17. The news

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Chapter 17: The news

Keithlin's pov

I opened my eyes to only to see the coffee table clock. It read:

9:40 pm

I looked up to see everybody, even Mr. Fernandez (Sara's father) and William (Sara's little bro) looking at me with concerned eyes. I even caught Judy starting to make a phone call. To who, I don't know.

It was like if they were frozen in place. Frozen in time. But that couldn't be because at that moment a dog barked outside.

Judy's mom was the first to come to my side, leaving the phone on the floor. She kneeled next to me and started to pass her hand over my forehead, pushing strands of my hair away. A bunch of questions where immediately thrown at me.

''Keithlin? What's wrong? What's going on? Are you hurt? Do you feel pain? Are you ok?''

I frowned. I felt ok.

I sat up on the sofa. I didn't feel drowsiness, not pain, neither cold nor hot.

My hand found the way to my forehead. It was a totally normal temperature. I touched my cheeks. I realized I had been crying. It was easy for me to cry, but what I didn't realize is that I had been crying since I got inside.

Thinking about that pain made me shiver. I hope I never have it again.

''Yeah. I'm ok.'' I finally answered Judy's concerned question.

Judy's eyes softened. ''What happened dear?''

I frowned and started to explain it slightly, not all of it.

''Well. I started to get a headache, but as minutes passed, it turned into a really painful headache. I had nausea for a moment there. It felt like a really strong fever hit me. It all stopped a few seconds ago.''

Judy frowned. ''We should take you to the hospital to get you checked out... It sounds like you had an extreme panic attack."

I opened my eyes huge. ''No! I mean, it isn't necessary. I don't feel anything now. 'Pero gracias Judy, por preocuparse y cuidar de mi.' (But thanks Judy, for worrying and looking out for me.)''

Judy smiled kindly. '''No es nada. Eres como otra hija para mi. Como no me voy a preocupar!' (It's nothing. You are like another daughter for me, How wouldn't I worry?!)''

I smiled. I turned to the others.

Sara was as pale as a paper now, paler than usual, even if it sounds impossible. I might think she is just as white as always, only that her usual red lips are now deadly white.

Taylor looked like she wanted to eat her lip, because she was munching it so hard, teeth marks where left. If she keeps it up, she'll tear out her lip ring with a chunk of her lip with it.

Samantha had opened her eyes so much that they looked like owl eyes. Her eyes where a bit watery too.

To top it all, all their faces where stained with pure concern. How sweet! They worry about me!

I smiled. "I'm really okay guys. No need to worry. I'll go tommorow to the doctor to get me checked out. Um, Judy, could I use the shower?''

I really nedded to calm myself internally. That sudden pain has really shaken me. A hot shower is just what I need.

Judy smiled. "Sure. You can use the one in Sara's room. Sara, be a love and get all the girls a change of night wear. Keithlin, here. Drink this orange juice just in case it was hypoglycemia. Well, now that that little scare is over I'm going to finish washing the clothes." She looked at me. "If anything else happens please let me know.'' Judy stood up from the floor and walked to the loundry room at the back of the house.

"If you need anything, call.'' Joe, (Mr. Fernandez) said giving us a look. He was referring us to behave.

We all chuckled. Joe can be a really cool guy when known. He is really funny and a pranker.

''Don't ever do that to me. Do you imagine my life without you?!'' William said to me all dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and threw an air kiss at him. He 'caught' it with his hand and 'placed' it inside his pocket. ''Will cherish it for ever babe...''

I chuckled with the girls.

''William, let's turn the X-box on.'' Joe said .

''YES!'' William said running to the play room.

"Well... TO MY ROOM!" Sara yelled running for the stairs. I chuckled as I drank the juice.

Taylor rapidly followed behind her screaming ''Last one up stairs is a rotten egg!''

Samantha laughed and looked at me. We both sprung, running for the stairs. And guess who won? Me! That's right!

We all flung ourselves on her bed. It's comfy. Sara closed the door. She turned to me and said:


I frowned. "What are you talking about?''

Taylor that was next to me gave me a look. "You know what we mean.''

"No, really. I have no idea what you are talking about.''

"You're not telling us something. It wasn't just pain, right?'' Sara asked.

I froze.

"We are your best friends, we know when you aren't telling us something and when you lie. You are a terrible liar, to us that is. You told my mom about the pain, but something just doesn't click.'' Sara finished saying.

I hummed. "Ok. You caught me.'' I turned to all of them.

