24. Surprises never end

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Chapter 24: Surprises never end

"But what happened!?"

"What did your dad say?!"

"Did he kill Ian?!"

"Of course not Sara!"

"I'm just asking!"

"Don't ask silly questions!"

"Well! I would like to know if my cousin is alive or not!"

"What did your mom say?!"

"Is your dad furious?!"

These where some of the questions (and annoying backfires between Taylor and Sara)  thrown my way while we walked to our first class. Hunter had stayed home, since he felt sick, but he made me promise tomorrow to tell him all the details about what happened yesterday.

"Sami! Freaking answer us! You're leaving us in the the dark here!" Keithlin screamed as she stepped in fronts of me making me stop walking.

I munched at my lower lip as Sara and Taylor made googly eyes at me so I would hurry up.

"Fine. Let me tell you what happened:"

-The day before-

~Ian's pov~

(NOTE * I thought it would be more interesting to put it at Ian's pov even thought it's Sami telling the story)

"Sir, I'm in love with your daughter."

Samantha had been in the middle of swallowing and immediately had a coughing fit. Samantha's mother gave a shriek of happiness and started ranting words while trying to help Samantha. Edward had burst laughing. Yes he had burst out laughing. Idiot.

It would have been a really funny thing to witness, but I was concentrating on not getting killed by her father. So, whilst I waited for him to speak, I came up with various emergency exists if this plan went south.

Maybe if I go through the back door? No. Too far. Front door he can catch me easily. The windows. Yes. I go to Sami's room, close the door so Mr. Rivera doesn't come in and I jump out the window.

It's a foolproof plan.

His gaze never left mine. It was unmoving, filled with debate and judgement.

Was he planning on killing me?

'Ian, just concentrate on the window'  I chanted to myself 'Concentrate on running to Sami's window'.

Mr. Rivera frowned, deeper with each passing second. His knuckles turned white from how hard he closed his hand against the table. His eyes narrowed at me, as if making us mind.

I maintained eye contact, even thought it was more than intimidating, I couldn't back down. I meant what I said. I loved his daughter, and he needs to understand it. But just in case, think of Sami's window.

"Boy..." He broke his silence, instantly getting everyone's attention.

Silence filled the dinner table.

I was prepared to run upstairs if needed.

Mr. Rivera finally sighed and looked between Sami and I.

"Ian Ford?" His tone sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.

"Yes sir?" I asked. So now I'm thinking 'why the hell did I have a need to prove a point? I could have waited for Sami to say something. Instead Ill possibly be murdered.'

I just hope I made the best effort; For Sami.

Samantha had finally recovered from her coughing fit and watched the exchange with horror. Her trembling form made me guilty for telling her father. Again: Why did I tell him?!

Edward was no longer laughing as he now was holding his stomach that hurt from all that recent laughter. Again, Idiot.

Samantha's mom didn't have that grin on her face anymore. Her face reflected concern for me.

"Why do you tell me this?" Narrowing his eyes, making me feel small and worthless.

I cleared my throat. "Sir, I wish to go out with your daughter. That is, if you allow it."

I think this is it. If I don't run now to Sami's room and jump through that window, I'm dead. Oh my God! There is a knife next to his hand.

He just stared at me. I felt the rush of blood trough my veins. I was so freaked out I could make chickens look like heroes.

"It takes a real man to ask that, son. I was on your shoes once."

I blinked, not registering his words

That was not what I was expecting to hear. Extremely far from it.

"You are brave, son. I remember when I visited my wife's house. Of course, we weren't married and weren't so young either. I was scared that her father would not see me as a man good enough for his daughter. But it all ended well... You have my permission to date my daughter." He said, but he still didn't have a smile on his face.

Samantha and I were going to burst up from happiness (Mrs. Rivera too, based on her ear to ear grin).

"But know this boy!" he yelled.

I stopped on my tracks.

"You break my little girl's heart and I will make sure you never step foot into this house ever again. Am I understood?" His voice boomed all around the house.

I nodded quickly. "Yes sir. I got that. I will never do that sir."

He nodded and a smile appeared on his face. "Good. That was exactly what my wife's father told me that day. I answered something quite similar. I was dying inside, but a man's got to do what a man's got to do. Now. Samantha, close your mouth honey."

I looked at Samantha who stared agape at her father. I chuckled loudly at the same time as Edward did. We looked at each other wide eyed and burst laughing.

I was not planning it, but I got to pat myself on the back. I wasn't killed, yet that is. I really don't know what I was aiming at with this, but I have to thank Mr. Rivera. He isn't as bad as he seems.

