is starting!"

"I'm going! I'm going!" I ran down stairs in my green pj's.

When I ran down stairs to the TV room.

''Sheesh! What took you so long!" Keithlin whined. She was wearing pink pj's, while Taylor was wearing a dark purple one and Sara a blue one. They had covered almost all the floor and couch with blankets and pillows.

I slumped down on the couch. Taylor and Keithlin were on the floor. Sara sat on the other couch.

''Sorry, sorry. Just putting my stuff up stairs!" I said.

"That took you almost a whole houurrrr." Keithlin whined.

I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. "It only took 10 minutes."

Keithlin chuckled. "Sure sure."

The movie started. It was showing a bunch of people kissing.

This continued for a while until Sara said "How ironic, right? They are kissing while we like... I don't know... stare."

I chuckled "Love is a magical thing, you know? How the person looks at the person's eyes. They lean together and bam! They kiss... But that only happens to lucky people...''

"Don't worry, Ian is all yours. It will happen eventually...'' Sara murmured.

I imagined myself with Ian.

His hand touching my cheek, as he leans in and captures my lips with his...


I felt my cheeks burn up.

"I bet your imagining it, ain't ya?" Keithlin asked wiggling her eyebrows at me.

''Of course not! Hey, you got popcorn?!" I ask distracting them as Sara handed me a bowl.

Good to know they dropped the subject. I don't think I would be able to contain my slight embarrassment.


The movie ended at 9:30. Taylor, Keithlin and I finished crying, while Sara just laughed at us. It is really difficult to make her cry. I, at least, have never seen her cry.

We all headed to Keithlin's room and put a random CD. We ended up with a Katy Perry one.

Sara turned it down and said ''Ok, let's play truth or dare!"

I panicked. When Sara wants to play truth or dare, it doesn't end pretty for anyone. Not even for Sara.

"Oh, yeah! I want to play!!!" Taylor encouraged the idea.

Keithlin looked nervous ''Um, no. I don't want to play.''

"Me neither.'' I said.

Taylor whined with Sara.

''Ok, so there are 2 v.s. 2. Let's throw a coin. If it's heads we play. If it's tails, we play something else." Taylor said excited.

"Fine...'' Keithlin said, ''but I'll throw it!"

Sara squealed in excitement as Keithlin searched for a coin in her purse. When she found one, we made a circle and placed the coin the the middle.

''If it's head we play.''

The coin flew through the air.

I prayed for it to not land on head.

My prayers were not listened.

"Yes! Yes! Head! We are going to play!" Sara happily sang.

Oh no. Keithlin and I whined while Taylor and Sara danced around the room.

"We'll play with a bottle. If I spin it and it lands on me I lose my turn. If it lands on one of you, you deside if truth or dare and then that person spins the bottle. Ok I'll start!" Sara explained and took a water bottle out of her bag. I think she planned all of this. Sneaky Sara!

We stayed in a circle on the floor and she spinned it. It landed on Taylor.

''Ok! Truth or dare?" Sara asked.

"Truth'', said Taylor.

"Hum... Do you miss New York? And Why?"

Taylor frowned. ''Well, in part I do, for all the stores. You don't imagine how nice it was over there. But I don't miss New York.  I had a relationship... I thought the guy-that the guy loved me. But no, I caught him cheating on me, with my supposed best friend.''

Christ, talk about drama.

''Well... welcome to our group. We look at boys, but don't touch. We are all single ladies!" They all chuckled at my comment. "Your turn Taylor.''

Taylor spinned the bottle, it landed on me.

"Truth or dare Sami?"

I thought ' Taylor isn't like Sara in this game'

"Hum... Dare. ''

I was mistaken.

Taylor grinned "Now and on speaker call Ian!"

OMG WHY?!!!!

"I-I-I-I don't have his cell number.'' I lied.

"Yes! You do!'' Keithlin said laughing holding my phone!! She is checking my phone!! Back stabber!

"Hey! Give it back!" I try to take it back. She had already pressed call and put it on speaker, I heard the phone ring.

"Oh no you didn't..." I said with a deadly tone.

"Oh yes she did!'' Sara and Taylor grinned.

It rang three times when 'Hello?' Ian's voice answered our call. F*ck!

Sara, Keithlin and Taylor started giggling.

"Oh, hey Ian! It's me, Samantha!''

'Oh Samantha! What's up honey bun!'

Oh my gosh...

The girls opened their eyes and tried to hold their laughter. Oh I'll kill them later. I heard Taylor mumble "Damn! He called her Honey bun!"

"Oh, nothing, here with the girls, we are having a sleep over at Keithlin's...''

'Oh, ok. So why are you calling me? You need anything?' Oh no what am I going to tell him!

"Hey Ian!" The girls screamed.

There was silence.

'Am I on speaker?'

"Yes, yes you are.'' I said simply.

'Oh... well...'

"Ian, gotta go. Talk to you on school, ok? Bye.'' I didn't wait for him to answer. I turned the cell phone off and placed it in my PJ's pocket.

