22. My dad

Thank you to all the people reading this!!! Love you guys!!! X3

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Chapter 22: My dad

I stared agape at my father. He was sitting in the living room talking to my mom. Edward was sitting next to them with a wide smile.

I let a shrink of happiness. "Papi! (daddy)"

I ran and he chuckled catching me when I landed on his lap and hugged my dad.

"Oh 'papi' I've missed you so much!" I exclaimed hugging him like never before.

"I know pumpkin. I know." He said hugging me and caressing my hair. I love my father. I haven't seen him in more than two months.

"Why didn't you call to let us know when you were coming?!" I exclaimed moving to seat next to him.

His face that was filled with happiness turned dull in an instant and returned with a smile. That's strange.

"I wasn't expecting my boss to let me come. Wanted to surprise you." He said hugging me one last time.

Everyone made a family group hug, even Edward.

" 'Mi amor, te he extrañado mucho. La comida ya esta, porque no vas, te das un baño y bajas a comer.' (Oh love, I've missed you so much. Dinner is ready, why don't you freshen up and come down to dinner.)" my mom said lovingly at my dad.

"That would be perfect." Dad said to mom in a loving tone. They kissed.

Edward and I shuffled out of the living room leaving them for their much needed intimacy.

"I'm glad dad's back." I said to Edward that was walking next to me.

"Yea. Not a good thing for you, thought." he pointed at me.

I frowned and got angry. "Why would you say that!? He's my dad!"

He chuckled. "Oh... No reason. Maybe just that tomorrow a certain boyfriend of yours is coming for dinner. You were planning on telling them tomorrow about your relationship, remember?" He said with a grin.

I gasped. With all the joy of seeing my father again, I forgot about Ian! I have to call him!

I ran passed Edward and locked myself in my room. I quickly dialed Ian.

One ring, two, three...

'What's up Sami? Miss me already?' Ian said in his cheerful tone like always. And a bit cocky too.

"Someone's cheerful today!" I said.

'Meybe it's just 'cause I'm hearing your voice!' Ian.

"That was a little cheese."

"Won't disagree. Had a nice 'girly' day? Did Sara finally annoy you till break down?" Ian said

'You know, the usual. Shopping and gossiping. Sara behaved." I explained.

He chuckled. 'Never though that about her. I'm still invited tomorrow for dinner, right?'

"About that... You should know something before your visit." I said at the same time playing nervously with a strand of my hair.

'What is it? Is something wrong?' Ian asks concern.

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just I have a little inconvenience for tomorrow about telling my mom about our relationship."

There was a moment of silence. 'Sami, we agreed this could not wait any longer. We both promised to tell her tomorrow.'

"But-" He cut me off.

'No but's Samantha. We have to. There will be no excuses!'

I sighed. "I just wanted to tell you that my father is here and will still be here for tomorrow's dinner with you."

Loooong silence.

"Hello?" I asked concerned.

Finally he replied 'I think telling them can wait...'

I laughed "Why? Afraid of dad?"


"Oh, but you said we just had to tell mom tomorrow. I'm assuming dad is included in that plan."

' *gulp* I said that?! Nooooo... I definitely said telling them can wait.'

"You said there can not be ANY excuses." I pointed him out.

'I didn't say that! I said... That if there was a good excuse we use it to not tell them...' He was extremely nervous.

"Mhm?" I asked amused.

'Mhm!' He answered

I laughed. "You are still coming tommorow."


"Ian. You are coming tommorow and that's final. You are going to meet my dad."

He whined 'But whyyyyy?!'

"Ian! Your going to meet him sooner or later! And I prefer sooner!"

'I prefer later.'


'Ok, ok. But if he kills me, I don't want you near my grave.' He said like a little boy.

"Ian! He's not going to kill you! Everything is going to be fine. " I said

'Says who? I'm sure he'll be ready with a gun when I get there.'

"Ian, just come tomorrow. Mom likes you already, just make manly talk with dad. He ain't going to kill you."

' Fine. '

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked relieved.

'Yeah. Know I do this for you. So you owe me. I'll have to upgrade my life insurance...'

I burst out in laughter.

'Stop laughing. I'm serious. I gotta go. I'll be making preparations for my grave.' He said

"Whatever you say Ian." I chuckled, "Good night!"

