2. Those stairs

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Chapter 2: Those stairs!

Taking two stairs at a time, I ran up to the second floor and found the gym teacher's office.  I handed him the folder, exchanging quick pleasantries.  As I closed the door behind me, I let out a quick chuckle. It's the first gym teacher that I've seen that's actually fit.

As I started to head to class, the bell rang.

Damn, I'm late on my first day!  No no no, I can't be late!

I start fast walking. And as I see the empty halls, I start running. 

No way am I going to be late!

I ran down the stairs when this dude came running from down stairs and BAM!!!

Good thing we were both near the bottom of the stairs, or we would have been in a grave accident.

My elbow hit the floor, probably will leave a nasty bruise. But the rest of me thankfully landed on something soft.

Wait, soft?

I found myself staring into beautiful brown eyes, staring right back.  I instantly knew who he was.


Panic mode activated.

Ian, my crush for as long as I can remember. He's just a year older than me. He used to be a chubby short and nerdy kid. But boy was puberty magical.  He grew up to be a smoking hot basketball player. I've had my eyes on him since before his basketball years.

What can I say? There's something about a smart mind that just attracts people.

Nobody really knew about my crush; I liked my privacy. Best prevent Ian from ever knowing.

It wasn't like I talk to him either. We aren't friends.

Ian has pale skin with a perfect body structure.  His hair is caramel colored and has the skater style to it; he's also very tall, easily passing 6'0. His eyes are a rich brown, which gives him the look of a pleading puppy asking for love. And his lips? Oh his lips... I could kiss them all day...

If I knew how to kiss, that is.

This is Ian; 15 years old and liked by all the girls that lay their eyes on him.

H. O. T.


"Erm... are you ok?"

I'm still on top of him!


"Oh gosh, I-I'm so sorry Ian." I quickly stood up.

Damn it! I'm stuttering.

"No problem. It's Samantha, right? It was my fault, not yours." He gave me a quick smile as he stood up.

Bless the mighty gods, for Ian knows my name! How the hell does he know my name?!

"No, it was my fault. I was the one not looking were I was going." I tried to keep an even breathing pattern through this really uncomfortable situation.

I mean, who knocks their crush down the stairs?

"Uh... You know who I am?" Well, I could just face palm right now.

He chuckled whilst my heart fluttered like crazy. 

"Of course I do! You and your friends were the most intelligent girls back in middle school. Everybody knew who you were."

Oh wow, I don't know how to take that. I didn't know that people knew who we were. Much less him!

"I wouldn't call us the most intelligent, but thanks? Um... I'm so sorry for all of this. It wasn't my intention. It's just that it's the first day and I don't want to be late-"

"Don't worry! You have nothing to explain, it's my fault too for not looking where I was going." At seeing my perplexed face, he might have gotten an idea. "You know what, I'm gonna do something to make it up to you." He said, flashing a radiant smile.

"Oh no!" I waved my hand in dismissal, "You don't have to do that."

"No, it's my choice.  You have to let me make it up to you, or I'll probably feel guilty for all eternity!" He exclaimed joking. A quick glance at his watch made him curse under his breath "Shit... I have to go.  See you later, Samantha." He started to run up the stairs and made a quick pause to look back at me, "And welcome to our High School!"

He flashed one last breathtaking smile while waving good-bye and running out of my sight.

I was in a state of shock.

Ah, so this is how it feels to die and come back to life.

He had no reason to say sorry, it was my fault. The force of my run knocked him down. The laws of physics place the blame on me; no doubt about it.

Non the less... I felt stupidly content about it all.

I ran to my classroom with a bright smile while replaying the previous moment in my mind.

I wanted nothing more than to share my feelings with someone. Well damn, I think I'll have to tell Sara and Keithlin.  Keeping this a secret has gone for too long.


When I entered the class room the teacher wasn't here yet; saved me the bad impression.

The girls saved me a chair right at the front. Sara and Keithlin were still talking about their summer. With all my bravery, I interrupted them:

"Hey, girls.  Listen, I have a confession to make."