Samantha placed the desk chair next to the bed and Sara walked closer to the bed. Taylor just sat up on the bed. All wanting to hear loud and clear.

"-sigh- After what happened with Derek, this feeling about something bad going to happen spiked. I thought at first it was about Derek, but then that thought just didn't seem right. I just had the feeling to run away from it. And that's it. I just had the biggest itching that something bad would happen. I panicked.''

They shared a look. All confused.

"Well that doesn't make any sense.'' Sara stated and sat beside me.

Samantha sighed  "It quite does Sara. Keithlin had a feeling about something bad happening, and she listened to it. It's like- Oh, let me see- when you have a brand new chocolate bar on your hand and you already ate three. Your brain knows something bad will happen if you eat that bar.'' Samantha gave the example to Sara.

''The only difference here is that Keithlin doesn't know what would go wrong. Plus the pain it caused her, which she must get checked out by a doctor. The only explanation I can give is that the pain was a reaction of Keithlin's body to that strange and hard feeling.'' She finished giving me a look.

"Oh, I see.'' Sara mumbled.

"The other difference is that you don't take the messages your brain sends seriously. You eat the bar and finish throwing a brick at the first person you see!" Taylor mocked.

Sara grinned givin in. "You're right about that too!"

We chuckled at her sincere answer.

''I just have to give you points for honesty...'' Taylor said rolling her eyes.

Sara grinned. ''That's just me.''

"You have to admit, that warning feeling Keithlin has is just plain awesome.'' Taylor mumbled.

"It's not if you count the pain. It was the biggest headache I had ever had.'' I snapped at Taylor. Taylor frowned at me.

"Ok. We get it. Maybe we should talk about it later. Sara, get us our pj's and Keithlin, go get a bath.'' Samantha said rapidly, cutting the little tension that started.

I nodded. It's actually a great idea.

Sara gave me a towel with a pair of pj's. She showed me how the hot and cold water worked. After that I took off my vampire clothes and just relaxed under the hot shower.

After my very relaxing shower and change of clothes, I was greated with the girls yelling at each other. This are some fragments of the conversation that I actually understood:

"It's just lame!" Taylor

"-It's better than the-'' Samantha

"I don't want to watch that!" Sara

"Horror is better-'' Taylor

" -agree!" Samantha

"I don't wanna!" Sara

I can't take this anymore. "Hey!" I screamed loud enough for them to turn to me and shut up.

"What's all this ruckus about!?"

And again they all started to talk to me at the same time.

"That she- I don't want to- Just comedia- a movie and- I thought we-'' Everybody yelled.

"Shut up!" I screamed again making them shut their mouths. I shook my head. "Talk one at a time. Sara, what's the discussion about?''

Sara sighed annoyed. "We are discussing what movie to watch, but they want a horror movie and I don't want to watch one.''

I chuckled, knowing why Sara didn't want to watch a horror movie. Sara has never, ever, in all her life, seen a horror movie. The closest to a scary movie that she has seen is 'Jurassic Park', which she is a bit scared of. I only give the example to show you at what extend Sara's mind goes.

"Sara, you have to watch one sooner or later.'' I sighted.

Sara pouted and shook her head. I sighed again.

"Ok. So no horror movie it is.''

Instantly Samantha and Taylor started to object.

"Aww, come on! Keithlin!" Taylor whined.

"I wanted to watch 'The Ring'!" Samantha said.

I rolled my eyes. "You know we can't actually change Sara's mind, you all know it!"

They grunted and mumbled some 'Yea, you're right.'s

Sara grinned relieved. ''Sami, your turn to use the bathroom.''

Samantha shuts the bathroom's door and leaves us three alone. I searched for my bag and placed the vampire clothes inside.

I noticed Sara was wearing a tank top and shorts on, something she would never wear if necessary. I think we are wearing her best pj's to make her wear that, it's the only explanation I can give.

"So, are you ok now?'' Taylor asked me sitting on the floor. We sat beside her. We made an Indian style circle on the ground.

I nodded. ''Yeah. Sorry about snapping at you.''

Taylor shrugged with a smile. "No harm done, don't worry. It wasn't a big deal either...'' I smiled relieved.

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you think that something bad will really happen?'' Sara asked suddenly.

I shruggled. "I don't know. It was just panic. It may or may not happen.''

They nodded.

An idea came into mind. "Hey Sara. Let's talk about that Mystery Boy.''

Sara rolled her eyes and before she could answer:

"Nah, forget him! Ron is the one for her!" Taylor screamed with a grin.