'Good night. If I can get some sleep that is...' Ian mumbled that last part and hang up.

I burst out laughing again. I don't know what dad will think about Ian. Of course, I can't tell Ian that or else he'll never have the courage to meet him.

I went downstairs to have dinner with my family. It had been a long time since dad sat with us.

"So Edward, how's the job going?"

Edward looked up from his plate with a smile. "It's going great. Recently got told I was the best mechanic in town!" Edward gave me a look. That comment was given to him by Ian's dad, Mr. Ford.

"Good good. And you Sami? How's school?" He asked smiling.

"It's good. Strait A's. Good behavior. Made new friends. Teachers are good. You know, Highschool stuff." I got straight to the point.

He rose an eyebrow. "Thats good! New friends you say?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Remember one of my friends of like fourth grade? She moved back to town. Um, I made some friends from older years. They are named Jake and Ian." I said last part nervously staring at my father's reaction.

He rose an eyebrow. "Boys bring bad news."

I gulped. But thank God mom came to my rescue.

" ¡Que va! Ellos son dos chicos buenos. Especialmente Ian. Él es un buen amigo de Samantha. Se pasa viniendo aquí. Buen chico. ¡Viene mañana a comer!'. (Nonsense. They are good kids those two. Specially Ian. He is a good friend of Samantha. Ian's been coming here for awhile. Nice kid. He's coming over for dinner tomorrow!)" Mom chirped in.

Well, I don't know if she actually rescued me or just made it worse.

Dad had an unreadable look on his face. "A good kid you say?" He said to mom.

She nodded with a smile. "(Yes) Sí."

"Ian is Sara's cousin." I added rapidly, trying to ease the tension.

Edward smiled. "He's Stevan's brother too. Remember Stevan? He studied with me."

My dad smiled with recognition. "Oh! Yes yes. I know who he is. I remember one time when I took Edward to Mr. Ford's house so he could do an assignment. Ian was a toddler. A fat little kid he was."

Really dad?

"That's him. He's changed since you last saw him." I added.

Mom chirped in, " '¡Ay ! Clase chamaquito. Si que es muy guapo. (Ah! yes. He's quite the guy. Really handsome.)"

"He comes here a lot?" He asked mom.

She nodded with a smile. " Él es muy educado.' (He's a very polite boy.)"

My dad turned to me with a raised eyebrow. I shruggled. I was a little uncomfortable, and it was worse when he asked me: "Do you like that guy?"

My eyes widened. I gulped. "He's my friend. Why wouldn't I like him?"

He gave me a look. He knew me too well. He was my dad after all. "You know what I mean Sami."

I gulped. No point on denying the undeniable. "I kinda like him."

" '¡Ah, lo sabía!' (Oh, I knew it!)" Mom suddenly yelled. But I ignored her, my father's approval was the one thing on mind.

I had my head low, to avoid my dad's gaze. I heard a chuckle. I look up surprised. My dad was chuckling. I laugh nervously but then just shut my mouth quickly, just in case it wasn't a casual chuckle.

He gave me a loving look. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked me, still chuckling.

I stared agape at my father.

"Sami, I know you better than anyone. You are my daughter. If you like a boy, I know he must be special. I know you ain't going to pick any smoking, idiot, tattooed, stupid, moron. From what your mother has just told me, he sounds alright. I want you to know that there is nothing to be afraid of when talking to me about this. Sami, close your mouth honey or the flies go in."

I closed my mouth in an instant. Wow. Just wow.

Dad took my hand in his own. "Its a good thing he's coming tomorrow, so I can meet him." He smiled evilly and wiggled his eyebrows.

I laugh nervously while Mom beamed with happiness.

" '¡! Finalmente escucho lo que he querido escuchar desde hace tiempo. Jum... Tenemos que tener una platiquita de chicas muchachita. Tienes que contarme todo.' (Yes! I've finally heard what I've wanted to hear in a long time! You like Ian! Hum... We gotta have a girl talk missi! You have to tell me everything!)" mom said like a teenager. Trust me, hearing her like this is weird; it's not just you.

Dad rolled his eyes making me laugh. I look at Edward that has been as shocked as I was. We began to chuckle all as a family. After that nothing else about the matter was mentioned.

Oh boy, Ian is up for a big surprise tomorrow.

Love, Kiss, Hugs to you!

