1. First day

This is the first book I wrote, so I'll be editing for a while to correct the misspelings and all that icky stuff. 

Thank you so much for reading!

Why me?

His hand found a way to my face, caressing my cheek. I, as so many times, got lost in his brown eyes.

I would always remember this moment.

"I'm really glad you knocked me down the stairs." He said in amusement.

"Ian, you're only happy because you didn't break a bone." I said with a chuckle, still captivated by his eyes.

He leaned dangerously close. His breath softly fanned my face. I was tempted to look at his perfectly shaped lips; but that would give too much away.

"No, not for that." He stated, amusement gone from his tone.

I tilted my head, "Then... why?"

He leaned even closer, just mere inches apart.

Closing the gap would be inappropriate, but that was all I wanted.

And damn, did I really want it.


Chapter one: First day of school

After the very rude sound of the alarm clock woke me up, I rushed to the bathroom to get ready for my first day of highschool.

I made sure to untangle my dark hair, always mistaken to be black. It matched my eyes, making my image quite dull in my opinion. My eyes roamed over my figure one last time trying to make sure I everything was perfect. My thin nose, rosy lips and thin body weren't much to complement my figure, but I loved the cuteness it entailed.  My short stature sure helped too, a whooping five feet with barely any curves.

You know those people who eat a lot and don't gain weight? Well, it's me.

I already had my clothes picked out with a grey t-shirt, a new pair of jeans and black Covers shoes.

Before we start on my highschool endeavor, my name is Samantha Rivera. I live with my mom, dad, and older brother. We moved from Puerto Rico, an Island in the Caribbean, to North Carolina when I was 5.  In other words, I'm Latina. I'm currently 14, but will turn 15 on September 23.

When I first moved here I met two girls that were from Puerto Rico and my age too, we were instantly best friends, and still are to this day.

They are:

Keithlin. She has dark brown wavy hair, brown eyes, thin nose, thin lips, and a curved body to die for; she's the tallest of the three of us, reaching 5'8.

Then there's Sara. She has wavy auburn hair that when the sun hits just right, changes hues. Sara has full pink lips, pale skin (vampire vibes), roundish nose, and has soft brown eyes that are surrounded by green specks. In general she is a combination of many colors. Oh, and she has bracers.

They are the best friends anyone could hope for.

"Smells good!" I rushed downstairs to the kitchen's entrance.

"Buenos Días Sami!"(Good morning Sami!)" she said to me.

Mom always talks Spanish, never got her English quite right.  I'm just glad she understands it.

"Morning mom!"

"¡¿Preparada para tu primer día de clases en la superior?! (Ready for your first day in high school?!)."

I smiled sheepishly. "Not sure."

At least I'm not going to high school in Puerto Rico. You know what happens over there? There's a traditions where the new kids (who they call prepas) are to be targets of water, shaving cream and paint during the first week of class. Again, thank the heavens North Carolina isn't like that.

"No te preocupes, deben ser los nervios. (Don't worry Samantha, must be the nerves.)" She said while placing my food on the table. "Todo te irá de lo más bien, acuérdate que Sara y Keithlin estarán contigo." (everything's gonna be okay, remember that Keithlin and Sara will be with you)."

"Yeah, I know..." I said while eating breakfast; which was delicious like always. Mom is a great cook.

My older brother goes to work early and returns late. He is a mechanic and is currently covering for his boss, who is very sick. Seeing him during our mornings is imposible. As for dad, he is always on his job travels. He is supposed to arrive next week. By experience, I know not to get my hopes up.

I didn't live far from school only a 10 minute walk by foot. Passing by Sara's House five minutes later I could hear my friend screaming 'bendición mami, nos vemos'.

Sara walked out of the house and screamed "SAMI! First day of school! Woot Woo-"

Aaaand she slipped on the wet pavement and landed on her butt.

Pretty sure I was cackling like a witch on a two for one broom special.

Her cheeks turned an unnatural shade of red. "If you keep laughing Sami, Karma will strike!"

Her hand grasped mine and pulled me down with her.

Ouch. Now I think my pants are wet. Great.

"Sara!" I screamed.

Sara looked like a black and white picture; always wearing black clothes. I like to think it's a phase. Before 8th grade she wore pink most of the time.

Fun fact: People nickname Sara Snow White because of her skin. She hates that nickname with all her soul. Oh! It's bad to get on her bad side. Sara is a blue belt and will be black belt in Tang Soo Do (a Martial Art) in her next exam and will kick anyones butt if needed to... Also, don't tempt her. She'll do anything! She's just crazy, but only when she's with people she knows.  She has this shy side and this super crazy happy side. But past all these stuff she is really sweet. She has a kind heart.

Mixed signals, am I right?

"So, have you said your prayers?" I smirked as who both got up, "Ready to dominate Highschool?!" I touched my bum to see if it was wet. Thank the Lord that it wasn't.

"Hell yes!" She said giving me a bone crushing hug.  I groaned in response.

We started heading to school. The three floored building could be seen up ahead.  When we entered, it was extremely crowded.

Claustrophobic anyone?

We kept walking to our first class and found Keithlin talking to some girls that had studied with us in Middle School. When she saw us she giggled and ran to us giving us a koala hug.

"Sami! Sara! Long time no see, don't you think?!" She screamed on our faces.

I started laughing "Pero chica, you saw us three days ago!"

She looked puzzled "Still!"

Keithlin is an athletic girl who likes everyone and was liked by every boy in our past school. It won't be a surprise if the high school guys start hitting on her soon and she becomes one of the most popular girls here.

Alas, she was considered a nerd, just like Sara and I.  That doesn't erase the fact that she's as hot as they come.

Keithlin is, of us three, the one you look for to solve problems. A shoulder to lean on; a mother hen.

She loves bright colors and can be prone to craziness; but not much as Sara. No one could ever compete with Sara.

Keithlin and Sara started talking about their vacation trips.

I remembered that I had to go to the principal's office, per mom's request, to pick up some papers.  I excused myself from the conversation and quickly headed out. If I was quick, I would be back before the bell.

I already knew how to move around the building and found the office in a short time. I see the school's secretary, who can only be described as really nice, and politely asked for the papers.

"Well, here you go sweetheart." She said to me after searching around in a folder.

"Thank you!"

Before I pushed the door opened, I heard her clear her throat.

"Hey honey, could you do me a favor? Could you deliver this folder to Mr. Joe, the Gym teacher?" The secretary asked.

I was tempted to say no, but what the heck? She was really nice to me, so I agreed.

"His office is on the second floor, room 203-A.  You can't miss it." Her smile was contagious, so I smiled back.

"Okay, no problem. Thank you." I said politely.

"No, thank you." She grinned.

Little did I know that decision was one that was going to change my high school experience!

So? What do you think?! Kind of Cliché, right?