"About what?", asked Keithlin while Sara squinted her eyes at me.

This is where I told them everything: from my crush on first grade to me falling ton top of him on those damned stairs. Well, blessed stairs. Hallelujah!

"Wow." Sara eyes darted around, as if trying to solve a puzzle. 

"That is really cool. I never would have guessed that you fancied him. Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" Keithlin asked, softly slapping my shoulder.

I bit my inner cheek. "It just never seemed important."

Sara gasped, "Not important?! Samantha, this is extremely important!"

Keithlin giggled. "I'm just glad you told us. It's been some time since any of us had a crush."

Sara grimaced. "Oh boy, don't remind me of-"

"Jeremy." We all mentioned his name as a disgusting shiver travelled through our spine.

"Enough about the past! This is big, Samantha! He's gonna start talking to you!", said Keithlin basically danced on her chair from excitement.

Sara giggled. "What if he likes you?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Come on, be realistic. He doesn't like me. I knocked him down the stairs. I think when he said 'do something to make it up to me' means he's gonna do some prank or something. " I said with a pout. On the inside I knew I was just trying to extinguish the ambers of hope. No point in trying to be positive about something this absurd.

"Nah, Ian ain't that type of guy." Sara murmured. "At the very least, he'll just treat you nice, since he placed the blame on himself."

I raised an eyebrow, how would she know?

Right before I could ask, Carla entered the room.

Carla was secretly hired to be our personal bully; at least that's what we assume. She's a bitch that validates her feelings through the pain of others.

Another important detail is that she's Ian's number one fan. Like a vulture trying to find food, she's been after him for these past few years. Her long black hair is always perfectly styled. She loves to show off skin with tiny clothing (mostly colorful), tall and loves to wear high heels. I could care less about how she dressed, but for the love of God, stop sneering at everyone. You get the bitchy image, right?

She entered followed by her squad of sluts swearing something similar to hers. I don't think I remember their names, I never bothered to learn them. One has blond hair and the other brunette.  That calls for nickname time: Blondie and Brownie!

Carla spoke: "Hey dweebs, I thought you moved out of town."

"Yea dweebs! Moved out of town!" Brownie said. Why do I get the feeling Brownie has some loose screws.

"Stop saying everything I say, Laura!" Carla screamed, no, more like squeaked.

So Brownie is Laura... Meh, already liked the nickname. So it stays as Brownie.

Then Sara spoke: "Oh, yeah, we moved, but we came back. Too bad. You know why? Because we have to see your hideous face always squeaking around."

I giggled behind my hand.

"You stupid little..." Carla began to speak but was interrupted by the teacher walking in.

"Good morning.  Class, take a seat.... We are a little bit late and I would like to start immediately." Mrs. I don't know told us.

Carla and her squad sneered at us and took a seat far away from us to the back.

Sara chuckled. "Good thing they sat away from us.  We might have cought the squienquies!"

The three of us chuckled under our breaths.

The teacher began taking our names and introduced herself as Miss Forest, our English teacher.  Then she made us tell her our names. Soon enough, class began.


Lunch time came and we went to our brake in the cafeteria. We took our food and found a place to sit down.  Everyone looked so old! I felt like a toddler!

I looked around at the faces around us. While at it, I saw Ian take a seat with the popular crowd.  I could see cheerleaders, football players, etc. I didn't think it would be that cliché.

What they needed to make it more obvious was a big bright sing that said popular table here!

I got distracted looking at Ian's eyes. There was something about them that just made me yearn for hace their attention. Suddenly, I noticed he was looking directly at me.  I blushed, averting my gaze.  Did he noticed I was looking at him? I quickly started a conversation with Keithlin and Sara.

"Hey, have you noticed how coconuts aren't vegetables?"

They looked at me like I was crazy, which I was pretty sure I was.  Sara understood what was happening, 'cause she could look at the popular crowd too.  Keithlin didn't get it, since her back was towards them.

"What do you mean by that?" Keithlin asked. I'm pretty sure she was questioning my sanity.

