3. In Limbo Land

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Chapter 3: In Limbo Land

When I got home nobody was there. I decided to call Sara and tell her what happened outside school. I already told her that something happened while we were leaving school, but reached her house before I could tell her what happened.

I call her and she picks up saying...

'Hello Yello...'

"Sara, have time to talk?" I asked.

'Yeah sure, what's up?!..... wait, YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!!'

She screamed through the phone. I had to take it away from my ear, 'cause boy, that girl knew how to scream!

"Ok, ok, so I was outside waiting..."

And I told her everything. (read previous chapter)

When I finished, she was speechless. Of course, that didn't last long...


"Ok, OK, I get it. But I'll have to disagree. Ian doesn't like me." I said.

'Oh yes he does!' Sara said

"Oh no he doesn't." I said

'Oh yes he does!'

"Oh no he doesn't."

'Oh yes he does!'

"Oh no he doesn't."

'Oh no he doesn't!'

"Oh yes he does... Wait... I hate you...'' I told her.

'I like you (making the wood pecker sound) hahaHaha hahaHaha hahahahaha....' she said.  She obviously loves cartoons.

"Oh ok. You win. He 'likes' me." I told her, annoyed.

"I'm going to say something first, before I forget. You. Are. Stupid!"

My eyes widened. "Why?!"

I hear her sight. "He tried asking you out and you just invited us along!"

I frowned. "I did not!"

"Yes you did. He asked you out and you just added us to the equation! Gosh."

After that I could hear her mom talking to her in the other line 'Oh ok. I'll tell her... Hey Sami, mom wants me to invite you to our family party, 'cause you know you're like my sister and all. It's this Saturday. Please, please, please come....! ' Sara begged me.

"Yeah yeah. I'll go. Will Keithlin go?" I asked.

'I'm not sure, I haven't asked her. I'll ask her tomorrow. It would be weird if she didn't want to go." she said amused.

I heard mom enter the house singing a song I didn't know. I guess from the 80's?

"Hey have to go, mom's here so see you tomorrow?" I asked.

'Yeah. See you Sami. Oh! And don't worry, that hot stuff that's called Ian will be yours.' She said before hanging up. I didn't even have time to protest.

Oh boy...

"Samantha, ven baja que compré comida (come to the kitchen, I bought food...)"


After doing homework (yes, first day with homework), a shower and laying on my bed I finally fell asleep. I had the craziest dream that I was a famous artist and was killed by crazy mutant cows.... I've been spending too much time with Sara... She's gonna drive me nuts!

I woke up startled to a sound, and find my clock saying it was '6:00' in the morning. Groaning I turned the beeping off and did the morning routine.

It was a sunny Friday.  I decided to wear a short sleeved t-shirt, knee high jeans and golden sandals.


When I got to school, Keithlin was waiting for me outside.

"Sara told you about the family party, right?" Keithlin asked.

"Yeah, she told me. I'm going, you going?" I ask her happily.

"Yeah I'm going. Oh and Sara told me all about yesterday with Mr. Hot Guy." She wiggled her eyebrows at me while I chuckle.
"But as a friend, I think that we shouldn't jump into conclusions. Don't you think it's too soon to think something like that? I'm referring to the idea that he likes you..." She said. Oh, she's clever.

"I'm with you 100%." I told her.

"100% what?" A husky voice asked me from behind.

"Oh, you startled me Ian. What's up?"

I ask casually. He almost caught us talking about him...! That would have been the end of me.

"Not much really, just the sky and the clouds, and maybe a bird." he said and started laughing, and I joined him. "So, whats up with the 100% thing?"

"Oh, just some math thing." I thank God for the fast answer without a stutter.

Before he could give his opinion:

"Hey Ian!" Jake, Ian's bestfriend, called.

I felt Keithlin tense by my side and quickly grabbed my arm in a death grip. What a way of playing it cool... Hehe, Someone's crush is heading this way!

Jake is just as well built as Ian. He's got tanned skin. His eyes are brown, his hair brown and has the skater look too. He has the same qualities as Ian, but Jake is more popular than Ian.

"What's up dude?" Ian asked with a grin doing a manly hand shake with Jake.

"Man, Carla has been on to me like a leech asking for me to get you to go out with her... she's really annoying!" Jake said rolling his eyes. He had a nice jaw now that I think of it.

"Tell me about it...(sarcastically)" Ian said and then realized something.

Turning towards us he said "Jake, this is Samantha."

Jake looked at me with a smile and extended his hand, which I took.

"Pleasure to meet you I'm Jake... I've heard a bit about you. Sorry this dimwit knocked you down the stairs."

I chuckled and felt my face warm up. Ian had talked about our encounter. "Nah, it's ok. No injuries involved. I'm Samantha as Ian said..."

"And this is Keithlin..." Ian introduced.

When Jake looked at Keithlin, he had this distant look. A look that I knew too well, he was spacing or was in limbo. How do I know? 'Cause Sara is always in limbo land or, like she likes to call it, 'visiting Sara land'.

While Keithlin was blushing, Jake was in limbo... I couldn't help look at Ian and noticing he notices that they are in limbo and we both start laughing like maniacs...

We must have been a sight to see a chick with a face as a 'tomato', a guy in limbo land, and two teens laughing like maniacs... And to top it all up, Sara joined us and looked more confused than ever. Ian and I exchanged a look and laughed even more!

"What happened?" Sara asked confused a few times.

She saw we were still laughing and started laughing too. When we all stopped laughing and being on limbo we looked at Sara to see what she was laughing at and she just said "What are we laughing about?"

That was another round of laughter from everyone.

I realized, Jake and Ian are pretty cool to be around!

The bell rang signaling we had to go to our classes.

