20. Sara rules -part two-

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Chapter 20: Sara rules! -Part 2-

They won 24 to 30. Yeah, we reached 24! As the game continued I rapidly noticed Blondie didn't know any kind of strategy. He was as useless as a bazzuca without ammo. But I managed with him, coaching him every step.

Mohawk was freakishly skilled with the hand riffle. It's one of the useless guns for me on the game. How he manages to kill with three shots with that type of gun is a mystery to all.

So we lost, no surprise there. No, I'm not saying Ron is better than my team, I'm saying they had the advantage of twelve points ahead of us!

''Ha! We won!'' Ron cheered with Shaggy-dude sharing a high five.

I turned to my team mates. ''Good job men. Even thought we lost, I saw progress on you Blondie. Well done. And DUDE! HOW THE HECK DO YOU KILL WITH A HAND RIFFLE!? THAT IS JUST FREAKING AMAZING!!!''

Mohawk chuckled. He actually chuckled, he actually has feelings?!

''Practice makes perfection." He answered.

''You ready to kick my butt now?'' Ron asked sarcastically.

I grinned and nodded. ''Yep!''

We took our positions on the couch like before. Me between my two new team mates and next to us Shaggy and Ron. Hunter and Edmond on different chairs.

''So, what did you agree on?'' Shaggy asked while Ron was choosing his player.

Ron frowned. ''Agree on what?''

Blondie smirked. ''You know, agreement on the challenge? If you win she what? If you lose, you what?''

Ron and I looked at each other with confused gazes.

''They didn't. They are just playing to see who is the best.'' Hunter answered the question that now sank in my head.

''Ohhhh... Oh, I get it now. But no. We didn't agree on anything. No gamble involved.'' I said truthfully.

''Oh man! Then what's the fun to it?'' Blondie yelled.

I rose my eyebrow and looked again at Ron. He smirked. ''Are you up for it?'' I answered with a nod.

''Ok. If I win... you have to do everything I tell you for the whole day of tommorow.'' He said with an evil glint in his eye.

I frown and pretended to stroke my imaginary beard. ''What kind of things are you going to ask me to do?''

Shaggy chuckled. "I could come up with a few things to ask you to do."

I frowned in disgust. "Ew man, that's disgusting!"

Hunter slapped the back of Shaggy's head. "Back off dude."

Ron seemed perplexed at first.
''Um, I don't know...'' Then made up that mind of his. ''Oh! Like carry my books and stuff...''

I rose my eyebrow. Really? That's all he can think about?

''Ok, ok. Um... Do my homework, clean my locker, spread the word that I beat you at your own game. Oh! And say I'm the coolest and hottest of all!''

My eyes opened huge. ''Dude, you are neither cool nor hot, specially not hot. No wait, not cool. Wait! ... You are just neither.''

Ron rolled his eyes. ''Too late, it is this or this. Your turn.''

I stopped to think. What is bugging me lately? Oh!

''If I win you have to go out with a friend of mine.'' I said evilly. Can you guys guess who she is?

''Who?'' Ron asked curious. "Is she hot? Cuz if she is, it's more like a pleasure and favor. Hehe''

I rolled my eyes... Typical boys.

''Taylor.'' I said smiling.

If Ron asked Taylor out, then she will realize she has lost the game. I win, she loses. She will realize I don't like Ron and he 'likes' her. Wala! I win!

''What?!'' Hunter suddenly screamed. ''No way Sara!''

I frowned and suspicion dawned on me. Is Hunter jealous? Maybe I can figure this out right now. Go spy Sara! Investigating her first task: Is Hunter jealous and likes Taylor? Who knows? I can make them a couple! Go cupid Sara!

''Why does it bother you?'' I asked faking being confused, but with my brilliant acting skills, it seems I look totally confused.

''It's just...'' Hunter stopped to look for an answer. I was sure I had him cornered, but then he said. ''It's just that she's been trough a lot lately with Andrew and all that siht. Don't you think sending Ron to ask her out will get her back to some sort of depression?''

I frowned. I hadn't thought of that. It's true. Taylor is sowly recovering from her encounter with her ex. If I send Ron to ask her out, then it's back to zero. So maybe I was wrong. Hunter was only concerned, well, that makes sense. He is her best friend, after all.