"Just pretend you're talking to me. Ian is staring at me from a far away table behind you." I told her pretending to talk about something else. And by that I mean moving my arms around, probably making myself look stupid.

I took a quick look at him and our eyes locked for just a second.

Nop. Nop. Nop.

"Awe, Ian's staring at youuu..." Keithlin said annoyingly, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shush, if you continue I'll start blushing." I said touching my heated cheeks.

We chuckled and talked about random things. About Carla, about Ian, about our first class, and how the lunch tasted.

Keithlin chuckled "Hey, changing the conversation real quick, you know how you confessed to us your huge crush? Well, I have a confession too." She said trying not to smile.

Échale! Confession time again. This must be interesting." Sara grinned.

"I like Ian's best friend, Jake." Keithlin said with a grin.

"Oh my God, really!?" Sara and I reacted at the same time. Talk about synchronization.

"Yeah, it's been a thing for about two years." Keithlin said. "Remember the dream I had of him telling me to recycle... I know, very random, but since then." Keithlin is crushing over a guy who she dreamed of telling her to recycle. Figures!

"Awe, you know he's a really sweet dude." I grinned.

Then we stared at Sara.  She was looking at the popular crowd intensively. Not in a bad way either.

"Sara, you know how we both confessed how we have a secret crush? It's your turn!" Kaithlin said excited.

Sara's ears turned a bit red and tried to hide it, but I saw. You see while most people blush, Sara's ears turn red. Then her face, then her neck.  She just transforms into a humanoid tomato.

"I really don't like anyone at the moment." She said insecure.

"Common, don't lie Sara!" I said poking her arm.

She chuckled. "I'm serious! But I'll let you know when I end up liking someone." Sara said looking at the popular crowd.

Then I noticed she wasn't looking at the popular crowd, she was looking beyond them (Lion King moment right here). She was staring at a guy.  He had his head bent down, which made it hard to identify.

I didn't get a chance to ask Sara about him 'cause I noticed Keithlin had a strange look on her face like struggling to say something. I frowned, not getting what she was doing.

"Are you okay Keithlin?" I asked. She just widened her eyes.

Right then a hushed voice said near my ear: "Hey Samantha."

I think I jumped ten feet in the air (I'm exaggerating, but you get what I mean) before turning around and finding Ian laughing behind me.  I think I blushed three shades of red and then: "Ama...ia..Ian!"

What the heck was that?!

"What you doing here Ian?!" I panicked.  Not a good moment to be panicked, Samantha. Breath breath... Oh God, I'm having a heart attack!

"Can't a guy just pass by and say hi?" He said with a smirk, which I answered with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Just wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked, managing to calm myself.

"About earlier..." He whispered.

"Oh, well I don't know..." I didn't know what to say or do.  My friends could see that.

"Hey Ian!" Keithlin said distracting him from my previous shock. "My pal, my buddy, mi amigo, what's up?"

He chuckled at her way of greeting. "Nothing new.  First day, missing summer. Simple stuff." Ian said while taking a seat in front of me, next to Keithlin.

"Remember us, right? Keithlin, Samantha and me, Sara, long time no see!" Sara said with a grin.

"Yeah! Didn't you think I would know who you are?" Ian said, there was amusement behind his words.

"Yeah yeah, I know! We're unforgettable!" Sara said laughing.

Right then the bell rang.

"Gotta head to class. See you guys later..." Ian said turning to go. But seemed to change his mind. "Hey Samantha, I'll meet you after school? We haven't talked about earlier."

My head nodded but my soul had frozen. He grinned "Great" and walked away.

But before he could get too far Sara stood up abruptly yelling his name. She went to Ian and told him something that I didn't quite hear, but I had to go to my next class so I just forgot about it.


After all our classes, I waited for Sara and Keithlin outside. I was debating if waiting for Ian was a good idea. I just couldn't control my actions and always looked like a fool in front of him. I don't want that to happen again. I was also thinking of everything that happened today when someone bumped into me. Rather roughly, may I add.