''Stop!'' Sara screamed at Taylor.

Taylor grinned and said in a sing-song-voice. ''You know he's the only one for yooooou!''

''Shut your squeak hole!'' Sara yelled.

Taylor started laughing, with me not far behind. It's just too funny to see Sara annoyed, since it's always the other way around.

After the laughter, another moment of complete silence.

''Hey Sara, are you taking a bath?'' I asked, since she's already ready for bed.

She shook her head. ''Nop. I'll shower in the morning. That way, I'll get ready in the morning to go to Ron's... Oh no wait!''

Sara was too late. She looked at Taylor who was grinning from ear to ear.

''That's good! Want to be washed and fresh for him, don't ya?''  You already know who said it.

"Argh!" Sara jumped at Taylor and they started rolling on the floor, starting a little wrestling match. I just chuckled while watching the exchange.

-minutes later-still wrestling-

"Ok, enough is enough.'' I said braking their combo.

"But I can't take it anymore! She is just so annoying always 'Ron this' 'Ron that'.'' Sara said making a high pinched.

"Hey! I don't talk like that!" Taylor screamed with a grin; she knew she was getting under Sara's skin.

''I don't actually care! You are always getting the higher hand on all the situations!'' Sara screamed annoyed.

Taylor grinned even more. ''In that you're right.''

''Let's make a deal.'' Sara said suddenly.

"What kind of deal?'' Taylor asked with a grin.

"It's a little war I came up with. The first to annoy the other to the limit of giving up, wins. You annoy me with Ron, and I'll annoy you with Hunter.'' Sara said with a devilish smirk.

"Ok.'' Taylor said simply with still her grin on.

Sara's smile disappeared and turned agape. Sara said surprised. "You really in for it?''

Taylor nodded extending her hand to be shook.

"This won't end well.'' I mumbled.

This girls will kill each other eventually. When the cops come and interrogate me I'll tell them they where lunatics that weren't taked to the Nut House on time.

Sara gulped but managed to smirk anyway. She shook Taylor's hand.

"Let the games begin.'' They said together.

"Oh brother." I mumbled. ''I don't know about you guys, but that seems like a bad idea.''

Sara shrugged with Taylor.

''No, but seriously, let's talk about Mystery boy. So, any interest in him?'' I asked.

Sara rolled her eyes. ''No.''

''You have to admit, he made you happy...'' Taylor added.

Sara smiled to herself ''Mjm... he did.''

I rolled my eyes. ''See, you are all dreamy like; smiling softly to yourself.''

Sara smiled. ''I can't help it.''

Taylor and I shared a look, confused.

''So you like him?'' Taylor asked with a rised eyebrow.

Sara looked at us startled. ''What? No! Don't be silly.''

Taylor and I looked at each other again.

''So why do you... why did... why do you say you can't help it?'' I managed to say, since I had no idea to what to ask.

''Um, he made me smile, even tho I don't know him. I have no idea...'' Sara said.

''Sara, that means you like him", Taylor mumbled.

Sara shook her head. ''That can't be. I—"

Bad moment for the bathroom's door opened.

Samantha came out with her hair wet and blue pjs on.

"Who's next?'' She asked.

Taylor stood up and closed the door behind her.

"So, did you pick a movie?'' Samantha said laying on the bed.

I chuckled. ''Not exactly... well, not at all!" I gave a look at Sara who only shrugged in return.

"Well, let's choose then!" Sami said standing up and going to Sara's closet.

"Let me see... Wimpy kid?'' Sami asked shuffling inside the closet.

"No.'' Sara and I said together.

"Snow White?''


"Sleeping Beauty?''




"Lion King? Sara! you have all the Disney movies in here!" Samantha said looking at Sara annoyed.

"No.'' We both answered but Sara added "And yes, yes I do.''

"Hum... Monte Carlo?''

"I like that movie.'' Sara mumbled.

I shrugged. "Take it out for now.''

Sami turned to me and threw the movie case.The case went flying towards my face but I catched it in time.

"We can choose a few movies and then vote... So... anybody for Beberly Hills ninja?''

"Take that one out too.'' Sara replied to Sami. I catch the movie.

"Bakugan?!?! Why is there a movie of chapter's about Bakugan in here?'' Samantha said showing us the case.

I looked at the laughing girl next to me, waiting for her to answer the question. Sara chuckled. ''That's William's. He played a baaaad prank on me so I took it from him.''