"Well. Thank you honey for a great dinner. I'm going to rest. I'm still tired from yesterday's flight." He kissed mom and said his good bye's, not to forget giving me a look before leaving.

Suddenly " '¡SI SI SI! ¡Ahhhh! ¡Al fin!' (YES YES YES!!! Ahhhh!!! Finallly!!!)"

Edward, Sami, and I turned to look at a jumping Mrs. Rivera. She was punching the air and looked like she needed mental help. Sara seemed sane next to Mrs. Rivera right now.

"Mom? Are you ok?" Edward asked chuckling.

She nodded and kept up that creepy dance of hers.

"Mom, please tell me you aren't dancing for what I told you yesterday..." Sami asked. I had no idea what she was talking about.

Sami's mom nodded cheerfully without stopping.

Sami rolled her eyes and stood up. I decided to help her take all the plates to the kitchen. We had to discuss what happened.

We were alone in the kitchen. Samantha was washing the dishes without saying anything. I was worried, had I said something wrong? Did telling her father made her change her mind?  Did I look like a fool?

I walked to her and held her waist from behind, making her jump.

"You scared me!"

I pouted. "You angry with me?" I said in a sweet pouting voice.

Sami looked at me and chuckled. "No. I'm just thoughtful, that's all."

I hug her as she continues to wash the dishes. "What's on your mind?"

"My father."

"Oh..." See. I did something Wrong. "Sorry."

She stopped and turned around placing her arms around my neck. I was still hugging her.  "Why?"

I shrugged. "I kind of told your dad I wanted a relationship with you. It was unexpected. Not even I had any idea at what I was aiming at. I had just met your father."

Samantha chuckled placing her head on the crook of my head.

"I'll never be mad at you. And what you did was unexpected, reckless, idiotic, and gave me a coughing attack—" She said with a smile. I hung my head. She sure was sensire. "—But, it was lovely and brave too." She said kissing my cheek. I smiled. I love this girl so much.

"I was brave, wasn't I?" I said chuckling. She nodded chuckling.

"You can go hang out with Edward while I finish the dishes. Go." She said pushing me a little chuckling.

I smiled. "Hey, what exactly did you say to your mother yesterday?"

Sami blushed and giggled. "That I liked you. A lot."

My smile winded at her cute confession. I winked and pecked her lips. She smiled and shu-ed me away to the living room.

-present time-

"*gasp* No way!" Keithlin said jumping with excitement. 

"So you guys are official?!" Taylor asked with a grin.

"Your mother reacted like that?" Sara asked with a frown. Yeah, mom is strict so that reaction was against character.

"Yes. Yes and yes." I answered the giggling girls that were bouncing up and down like if they were going to start flying at any minute.

"You guys are so in L. O. V. E." Taylor spelled love with a grin while making a heart shape with her hands.

Sara frowned. "What's L. O. V.... It spells love. Ok, forget I asked."

We all cracked up laughing as Sara pouted; ears turned red from embarrassment. "Stop it! It was not funny!"

I answered between laughs "Oh yes it was!"

She cracked laughing "It was, wasn't it?"

We all nodded and walked into the classroom, a few minutes late, may I add.


The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Finally. I hadn't seen Ian all day and was hoping to catch him later. I wonder were he had been during lunch hour.

"Girls! You know what time it is?" Keithlin inquired with too much enthusiasm.

"Adventure Time!" Sara yelled skipping next to us.

Keithlin glared at Sara "No. It's Basketball time! The game is this Saturday! Ian and Jake are playing."

I frowned. "I didn't know Ian was playing Saturday. Since the injury, I believed he wouldn't be playing 'till next season. Maybe that's the reason I haven't seen him all day."

"It must be. The couch rounds the team at every free period he can. I suppose both Ian and Jake are practicing right now." Taylor said.

"Bad luck girl. First day as an official couple and you haven't seen each other. That must be sickly hard. " Sara patted my back.

I nodded "I miss him."

They all awed at me. "You two are so cute together." Keithlin commented.

We had coordinated our rides with Keithlin's mom. Apparently, she forgot about us and is now heading to the school. I remind you, Keithlin lives almost an hour away. We all headed towards a bench in the front of the school to wait for her.

As we continued the conversation, Taylor nudged me. "You'll get to see your sweaty boyfriend at the game." We chuckled. "Of course, Keithlin will have the perfect opportunity to check out a sweaty hottie named Jake."

Keithlin's cheeks turned red and laughed nervously. "Well, gotta do what a girl's good at. Checking out boys. Or just one specifically..."