"Well we have to go, see you at lunch break." Jake said rather quickly, dragging Ian by his forearm. Jake kept mumbling things under his breath.


At lunch break I saw Ian and Jake sitting alone in a table. They where discussing something as we walked with our food.

Keithlin, Sara and I searched for a table, but Ian won us to it calling us to his table. My heart skipped a beat.  We sat down; Keithlin between Jake and Sara, while Ian and I on the other side.

We stared eating in silence.

"So Samantha, how long have you lived here?" Ian asked between eating his sandwich.

After I swallowed (didn't want to talk with my mouth full) "Since I was a child. My parents came from Puerto Rico and moved here."

Ian nodded interested. "That's nice. How did you cope with the move?"

I thought about it. "I don't remember much, it was too long ago. What I remember is that thanks to these two *pointing to Sara and Keithlin* I managed. The English part was the hardest. I didn't know much at the beginning."

Ian nodded. "Must have been hard."

"It was! But the teachers helped me a lot."

We continued eating in a comfortable silence. The cafeteria loud chatter sounded in the background.

"So I didn't get to be introduced well.  I'm Jake nice to meet you." Jake said to Keithlin suddenly.

Her eyes looked at me nervously for a moment until looking at Jake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Keithlin..." She said with a tiny smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Jake said in a husky voice giving a hundred dollar smile.

"Oh, and this is Sara. I didn't get to introduce her earlier." Ian said.

"Nice to meet you..."

Jake paused and looked at Sara. Then at Ian and back at Sara. Back at Ian, then at Sara. He leaned closer to Sara, making her frown at him and move back.

"Personal space is a thing, you know." Sara mumbled.

He lifted his eyebrows and leaned back to his seat.

"You two look alike... Really alike."

Now that he mentioned it, it's true.  Sara and Ian do look alike. In fact, if not knowing them, I would say they were siblings! Why didn't I see this before?

Sara chuckled. "Must be the whiteness."

Keithlin nodded. "True, they are both white as heck."

I frowned. But that wasn't the only thing. Their features looked alike.

Right then the bell rang. I swear this school bell is on to us. Every time something interesting is happening it rings!


During our classes nothing interesting happened. Just homework and reports... Oh and I had to snap out Sara three times from 'her visit to limbo land' in English, Math and Spanish class.

After school was over, I walked with Sara outside to find Keithlin talking with Jake. When we got to where they were standing Keithlin told Jake 'see you later' and started walking with us. She had this psycho smile.

"Keithlin what happened?!" Sara asked with a big grin.

"Oh gosh, you won't believe what has just happened!" Kaithlin said with a grin.

"Tell us!" I said.

Kaithlin smirked "He asked me out."

My eyes widened. "Oh my God that's great!"

"But I had to turn him down."

"Wait what..." Sara said.

"Why would you do that?" I asked surprised.

She sighted. "Look, Jake came to talk about a party tomorrow, but I told him I was going to a party tomorrow with you girls and that I was really really sorry. He said it was ok and then you girls came and... that's about it..." She said all of this with a soft smile on her face.

"Keithlin, you know it's not a party. It's a family reunion..." Sara said with an annoyed face. "I can't believe you turned him down for that!"

"Hey if you girls are there, it's a party to me!" Said Keithlin happily. "Plus, if he really does like me he'll ask me out some other time."

"Well, what's done has been done. No turning back now." I mumbled.

We started walking through the parking lot.

"Hey Keithlin, today in the morning you blushed like mad!" I said annoying her.

"You can say that again!" Sara said with a chuckle.

"Hey Keithlin, today in the morning you blushed like mad..." I repeated making us all laugh.

"Hey, I'm not the only one that blushes. Between today and yesterday you have broken the 'most blushing in 48 hours' record." Keithlin said to me and started laughing with Sara.

"Hey, but you broke the record this morning of 'the reddest face in blushing' records, Don't you think Sara?" I said with a grin in my face.

"Hey, don't drag me into this. I wasn't there when that happened..."

Sara had a distant look. A smile appeared on her face that would send the Grinch running for the hills!

"I've got an idea. Let's make a bet." She said clapping her hands twice, for emphasis I suppose.

"About what?" I asked curious and with precaution at the same time. Sara is a dangerous girl.

"Ok, here's the thing. The first one of you to get the dude... wins... let me think... um... I know! Wins something!" Sara said excited.

Keithlin and I looked at each other and back at Sara that had on her creepy smile.

"Hey 'something' is nice, is it special something, or something regular?" Keithlin asked.

I decided to play along. "Oh if I win I want my 'something' extra crispy..." I said hiding my chuckle.

"Oh no no, I want that something strawberry scented!" Keithling said trying not to laugh.

"Hey this is serious. Ok, something better. If you both get your 'hot stuffs', I'll get my own hot dude... How's that sound? It would be like our Ultimate High School Bet." Sara yelled, earning a few glances.

"Oh, you are so on!" Keithlin and I say at the same time.

"But we have to shake on it..." Keithlin said before Sara could refuse.

"Remember, when both, repeating, BOTH of you get your guys I'll get my own, deal?" Sara said looking from me to Keithlin and back again.

"Deal..." We all said taking turns on shaking hands.

There was a honk from the road. It was Keithlin's mom.

"Oh! Gotta go, see you tomorrow!" Keithlin yelled.

When I looked back at Sara she was in "Sara land" again.

"Sara... Sara." I started waving a hand in front of her face, but she wouldn't snap out of it. "Sara... SARA!" I screamed in her face.

" Ha, Wha- what what happened?!" Sara yelled surprised.

I could not help it. I started laughing.

"WHAT?" Sara asked confused.

That was more fuel to the fire, I started laughing more...

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