"You're a baaaad sister.'' I mumbled. That earned a slap on the shoulder.

"Ok... continue.... The Grinch?''



"Oh! Take that one out too!" Sara said.

I arched my eyebrow at Sara.

''What? Mulan is a hero and the others are wimps. I once saw an image that had all the Disney princess and Mulan on one side. It said 'Don't be a princess like them, be a hero, like Mulan.' '' Sara explained.

''Sara, this is why you never see horror movies... you are too soft.'' I said and rolled my eyes. I catched the movie and placed it beside me.

Sara scoffed. ''You don't say that when I punch you.'' She punched me on the shulder.

I whinced. ''Ouch! Point taken; shall we continue?"

''Yes we will... Lilo and Stich?''


''Um? Disney dinosaurs?! Girl! You have some issues!'' Samantha yelled at Sara.

Sara shruggled. ''I like Disney movies. It doesn't kill anyone, or does it?'' She said sarcastically.

Sami rolled her eyes and kept looking "Let me see... Twilight?''

My head shot up. "Yes! Take it out!''

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Sara groaned. "I knew I shouldn't have bought that movie...''

"Actually, I have never seen any of the Twiligh saga movies...'' Samantha mumbled checking out the cover of the movie case.

I went to Sara's ear and mumbled. "Remember who's in that mooooviiie...'' I sang.

Sara's eyes sparkled and a smile appeared on her face. She now remembers why she bought the movie. "I got an idea. New moon has less Paterson and more shirtless Lautner...''

"Awww, wonderful idea, my pupil.'' I said to her. Sara giggled heading to the closet and getting out 'New Moon'.

"Ok? So, we have 'Monte Carlo', 'Mulan', 'Beberly Hills ninja', and 'New Moon'. Am I right?'' Samantha asked.

We nodded. Sara took out of her closet a buch of pillows and blankets and placed them aroud on the floor.

We all sat at the floor and waited for Taylor to come out. When she did she weared a baby purple pj and had her hair wet. We started to vote which movie we wanted to see. And guess wich movie we picked?

Yup, good guess.


Bella fell from the motorbike and we paused it right where Taylor Lautner took his shirt off.

"My gosh. How could someone be so hot!" I exclaimed moving my hand in front of me to make me some air. Uff! Is it me or is it getting hot in here!

"Tell me about it!" Taylor exclaimed bitting her lip.

''I feel like a pervert...'' Sara mumbled still drooling over Jacob's abs.

''Sara, look at it as smart staring." Taylor mumbled.

''Oki-dokie...'' Sara mumbled still eye locked to the tv.

"I still don't get why that Edward guy left Bella. I mean, if you LOVE the person, why the h*ll leave her alone when you know she's going to need help afterwards! But I ain't going to tell her to stay with Jacob! He's just too hot for her. But she's an idiot for choosing that sparkly vampire.'' Samantha exclaimed waving her hands around on the air dramatically.

''I agree with you, sister!'' I said giving her a high-five.

"I agree too. Now shh! I'm pressing play.'' Sara shouted.

''Wait!'' Taylor exclaimed. Sara stayed frozen in place.

''What?'' I asked.

''Doesn't Jacob look familiar to you?'' She asked.

Sara raised her eyebrow. ''What kind of question is that?''

Taylor rolled her eyes. ''Keithlin, give me your phone.''

''Why?'' I asked.

''Just give it!'' I did as told.

Taylor kept searching and searching in it until. ''Yes! look...''

The phone had a photo of Jake with me at school.

''Why are you showing us that?'' Samantha asked.

Taylor rolled her eyes and took the tv remote from Sara's hand. She pressed play and paused it again after Jacob's face was entirely on the screen.

''Look.'' She placed the phone near the tv.

We gasped.

''Oh my freaking lord. They are freaking brothers" Sara said first.

''He looks like him, not the exact copy, but I could say they are brothers and everybody would believe me.'' Samantha mumbled agape.

I stared agape at their appearance. They both had the same skin color. Their heads have the same shape. Without Jacob's long wig, the hair is exactly the same.

Their eyes look alike, not the exact same, that goes with the nose too. Their mouths are almost the exact same, the difference is that Jake has a bit more pout to his lips than Jacob.

''U-la-la! Keithlin has hit the jackpot!'' Taylor exclaimed with a wide smile.

I gulped. ''They both have hot abs."

Sara chuckled. ''Breath Keithlin. You'll be no good for Jake if you die.''