Sara rose her eyebrow. "So you're saying girls only check out boys for their looks? Not get to know how they really are?"

Keithlin frowned "No. It's complicated."

Taylor frowned, "You lost me there. Please explain?"

Keithlin narrowed her eyes and thought for a bit before answering.  

"Girls can sit and watch boys go by and admire their physical appearance; it'd be just entertainment. If you are interested in the guy in a much more intimate manner, then you don't just check out the exterior, but the interior too. For example, Sami and I both liked a certain guy. We observed the outside of said person then analyzed the interior. Is he a good person? Does he take care of others? Is he nice, responsible, fun, hyper, annoying? The person must analyze the other before jumping into a relationship. Sami has admired Ian for years. I have watched Jake for about more than a year. Sami and I are both certain that the person we like is a good one."

We all stopped to process Keithlin's words. It was mostly true. When you first see someone the first thing you notice is his/her appearance. After your first talk with him/her, you start to notice how he/she really is.

Sara frowned and mumbled "That's not what I did..."

We all stared her. I asked. "Sara, what did you do?"

She snapped out if her daze. "I said that about loud, didn't I?"

We all nod, motioning for her to explain. Sara sighed and shrugged. "I'm just analyzing what Keithlin just said. I realized that I'm not normal."

We all frowned.

Taylor snickered "Oh, we know you ain't normal, but we just want you to explain why you say it."

She rolled her eyes. "It's about the checking out theory. I'm not like that... I think. I believe I analyze backwards. I analyze the interior, after that, the exterior." Sara mumbled. If it wasn't for the silence in the parking lot we wouldn't have heard her.

We all frowned, Sara included.

I broke the silence "So you're saying you look at the way a person acts before categorizing the physical exterior?"

Sara nodded just before her stomach grumbled. "I'm hungry."

"Why don't you call your mom, Keithlin, and tell her to pick us up at the pizzeria in town? We are kinda hungry." I said holding my own tummy.

We all grinned at the mention of food. Yeah, we're all hungry.


"That boy is staring at me... It's getting creepy..." Keithlin mumbled before taking a bite of her cheese and pepperoni pizza.

Sara chuckled and looked at the boy. "Nah, stay with Jake." Keithlin slapped her shoulder.

Sara took another pizza and took all the pepperoni from it, throwing it on the cardboard box that the pizza came in.

"I just can't believe Sara doesn't like pepperoni!" Taylor screamed taking the pepperoni that Sara put on the box an ate it. "This is delicious!"

Sara stuck out her tongue at her. 

"Ew, girl, you still have pizza in your mouth!" Taylor yelled.

Sara shrugged, have a huge smile and kept eating.

"And have pieces in your bracers too." Taylor added.

I rolled my eyes. That's just typical Taylor and Sara moments.

Sara sneered at Taylor and gave a chuckle. "Haha. You know? I hate having bracers. When you eat food it gets stuck on them. I hope my orthodontist tells me in my next check up I'm okay to take them off already."

We all chuckled. The truth is, we got so used at Sara having brackets, we almost forgot she even had.

We continued eating and making jokes. Keithlin complaining at the staring boy at the register. So we decided to play a game.

"Keithlin, go over there all sexy like and when you get to him change your features and ask him what he was staring at" Sara grinned mischievously, with pizza free bracers by the way.

Keithlin blushes a little, but after grins evilly. "Ok."

She stood up and walked slowly towards the counter, mixing her hips side to side, fluttering her eyes at the guy. The guy literally was drooling over Keithlin. His eyes roamed her up and down.

When she reached the counter, her face turned into an annoyed one and asked roughly. "What the heck where you staring at?!"

The guy's face was priceless. He looked like a fish without water. His mouth opened and closed. I couldn't hold it anymore and burst out laughing, the girls not far behind me. Keithlin returned to the table throwing a wink before glaring at the poor boy.

"Girl! You should be a model! Look at the poor guy!" Taylor yelled.

Keithlin burst laughing joining us too.

A honk from the outside made us realize Sofia, Keithlin's mom, was waiting for us outside. We packed what was left of the pizza in the cardboard box, picked our bags and jumped in the car.


"Thanks for the ride Sofia." I said while heading to my front door.

"No need to thank me Sami." With that she left with Taylor and Keithlin.

I opened the door, walked fast to my room to place my school bag there and headed to the kitchen.  Dad was eating with Mom in the table. They had a serious discussion going on. I didn't know what made me do it. I might have made a mistake at hearing it, but I did. I stayed around the corner to the kitchen hearing the conversation.