If looks could kill, my dear friends would be corpses.

"Awe! Why did you do that honey bun!?" Sara whined. The girls laughed at me while Sara joined them.

My face was heating up. I fanned my face with my hand, but with no bail.

"I did the dare! Now it's my turn!" I spun the bottle and it landed on Taylor!

''It's payback time!!!! Truth or dare?'' I asked in a happy tone.

''Truth!" Taylor said simply.

''Ok... um, do you like someone? If you do say his name.'' I smirked.

''No, I don't. I'm still recovering from my previous boyfriend." She answered truthfully. "Ok! My turn again.'' She spun the bottle and it landed on Keithlin.

''Keithlin! Truth or Dare?'' Taylor asked mischievously.

"Truth!!!'' Keithlin answered.

"Ok, do you like someone? If you do say his name!'' She finished with a smirk.

''Well, yes. Yes, I do like someone.'' She said nervously. Well, about time Taylor knew about this.

''And it is...?'' Taylor asked suspiciously.

''Jake...'' Kaithlin answered covering her eyes with her hands.

''Oh really?" Taylor asked surprised.

Keithlin peeked behind her fingers.

"Well... He's HOT!'' Taylor said and wiggled her eyebrow. 

Sara and I laughed.

''Tell me about it," Keithlin smirked. "I've liked him since I had this dream where he told me to recycle."

Taylor blinked. "That has no sense at all... But if it makes sense to you, then I'm all good."

Keithlin chuckle. "Oh well. I think it's time to sleep, before any other inconvenience happens...'' Keithlin said, we all agreed.

We all had camping bags on the floor and went to sleep in them.

It was around ten that I thought a logical question 'Keithlin likes Jake. Taylor nobody. I like Ian, but Sara?' I remembered the shy looking dude the first week of school. I still don't know his name... I should investigate! With that thought, I surrendered to sleep.



I woke up startled and covered my eyes from the sudden shine in the room.

''MMmmm!'' I mumbled and pulled my bag over my face.

"Wake up sleepy head!'' Keithlin said from above me. She uncovered my face making me groan.

''Huh?'' I ask. I feel like Sara when she visits Sara land.

''Come on. The girls are down stairs eating breakfast. Brush your teeth and come down stairs...'' With that she left me in the room.

I sat up in my camping bag and looked around. Indeed, there was no one here.

I brushed my teeth in the bathroom upstairs and checked my phone. I had a text message from Ian. Since I had turned my phone off I hadn't seen it.

-Were you playing truth or dare? ;D-

That was sent a moment after I called.... Well, the girls called him. I send him one back.

-Yup, pls don't ask :P-

I put the phone on my bag and went down stairs, still on my PJ's.

''About time you woke up! I even woke up early. It's already 10:30 young lady!'' Sara said with a few tsk's.

I laughed. ''Sorry. A question had me awake all night.''

''What question?" asked Taylor curious.

I smirked "It was of who Sara li-'' I didn't finish my sentence cause Keithlin's mother entered the kitchen.

''Good morning girls...'' I could see she has just woken up. She's an older version of Keithlin. Oh, and she drives like a maniac!

"Hello 'Sra. Pagan'" Taylor said. Sofia Pagan is her name.

"Oh honey, please call me Sofia or Sofi... Oh my! You made breakfast!"

I noticed there was a plate filled with pancakes! Yummy!

"Oh, I wanna!" I said sitting in one of the chairs and put to pancakes in my plate. I pored a bunch of sirup. ''Mmmmm!" I said while putting a piece in my mouth. This tastes fabulous!

"Is it good? I made those." Asked Keithlin.

"Do I like them?! I love them!" I said with a full mouth. I think I'm turning into Sara. That reminds me...

After I swallowed ''Hey Sara, Do you like someone?"

"Yeah! Who do you like?!" Said Keithlin and Taylor at the same time.

"Of course!" She said smiling.

"Who?!" We all asked with surprised faces.

Sara frowned. "Um, I like everyone. Except Carla, her minions, Derek the bully, math teache-"

"No! I mean like like. Who do you fancy?" Taylor interrupted her.

Sara frowned. Oh she's acting. I just know it.

"Nobody, I like nobody...'' Sara said nervously, but disguised it very well.

''Hum... I think you do!!!'' Keithlin said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes yes yes!'' same did Taylor.

Sara rolled her eyes and said ''No no no. No, I don't!''

''Yes, you do.'' Taylor and Keithlin.

''No, I don't.'' Sara

''Yes, you do!'' Taylor and Keithlin.

''No, I don't!'' Sara was getting frustrated.

This is not gonna end well... ''Ok , so you'll tell us when you are ready. For now, you like no one...'' I said while eating more pancakes.

Taylor and Keithlin did a puppy dog face and looked at Sara. She just laughed.

After we ate, dressed up and packed our things, there was a knock at the door followed with a pinched scream 'KEITHLIN!!!'

I saw Sara roll her eyes. I too rolled mine. Taylor looked at us like asking 'who is that?'.