I inhaled and exhaled. ''Just press play before I have a heart attack."

The three of them laughed at me and Taylor pressed play.

From then on, every time Taylor Lautner didn't have a shirt on we paused it and drooled over his beautiful, awesome, and perfect abs. Everytime we did this, I wondered if Jake's abs where like Jacob's.

-End of the movie-

"I can't believe it." Samantha mumbled.

Sara had fallen asleep just after Alice stepped into the house to look for Bella. Taylor was still awake, but barely. I was, yes and I incur, was crying.

I always cry at endings. This time, because Edward almost made himself be killed because of 'Bella'. I at least think it was because of that. Why am I crying again?

"I can't believe that she accepted Edward again after what he did." Samantha said shocked almost screaming. "He was an idiotic Sparkly Vampire!''

"You did forgive Ian for kissing Carla." I pointed out.

Sami gaped at me. "Touché."

Sara sat up startled and let a little 'Ah!'. She blinked a few times until ''Oh, -yawn- it's only you guys...''

Taylor, that was almost asleep, rose her eyebrow. ''Who were you expecting?'' mumbled.

Sara grinned. ''A serial killer with a bloody mask. But I wasn't worried cuz I kicked his butt in the dream."

I rolled my eyes and yawned. Realizing how tired I was, I laid down on layers of blankets that covered an inflatable matress, which Judy brought us before the movie started. Taylor and I were sleeping down here, while Sami and Sara slept on the bed.

A few minutes after my head hits the pillow, I fell into a deep slumber.

-Keithlin's (crazy) dream-

I looked around me. I only saw blackness and nothingness.

Am I blind? Oh my God! I'm blind! I waven my hand in front of me only to see my hand. Oh, so I'm not bling after all.

I turned around when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. Startled when I came face to face with a grinning Jake, only inches away from my face. I gasped, while at it taking a few steps back, and tried to talk, but couldn't.

Jake had a Grinch grin that if a freak tried to do it, he won't be able to.

Out of no where, I heard three loud bang-bang-bang-'s coming from all around me.

Suddenly behind Jake, Antonio appeared with the same crazy grin Jake had. He stopped next to Jake, a few feet apart from me.

I got really freaked out. What is wrong with them?! And just like that, Ian appeared, followed by Ron, Hunter, and by Derek! All wearing the same crazy grin. What is happening here?

I managed to take a step back, but that was a wrong move. Their faces started to twist into furious ones. They started to come slowly forward. I turned around and ran into the darkness.

Voices mumbled behind me furiously. 'You didn't tell me!' 'You didn't warn me!' 'Get Keithlin' 'You didn't tell us!', and around all those screams, I screamed.

-End of dream-

I screamed waking up.

Taylor, that was sleeping next to me, shot up and fell rolling into the floor. Sara screamed at the same time I sat up. Samantha sat up with huge eyes.

I looked around me. I was at Sara's room. Not at a black endless room filled with psycho boys. I was sweating and breathing hard. That was a really strange nightmare.

The girls looked around and finally landed their eyes at me.

I gave a little apologetic smile. ''Nightmare?''

''I wonder...'' Taylor mumbled laying still on the carpet floor. ''...if I can hit you hard enough on the head, maybe I can finally get some sleep."

I moved a little away from her. I turned to the window. It was still dark outside, so it must not be morning. I checked my phone that was near by. It's 4:42 am.

I groaned falling back on the mattress.

''You ok?'' Samantha asked a bit muffly, still with a sleepy voice. ''Are you feeling sick again?''

I shook my head against the pillow and mumbled a ''Nah. It was just a nightmare."

''What was it about?'' Sara asked.

I frowned. It was a really complicated dream. I mean, what does it mean? Why did I dream about it in the first place?

''Um... it's complicated...''

Taylor yawned and climbed on the mattress again. ''Ok. So tell us in the morning then. Now shut up and good night."

I heard Sara and Samantha lay down again, but I stayed awake. I just didn't want to go to sleep again. That was a very disturbing dream.

So when the clock hits 6:48am, I stood up and splashed my face with cold water in the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was a bird nest and my face was now soaking wet, at least better than soaking weat with sweat. I dressed up and folded the pj and dressed quickly.

When I walked out I heard mumbling. The mumbling got louder. Finally, it formed words. I looked around and found Sara talking in her sleep. I sat at the desk chair.

"No.... Don't punch him Derek.... Don't.... No way he's punching my....'' Sara moved around trashing and punching the air.