"Oh, sorry nerd. I didn't see you there." Carla said, and again: Not said, squeaked.

"No problem Carla..." Now I was panicked.  I didn't know what to do. Insult her? Walk away? RUN away? Or stay still like a statue? I'll choose the last one.

"Hey, I saw you dweebs with Ian. I'm telling you to stay away from him.  He's mine!" She squeaked in my face.

I was by now shaking with hidden fear. I would never admit it, but of us three, I'm the most intimidated by Carla.

I didn't know what to do. I was debating on running or saying something to her.

While those thoughts swam in my mind, God sent me an angel from above to rescue me... And oh my, God has a taste for hot Ángels!

"Leave her alone Carla." Ian spoke calmly stepping beside me.

"Oh Iny-poo, what's wrong?" She said failing too do a seducing voice.

"Don't call me that Carla. I already told you like a thousand times: I don't like you." Ian said with all seriousness. It looks like he has been in this situation many times before.

Carla looked like she had seen a ghost. Her eyes flickered to me for a moment. She was embarrassed about the rejection in front of me.

After she composed herself she smiled at me like a maniac (she looked like the Grinch) and said:

"Oh but you will..." And with that, she left. The click-clack of her high heals sounded then faded away with the owner.

I was in limbo land when Ian spoke.

"Are you ok?" He asked worried.

"You know, you have said that to me twice today..." I said trying to look like my heart wasn't beating a thousand times a minute.

He started laughing and, let me tell you, had a beautiful laugh. I started laughing too.

"Thanks for helping me with Carla." I said truthfully.

He shrugged. "Meh, it was nothing. She really is a handful. Never leaves me alone."

I grimaced. "I know how that feels."

Ian frowned. "I'm quite sure she ain't a lesbian..."

My eyes widened "Oh my Gosh, no! That's not what I meant!"

Ian burst out laughing, holding his tummy. "I'm kidding! But really, what do you mean by that?"

I bit my lip and looked anywhere but him. "She just bugs me from time to time. No biggie."

Since he didn't answer, I looked at him. He was frowning.

"You know, if you have trouble with her, let me know. I'll help you. You can count on me."

My heart fluttered for the hundredth time today. "Thank you." I gave him a genuine smile.

He grinned and passed his hand behind his neck. "Um... Hey, how about we hang out some time? We could meet up somewhere... If you want of course."

I blinked a few times, trying to register what he asked. I think I caught him nervous, but naaaah. He could not be nervous...

I grinned. "Sure, no problem. You just have to tell us where..." I said.

He frowned. "Us?"

I blinked a few times until I understood his question. "Oh, well obviously Keithlin, Sara and me, right?"

Ian stared at me. "Yeaaah, sure. Hanging out as a group. That is definitely what I meant."

I frowned. I feel like I'm missing a detail here... Oh well.

"You just let me know ok?" I said with a soft smile.

But then a crazy idea hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Is this a prank?!" I said mischievously.

He looked really confused and asked "What is a prank?"

" You talking to me. This ain't a prank right...?" 'cause if it is, my heart is breaking, I said that last part in my mind.

He looked confused. He started laughing.

"No... No this ain't a prank." Ian said between chuckles. "I would never prank you Samantha."

I gave him my puzzled look. I wasn't so sure yet.

He looked at me and saw that. He then did the never dreamed. He hugged me.

Ian. Hugged. Me.

I tensed not expecting this kind of approach. Not that I'm complaining...  I'm so tiny in his arms!

"I don't prank, you know..." he said while he let go of me.

"Ok, ok I believe you. " I said. God I must be blushing like mad.

"Well ok, it's settled. Could You give me your phone number...?"

Cue the butterflies in my tummy! *extreme girl giggles in my mind*

I took out a pen from my bag and sticky notes. "Yeah... Here you go." I said, writing it in the sticky note and giving it to him. I placed the pen and sticky notes back in my bag.

"I'll call you when I know where to meet up. So... see ya later Samantha!" he said while, like last time, waved a good bye.

Gosh, what have I gotten my self into?

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