21. Make up and surprises

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Chapter 21 : Make up and surprises.

Samantha's pov.

It's been more than three weeks. Three weeks and three days to be exact. Ian was excused from the hospital a week ago. He still has to wear the bandages around his shoulder. He changes them from time to time. I have been to the Ford's house most of my free time. The first three days he's been at his house I've been helping him out and bringing the homework Jake was too lazy to bring. Jake comes and goes when I'm there. It's been only a week, but he came to school again. I help him if he needs me. Of course, everybody asks what happened to him and he always has to explain from the beginning.

He wasn't expecting the bullet. Ian said it suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder and blacked out moments later. Antonio was taken to court. Suspiciously they say he was involved in a gang of some kind. He was sentenced to five years in jail for carrying an illegal gun. There's an undoing case with the other girl that was shot. Ian's family decided not to sue.

Carla that was involved in the accident now walks with a cast on her left leg, no more high heals for her.

It's Sunday, I was planning on going somewhere with the girls, no boys for a day.

So here I am, laying on my bed, just woke up, staring at my white cealing. The beeping of the clock saying it was 7:30 in the morning bugged me from head to toes. That is what happens when I forget to turn it off. I slammed the button of the clock with my fist making the beep finally shut up. I groaned. I was NOT planning on waking up this early.

I stood up, not forgetting to get a towel and a change of clothes and took a long morning bath. After getting ready, I headed down stairs, made my breakfast that consisted of milk and cereal. I decided to wake my brother.

I opened my brother's room and found my brother sleeping on his own drool. I knelt beside him and poked his cheek. He just groaned and turned around to the other side of the bed. I laughed. Such a heavy sleeper he was.

An idea came into mind. I grinned evilly as I ran to my room to get what I needed. I returned and started giving my bro a makeover. *Evil grin*

I used every type of makeup there is. I was almost done when he started to steer. I rapidly added red lipstick to his lips and took a photo with my phone.  I chuckled as I picked everything up and ran to my room. Once I was inside I burst out laughing.

Moments later I heard my mother come upstairs to wake Edward up.

She knocked on his door a few times and screamed at him to wake up. (Edward! Levantate!)

I heard him leave the room and walk into the bathroom. Anytime now.

"Ahhhhh! What the-?! Samantha!" Edward came barging at my door. He stopped in front of me. I burst out laughing. I couldn't hold it!

"What did you do to yourself!? I knew you were a bit girly... But now? I'll accept my gay brother." I said between laughter.

"Shut up! You did this!" He pointed his finger at me.

I gasped "I did not!"

He glared harder. "I will get you for this..."

I pouted. "But it wasn't me..."

"Yeah, like I would believe you!" he then barged to the bathroom and shut the door leaving me at the bed in a fit of laughter.


I was picked up by the girls (Sara's mom driving) and we arrived at the mall an hour and a half later. Yes. An hour and a half. That is how far we are from a big mall.

In the way there I showed the girls the picture of Edward. Like I expected, they broke into hysterical laughter.  I had done a great job with his face, if I do say so myself.

We arrived. Sara's mom, Judy, left to get a parking spot. She said she would join up to us at 2:30 pm at the food court.

Keithlin looked at us three with a wide grin. Oh oh...

"Ready to go shopping?!" She asked all giddy and overly excited.

"Nop." Taylor said.

"Yes." I said.

"Maybe..." Sara answered. 

Keithlin narrowed her eyes. "Come on girls! It's been ages since we came here! Get pumped!"

"I'm going to hot topic. Who's coming with me?" Taylor asked.

"Oh! Oh! Me me me! I'm going with you! Keithlin, you go with Sami!" Sara yelled, now, pumped. Yes, leave little ol' me with the crazy shopping chick. 

So we took separate ways. Not a second later, Keithlin started.

"Oh! Let's go in here!" Keithlin screamed at a shoe store. Oh god! Not shoes!

"Keithlin I don't want to buy shoes!" I screamed.

"Nonsense. Get some super hot High heals, that when school break arrives, you are going out with Ian if it kills you." She said going to the high heals.

Those do look good.

"Keithlin... I got an idea. I want your stylist help. Could you help me?" I asked her making her stop and look at me with shining eyes.

"I thought you would never ask! What do you have in mind?"

I munched my lower lip. "Well, you know that school break is in December? It's going to be cold. I want to go out with Ian, but I don't have warm 'date' clothes."

Her eyes glimmered. "We are going to turn you into a hottie!"

I laughed. "Ok ok. Let's get to it then."


An hour and a half  + Thirty stores  = One total hot outfit styled, reviewed, and agreed by Keithlin.

Keithlin literally was bursting with joy. She has never seen me so happy to be shopping.

We called the girls and, unsurprisingly, they were still in hot topic. So we dicided to meet up at the store, which name I could not remember, that had every kind of clothing. Emo, Skater, Surfer, B*tchy, Showy, etc etc etc.