I chuckled and raised an eyebrow. Sara opened her eyes and looked around.

''Morning.'' I said to her.

She slowly turned her head torwards me and frowned. ''What time is it?''

I smiled ''Almost seven in the morning.''

Sara groaned and slammed her head in her pillow.

''What were you dreaming?'' I asked her

Her eyes opened and mumbled ''I don't remember."

I chuckled ''You where throwing punched in the air and mumbling something about Derek."

She frowned and realization dawned into her. ''Oh! Yeah! I dreamed about-'' She stopped talking and looked at me with wide eyes. She turned all nervous. ''What else did I say?''

I sat on the chair ''Um, let me see... you said something about Derek punching something, or more like a someone because you said 'him'. 'Don't punch him', you said. And nothing more."

She seemed relieved and said ''It was a past memory... And, for starters, I don't punch in my sleep!''

''Oh, yes you do.'' I stated.

''Nop. I don't think so... Can I  just go back to sleep?'' Sara pleaded.

I shrugged. ''Yeah, why not.''

Sara closed her eyes and moments later fell asleep.

I stood up and headed to the kitchen. I though making breakfast would be a nice way to show some appreciation to the girls and to Sara's parents, who helped me yesterday.

My mind drifted to my special recipe... Pancakes. I always make yummy pancakes.

I took out the ingredients and started the mix.


''OH!'' Judy exclaimed when she walked into me in the kitched. I had just finished making the first batch.

''Keithlin... You are making breakfast?'' Judy mumbled shocked.

I nodded. ''Yeah. I woke up early and decided to make some for everybody.''

''You didn't have to do this, you know...'' Judy said taking the plate filled with my pancakes.

''I know. But I wanted to.'' I said smiling her way.

She smiled back. Judy, even in her  late 40's, had a very young face. You can mistake her for somebody in their early 30's. She had a nightgown that reached her feet and had a loose hair that looks ironed, but it's far from it. I wonder what her secret is for keeping that hair so straight.

''Well... thank you.'' She said. ''I'll prepare the table for everybody to eat. We'll have fun seeing them all cranky in the morning because we are going to wake them!'' She finished with a devilish smile.

I chuckled. She reminds me so much of Sara sometimes... Well, like the phrase says: Like mother, like daughter.


I stood inside of Sara's room with an iron pan on one hand and a wodden spood on the other.

I had finished all the pancakes and had placed them on the table. Now the only thing missing were the people to eat them.

I brought the spood hard to the pan and started a ruckus. ''Blam! Blam! Blam!'' The sound of it made everybody fall from their beds into the floor, Sami and Sara with a loud 'thud'.

I kept going and screamed ''Wake up sleepy heads! Breakfast is on the table!''

I turned around fast and ran downstairs before any of them could catch me. I heard a loud ''OH! She's going to get it now!'' from Taylor.

I ran to the kitchen with people trying to catch up to me.

Judy sat on the table videotaping their entrance.

Taylor was the first to enter with a murderous look. When she saw the pancakes. ''OH! PANCAKES!''

Taylor sat down and took some pancakes into her mouth, but not before pooring syrup on them.

Sara was the second that, without words or expressions, sat down and ate her pancakes. Not a morning person, I guess?

Sami was the last. She walked like a zombie to the table, then she took a huge sniff into the air and a smile appeared in her eyes. ''PANCAKES!'' She exclaimed.

Sara, already wide awake  ''Mom, this are the greates pancakes you have ever made. Did you steal it?"Sara mumbled as she ate.

Judy chuckled ''Oh no. I didn't make them.'' She looked at me and grinned. She started to eat her batch.

''Then who did them?'' Sara asked.

''I did.'' I said sitting and staring to eat.

Taylor moaned when she brought a piece into her mouth. ''God! This are good! How do you make them!?''

I smiled ''It's a secret.''

''Oh man! Someday you'll have to spill the recipe before you die! You'll have to!'' Samantha said still eating.

I chuckled, some girls they are.

After everybody ate and getting a bunch of compliments from everybody, even William and Joe, we went upstairs and the girls got dressed.


"Now behave while I shower.'' Sara said stepping into her bathroom.

"Yes mother.'' Said Taylor. We chuckled.

Sara stuck out her tongue and closed the door. When we heard the click signaling the lock of the door and the start of the shower, we grinned.

"Ok.'' I whispered. "Find anything that might lead to her liking a boy. That includes diaries, hearts, love letters, a photo, anythink you might think. We don't have much time, so let's start!"