Keithlin only smiled and opened the front door, revealing a girl two years older than us. She had white skin, but not pale enough to compare with Sara. Had big brown eyes, was around Taylor's hight and dark brown hair with a bunch of different color high lights.

Her name is Rachel. She has been Keithlin's neighbor since forever.

One little detail you should know, she is practicly in love with Hunter. Yeah, what a surprise! She likes him since last year, when we were assigned to do a four people project on this dude from I don't know what year. Rachel came marching inside taking a look at Hunter... the rest is history.

Another little detail is that I don't like her, and neither does Sara. She reminds us of Carla. Keithlin is her neighbor, so technically she has to put up with her. She goes to our school, but thank God she doesn't acknowledge us there... We don't even see her all day.

"Keithlin! You didn't tell me you had a PJ party! Why didn't you invite me?!" She said that while marching indoors. She had her hair loose and was wearing a black knee high drees, a simple one, with black sandals. I think she was expecting Hunter to be here... She was looking everywhere. Taylor had an eyebrow raised like 'who does she think she is'.

"Hi Rach-... Wow, slow down Rachel. Hunter ain't here. I didn't invite you because it was a special pj party that was only with my close friends from school. Sorry.'' Keithlin rapidly explained.

Taylor raised an eyebrow on the mention of Hunter's name. She wasn't up to date, so it's understandable.

Rachel stopped walking around and turned to us. She then acknowledged Taylor, and turned to face Keithlin again

''Then why is she here?'' Turning to Taylor. ''No offense.''

"Non taken'' Said Taylor with no amusement in her voice.

"Remember the girl that came here when we were like seven or eight years old and then moved to New York? This is her. Taylor meet Rachel, my neighbor. Rachel, meet my long lost friend Taylor.'' Keithlin explained and introduced each other.

"Nice to meet you. Like she said, I'm Taylor.'' Taylor said extending a hand. She didn't look happy to actually meet her. Again, understandable.

"Back at you. Call me Rachel. A friend of Keithlin is my friend too.'' They shook hands. I could see Taylor was a bit uncomfortable so I intervened.

"How are you Rachel? Still after Hunter I see.''

Taylor turned around quickly and asked me. "She likes Hunter?!"

Rachel raised one eyebrow and answered ''Yeah, I hope there is no problem with that. Well, if he isn't here I should be going. See you later Keithlin.'' She said while exiting to house. What manners!

"Does she really like Hunter!?" Taylor asked again with wide eyes... a little... wait. OMG.

"Why? Jealous much.'' Sara said while raising both eyebrows and smiling. Yup, Sara noticed too.

She looked at us panicked, she knew she gave away too much.

"What?! I don't like him! He is my best friend! That's like a no no."

"Best friend, Boyfriend. We don't care! You like him don't you? You like Hunter!" Keithlin insisted.

"Ok, ok so I do have a tiny, little, minuscule crush on him... A little bit.'' Taylor said while sitting on the living room's couch. "I think, maybe not..."

"You just got jealous over Hunter. You like him. End of story." Sara stated with a grin.

"Since when?!!" I asked excited.  They looked so nice together as friends, imagine them as a couple!

"It hasn't been long. I got here with a broken heart, but when I saw Hunter. When I knew it was him... A bunch of feelings came out. But it hurts. Do you know what it is to see the guy that you thought was perfect for you, kissing the girl you thought was your best friend... That's hard-'' she finished with unshed tears. We went to her and hugged her.

"Don't worry Taylor, we will never betray you like that girl did.'' I said. "She wasn't a real best friend."

''We are your real friends. Here for you 24/7." Sara said. "But one thing, if you call me at midnight and wake me up, you're dead."

"If I ever see that mother of a... okay sorry, bad thought.'' Keithlin said. "She shouldn't have done that."

Taylor laughed a bit ''Thanks. You guys are the best friends anyone could wish for, including Hunter... Now, who wants to play Twister!" Taylor said while wipping her tears away and standing up.

"We do!!!!"

So we played twister. It ended badly... Maybe two or three bruises.


So it's Monday again. Like always, I met up with Keithlin, Sara, Taylor and Hunter. On lunch brake, we all met with Jake and Ian.  Each day that passes brings us together even more. I got to know them even better.

Ian and I are the closest; same with Jake and Keithlin. Ian is so sweet and always worries about me. I can say I have a great new friend. I can't jump to conclusions on how he sees me. Then I'll get my hopes up and ruin our friendship.

I have seen Sara looking at the same guy. I've noticed he is shy, because every time I look at him he has his head down. I have always wanted to ask her about it, but something always happens that distracts my thoughts. And obviously, Taylor and Hunter have been staring intensively. I think the feeling is mutual! But again, no false hopes. Just normal stuff.

Time passed and all was the same. That was until my birthday came...

Sorry again for the short chap.... LUV you all!!!!

Hey, what do you think about Rachel? Is she bad or bad. Yeah the answer is bad...

Vote and Comment!

Acnaiv ;)