I went to the 'normal' clothes. They had many interesting clothing. All I loved.

"So, hows it been with Ian? Visited his house lately?" Keithlin asked.

I shruggled. "Everything great. I visited last week. He said he was going tomorrow to my place. He's really sweet. Yesterday, he thanked me for helping me out through all that's happened. I mean, who wouldn't help?"

I walked to another row of clothing and Keithlin followed.

"Aweee. You are really lucky to have Ian. Did you tell your mom yet?" Keithlin asked taking out a pink t-shirt that said : 'I hate pink (sarcasm)'. "God I love this shirt."

I laughed but stopped. "I haven't told mom yet. I was hoping to tell her tomorrow. I think it's time to already tell her I'm on a relationship. I just don't know what dad will say about it. He doesn't know Ian like mom does."

"Why? Your dad's in town?" Keithlin asked giving me a smile. She knows dad never is home for more than a week.

I shook my head. "Nop. He ain't here. I don't know when he'll come back or call. He called three days ago. Only talked to mom because I was at school. I really miss him." I said looking at the ground.

"Awe, don't worry Sam-Sam. He works because he loves you. He works so you guys can be happy. And about Ian, sure he'll try to kill Ian... but at the end, he'll understand. He must understand that as a dad, this someday would happen. He will see a guy holding his little baby girl in his arms... He will be-"

I cut her off. "Ok stop. You sound like some kind of TV show. Yes I get all that stuff-" She cut me off.

"No wait! I stared so let me finish! Where was I... He will be jealous of his little girl by being with that guy. But in total, finality, conclusion, end, etc... He has to know you are at that state where you grow up and find someone special. Now, I'm not saying marriage! I mean a relationship. Not something out of that."

I stared at my friend. Wow. She sure can be a good psychologist. "Thank you Keithlin. I really owe it to you."

"No problemo!" She answered taking that t-shirt.

I kept looking trough racks of clothing until Keithlin broke the silence.

"So, now that Missis Sara isn't here... What did you think about her diary? She said she liked a boy but she was afraid to tell us about him..."

I shrugged. "I don't know. I suppose that like you and me at first, we didn't know how to tell our friends about that special somebody."

Keithlin huffed. "But we are her friends! She is supposed to trust us! I think the guy she likes might have a default on something. Maybe his smokes? Has tatoos? Drugs? That's why she doesn't tell us it's the guy?"

I stared at Keithlin with a blank face. "Keithlin, If I know something about Sara is that she might be crazy, odd, inmature, nuts, weird, silly, dumb, lunatic, hyper, unexpected-"

"Get to the point. You can be there all day." Keithlin said with a chuckle.

I shook my head. "She might be all that stuff, but Sara is intelligent, humble, sincere, lovable, cute, respectful, and many more things. She won't fall for a guy that doesn't have good qualities. If she likes someone, we'll be there for her. Like she has done with us." I said all that from my heart.

Keithlin shrugged. "Nah. I still say she's hiding something and it has to be with the guy she likes."

I roll my eyes. "Only you can say that after the speech I just gave."

After Sara and Taylor arrived, we went to the food court.

"This are the best pizzas EVER!" I exclaimed.

"Mhm!" Sara said taking another bite.

"My belly is dancing with happiness!" Taylor exclaimed too.

Keithlin just nodded and kept eating her slice of  pizza. We where so round up on the pizza we didn't even notice Judy slip next to us.

"How did it go?" Sara's mom asked.

"It went well. Bought three shirts. A pair of pants and nothing more." Sara said happily.

Judy nodded. "Ok. Well, I'm going to get some Chinese food." She stood up and left to order.

Sara smirked. "Taylor, don't look now, but there is a goth guy looking at you."

Taylor turned around slowly and rapidly turned back to us. "Yes. He is. He's kinda hot."

We all laughed and Sara being Sara came up with an annoying plan.

"When I count to three we all look at the guy." Sara said with a grin.

We all stated at her an Taylor grinned. "Lets do it"

"One... two... Three!" Sara exclaimed as we all turned around and faced the goth guy.

The goth guy opened his eyes huge as he realized he had been caught staring. We burst out laughing and the guy looked at his table. We turned around again with hysterical laughter.

"Priceless!" Keithlin yelled.

"You said it!" Sara laughed.

"Best idea ever!" Taylor yelled.

I agreed. When Sara's mom arrived and saw us laughing she jut chuckled and mumbled "Kids these day..."

After our laughter and Judy ate we headed all to Gap and bought a few things. We then proceeded to return home.

Two hours later I am home laying on my bed with the bags of today's shopping spree. Edward called me down stairs so I went slowly, taking my time. When I got to the bottom of the stairs a surprise was waiting for me that I wasn't prepared for.