We spread around the room.

I started to check her laptop and desk while Taylor checked her bookshelve. Samantha checked on the night table.

''Found it.'' Sami mumbled and placed the it on the bed.

''What?'' We both asked.

''Diary.'' She answered.

''It's old.'' I said rolling my eyes. ''Remember a time when we talked about dairies?''

Samantha nodded. ''Exactly. She said she had this dairy since she was small and only writes special and unexpected moments, like Ian and I being a couple. She told us she wrote that on her memory, that she would never forget, meaning she wrote it in here. If she writes everything special to her, don't you think liking a boy wouldn't be an unexpected feeling?''

I nodded. ''You are right!''

Taylor groaned. ''Even if it's true, it has a lock. We will never find the key!''

Samantha smiled cheaply. We looked at her, suspiciously.

''I might have a clue of where the key is."

''Speak out!'' Taylor pleaded.

Sami frowned while pouting. ''It's not that easy. It doesn't make any sense either. She told me one day that if she ever died young, by the way she told us this while beeing trough one of her chocolate symptoms, that her dairy's key...'' she stopped like dealing on what she's saying.

''Spit it out woman! You are making unnecessary tension!'' Taylor said shaking Sami a bit.

''It's just that it doesn't make sence.  She said that we had and always will have the key to her dairy.''

''That doesn't make any sense.'' I rapidly say.

''Maybe the lock opens with voice control?'' Taylor suggested. She took it in her hands and whispered ''Open dairy...'' nothing happened so she tried ''Open sesame...''

''Really?'' I asked. ''Open Sesame?''

Taylor shrugged. ''At least I tried something!''

''It's an old lock, not one of those that are more advanced. Our voices will never work.'' Samanth said frustrated.

We stopped for a moment.

''She might have it around her room? The key, I mean...'' Taylor suggested again.

So we started the search.

-8 minutes later-

We where laying with our faces up on the bed. We searched the closet, the nightstand, bookshelf, the bed; no luck what so ever.

I groaned. Who would have tought that Sara would have been good at hiding a key?

I started to search with my eyes around the room. My vision stopped at the desk, where a picture of the four of us and Hunter was placed. Then it hit me. I heard Sara's voice in my head saying 'You guys have the key.'

I stood up and walked towards the desk.

''What are you doing?'' Samantha asked me.

''I think I found us.'' I responded.

''What do you mean with that?'' Samantha asked.

I picked the photo up and turned it around. ''Sara was telling the truth without telling the truth.''

Like I thought, the key was taped to the back of the photo phrame.

''Bingo'' I said taking it out.

''I never thought Sara might be so mysterious." Taylor mumbled giving me the dairy so I could open it.

I inserted the key and I took the lock out with a wide grin.

But my grin disappeared when I heard the shower turn off.

''Hurry up!'' Samantha said taking the dairy.

She opened it and searched for the last writing.


[Dear diary:

Today has been Awesome. After Ian and Sami became a couple, she wanted us to acompany her today to school. I dressed like a freaking ninja....]

Ok let me just skip to this part'' Samantha said turning the page.


[I left the girls in the caf and followed the jerk himself (Derek). When I saw him taking Indian by his shirt, I snapped and kicked Derek with an air kick and punched him on his face. I thanked God that I had my glasses and hood on. I talked to him on my 'italian' voice.

Well, to make the story short, it's the first time I talk to him... I just don't know how to approach him... And if I told the guys about him, they won't undestand...] That's it. The rest is on the Carla's fight...''

Samantha said locking the dairy again and placing it on where she first found it. Taylor taped the key again to the photo phrame and placed it on the desk.

''So let me get this straight...'' I said ''...Sara beat up Derek while 'protecting' a so called Indian, did I get it right?'' I asked confused.

Samantha nodded. ''I guess 'Indian' must be a nickname for a guy.''

''Yeah, her special guy, if you know what I mean...'' Taylor said wiggling her eyebrows and sitting on the bed.

"I think that guy that Sara saved is the guy she likes...'' I mumbled.

Taylor narrowed her eyes at me. "That's what I mean, doofus.''

"Let me finish! Ok... if that was written, then I guess there must be a description or his name somewhere written on that dairy.'' I said.

Samantha nodded. "Yeah. But it's to risky to open the dairy again. Sara is going to come out at any moment...''

The bathroom's door opened and Sara came out wearing her pj's. She was towel drying her hair.

''What are you doing?'' She asked with a raised eyebrow.