"I don't know what to do. I suppose I start searching in the newspapers... The sooner the better." Dad said to mom in a pained voice. Did he say newspaper? What would he search in the newspaper?

Mom answered that question before I could analyze it well.

"Honey, take it slow. You just lost your job, you don't have to go and get interviews right away. I don't want you placing so much pressure on yourself. Much less blame yourself."

My eyes widened as my breath got caught in my throat. 'Dad lost his job?'

Dad continued. "I have to. What was holding this house toghether, paying the bills and sustaining this family was my job and our son's. Now only Edward's job won't do that. The bills will start piling up eventually. Tomorrow I'll head into town to see what I can find."

My heart seemed to squeeze in my chest as tears sprang out as I came to realize the situation my family was in. What can I do?

"When are we going to tell the kids?" Mom asked concerned.

That means Edward doesn't know yet. He doesn't know he is currently maintaining the family.

"I think soon. After I find the new job." Dad answered her.

I swallowed to ease my dry throat. I walked silently to my room and closed the door. I laid in my bed with closed eyes, thinking.

Dad lost his job. Only Edward's job as a mechanic is paying the bills. I shifted in my bed slightly.  It's not enough money for paying them all. I mean, water bills, electric bills, house bills, car bills... It's too much for just one job to pay it all.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes roughly. This is getting complicated, and to think Edward doesn't know either.

I decided to check my phone to shake such thoughts away for a minute or two. I realized I had more than ten messages from Ian. That's what happens when you have your phone on silent mode. I checked them out. The most recent one read:

'Sami, where are you? You haven't answered me. I'm getting worried.  You ok?'

I decided to answer him straight away.

'I'm home. I was at the pizzeria with the girls. And no, I'm not ok.'

Not ten seconds later:

'What's wrong? Can I call you?'

'Yea.' I answered back. So I waited for the call that registered not five seconds later.

"Hi Ian." I answered. 

'Why do you sound sad? Was it because of today?'

Before I could answer he kept on.

'I'm so sorry for not being with you today, I really am. I was at basket ball practice during my free time, and at the halls I didn't even have time to say hi before the dumb bell rang. By the way, I want you to go to the game this Saturday. Again, really sorry... You ok?' He said that all rushed with a pinch of sadness in his voice.

I smiled. He sounded so concerned for me, it made me realize even more that he cared so much for me.

"Ian, take it slow. I know you were at basketball practice, don't worry. I hope to go, its Saturday anyway. And I'm not sad about that. I'm really sad because of my dad."


'What did he do? Did he- Did he prohibit our relationship?' He asked concerned.

"No. He's ok with that. It's just that I overheard a conversation between him and mom about ten minutes ago. Ian, dad lost his job."

I said that last sentence with so much sadness. 

I know dad loved his job, even thought he didn't see us much. He liked traveling and made the days he came to visit the best he could with his family. It made him love us more than anything, making him miss us more than an ordinary father would.

Ian sighed. 'I'm so sorry to hear that Sami.'

I smiled. "Yeah. I'm sorry to hear that too. I just don't know what to do to help him. He's really destroyed over the job loss."

Ian hummed. 'You can always help him find a job?'

"Ian your a genius!" I said instantly. It was a great idea. I can help dad find a good job!

'Well, I am considered a genius...' I could literally feel his smile. 

There was a few beeps from my phone signaling I had another call.

"Hey Ian, somebody's calling me. I'll call you later, ok?"

'Yea, ok. Love you.' He said. I could imagine him smiling over the phone.

"Love you too, and thanks for the idea!"

'You are very welcomed. Haha.'

With that I checked my phone and realized it was Sara. I answered:


'My friend senses are tingling. What happened?' Sara said seriously.

I frowned, speechless. What the heck?!

"Uh-" I managed to say before being interrupted.

'I'm just kidding. I have your math notebook with me. We have an assignment for tomorrow and you haven't done it. Want me to do it for you?' Sara said in her upbeat tone as always.

I laughed. "If your okay with that. Yeah. But, hold on to your friend senses, they were right."

'What do ya mean?' Sara asked confused.

I chuckled. "I'll tell you and the girls tomorrow. I really don't feel like retelling the same story again."

'Okie dokie! If that's what you prefer. Now, again, do I finish your math problems?'

I laughed. "Yes Sara, thanks."

' De nada! (Your welcome!)' Sara answered.

With that we said our good byes.

I was left with my own toughts about what I was going to do to help dad get a good job.

Love and hugs