We looked at each other in panic ''Nothing.'' We all said together.

Sara chuckled. ''Just messing with you. Now help me pick an outfit or leave the room.''

We all chuckled awkwardly. That was close.

Taylor grinned. ''Want to look good for Ron, don't ya?''

Sara's stare narrowed and sarcastically said ''Oh yeah, you are right. But the difference between you and me is that today I'll hang out with Hunter, not you.''

Sami and I gasped. Wow, low blow.

Taylor narrowed her eyes. ''Oh you're so on!''

Sara smirked and pointed to the door. ''Come on, get out. I'm going to get dressed.''

We walked out Sara's room and sat on the living room.

''I thought she had caught us for good...'' mumbled Samantha.

We nodded. Sami stood up ''I think I'll head home. Ian hasn't called, but I think he will soon if he arrives and I'm not home.''

"Oh! Right. Well see you then!" Taylor said.

Minutes later Sami walked home and Sara walked down stairs. She was wearing the usual outfit. Black skinny jeans and black long sleeved shirt. Black convers not far behind and her hair was on a high ponytail.

''Where's Samantha?'' Sara asked sitting on the sofa while calling Hunter.

''She walked home.'' Taylor answered.

''Oh ok— Hey Hunter!— Yeah I'm ready— Oki-dokie!'' Sara hanged up and smiled. ''He said he'll be here in five.''

''Five?'' I asked.

''Five minutes.''

I picked my phone and dailed my mom's number.

'Hello?' my mom picked up.

''Hey mom!'' I answered

'So I guess you're alright?'

''Yeh. Can you pick me up?'' I went straight to the point.

'Yes I can. I'll be there on a jiffy, love you!'

''Love ya too mom.'' I hanged up and asked Taylor. ''Want a ride home?''

Taylor nodded with a smile.

A car parked upfront and honked.

''That must be Hunter. See ya later guys!'' Sara said opening the door.

''Wait a second young missy! Where are you going?'' Judy appeared with two cups of hot chocolate in hand.

Taylor grinned. ''Let her be, Judy. She's on her way to her first date!''

Judy gasped. ''Sara! Why didn't you tell me you were having a date today?!''

''It's not a date!'' Sara screamed.

''Oh yes it is! And it's with a guy named Ron!'' Taylor said with a wide grin.

''Oh my! Why haven't you told me this!?'' Judy asked Sara, a bit alarmed too.

Sara shook her head. ''Mom, I'm not going on a date with anyone. I'm going to hang out with Hunter today. Now before anything else happens, Good-bye!'' She closed the door behind her and stormed out of the house.

Taylor burst out laughing and I chuckled shaking my head.

''Is she really going on a date?'' Judy asked us and sat beside us.

I shook my head. ''No Judy. She ain't into any kind of dating... for now, that is."

She handed each a cup of hot chocolate and turned on the tv.

''Don't tell anybody, but I'm lazy in the mornings. I record each morning news to see later.'' Judy said searching the recorded programs and pressing play.

The program started with a few news interesting, and others not so interesting. I was drifting off to sleep on the sofa when a news title caught my total attention.

''Up next: Horror in the party. Last night teenagers formed a halloween party on local Golden Gait Highschool. Little did they know that party ended on a horror zone. Details when we come back.''

The news lady said and commercials started. I took on a shaky hand the remote and skipped the commercials. The news started again and the news lady popped up.

''Around 9:40 last night, police recived a call that informed a drunked boy, that was identified as Antonio Fernandez, had  arrived earlier at the party and had a gun with him. He fired, which ended with three injured people.''

My eyes were glued to the tv, but I could see Taylor looking at me with horror. Judy had a terrified look too, since Antonio is her nephew.

The lady continued. ''A young girl named Carla Simpson was ran over when everybody tried to exit the building." The lady paused and looked like she was waiting for something. A man went to her side and gave her a paper. The lady continued ''I've just received the names and conditions in which the teenagers are. Carla Simpson is stable. The bullets fired have injured two people. One girl named Eva Parton. She is in a critical state.''

I looked at Taylor who had paled a bit. She looks at me and smiles a little. ''Hey, at least it didn't injure someone we know, right? Well, care about, that is." 

I only smiled a bit and kept hoping for the best for those who were injured.

''The last person was hit on the shoulder. He is on a critical state. He was identified as Ian Ford.''

Judy gasped and let out a cry.

No words could describe the shock I'm feeling right now.

Love y'all!

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