''You are right. Well, If I win... I have no idea.'' I mumbled. I turned to the two guys I trusted the most in this room. "Hunter, Edmond, give me an idea!"

Hunter and Edmond looked at each other. They both smirked at the same time and looked at me evily. I cringed in my seat. Maybe asking them was a bad idea.

"Tell Ron to get you your first boyfriend!" Edmond screamed imitating a girl. A bitchy girl, at that.

I heard gasps around the room. This is really, really awkward.

Ever been in this situation: Five boys you barely know are trying to advise you, the girl, on how to deal with a guy and you're supposed 'friend' is just laughing like a maniac in one corner? Have you ever been in this situaton? No? Well here is an example around that:

''Are you serious!? She has never had a boyfriend?'' Blondie exclaimed first.

''I'm serious dude! She has never ever had a boyfriend, she told me herself!'' Edmond screamed. Yes, screamed. He didn't said it, he screamed it!

Mrs. T must be hearing all the gossip upstairs.

I coughed loudly, earning the attention from everyone. ''She is standing right here!!!''

They game me blank looks. I groaned. This is just great. This is one of my biggest secrets and the Almond guy just had to scream it. I WILL NEVER TRUST ALMONDS AGAIN!

"So it's true. Girl, you are filled with surprises.'' Shaggy mumbled.

''We need to get you a guy ASSAP!'' Blondie said snapping his fingures and pouting his lips.

I rolled my eyes at all of them. ''It's no big deal. You sound like girls.''

Mohawk yelled. "It is a big deal. You are now in highschool and have never had a love life.''

I was getting mad. These guys were getting on my freaking nerves. My anger was getting the best of me.

"Of course I've had a love life!" I screamed and an image of last night with that mystery Jonathan popped into my mind. Another of me saving The Jonathan popped too. I have two Jonathans in my mind... weird or just coincidence?

They all frowned at me. "No you don't.'' Hunter chuckled. Good going idiot! Now they won't leave me alone!

Blondie grinned. "I bet you haven't even had a crush.''

"Of course I've had!" I yelled.

Blondie snickered. "Yeah right! I bet you don't even like somebody!"

My ears turned red, but not for shame or awkwardness, it was from anger. This boys were implying things they have no idea about!

"You shut up! Of course I like somebody!" I yelled. Hunter rose an eyebrow, and decided to pay much more attention on what was being exchanged. But from my anger, I didn't see that.

"Yeah right. That's a lie!" Mohawk said with a grin.

"No it's not!"

"Then prove it! Who is that so called 'crush' of yours?!" Ron asked evilly.

"He's Jo-'' I stopped as relaxation dawned in my head. "What am I doing!?"

I was about to tell this group of boys the secret that I haven't even told my best friends. That are girls! Not boys!

Mohawk chuckled. "The answer to your previous question is: You are going to prove to us you actually like a boy. His name is Jo? I haven't heard of a 'Jo'... I think it's pronounced Joe?''

I shook my face furiously. "Of Course his name isn't 'Jo' or 'Joe'! You don't have the right to know who I like!"

"I do. And you have to tell me.'' Hunter pointed out. Shit. Interrogations are sure to come soon. Dang this group of boys! They broke the secret out of me!

"Maybe it wasn't a Jo, maybe it was a Ro-... Are you into my little brother?" Edmund asked with a said wide grin.

My stomach did a twist. My face changed colors. "Heck no!"

"Oh my God it's true. You like him!" Mohawk said pointing at Ron.

Ron opened his eyes widely. A blush rose on his cheeks.

I groaned. "No. I don't like Ron or a Joe. I don't like anybody that you know."

"It's a shame. You are pretty hot." Shaggy said with a grin.

I glared at him with all my might.

"Just a compliment! Sheesh... Sara? Are you sure you know how to handle guys?'' Shaggy asked with a grin I wanted to punch off.

I shruggled. I have never had a boyfriend. Just guy friends like this guy. I started liking The Jonathan, not the mystery boy, because of who he is... he, even thought is bullied, keeps on going. I sometimes wonder if he has any hope, anything to explain why he keeps on going with school, why he keeps on with his grades, why he keeps up with his life?

I always wanted to be part of him, so I could show him that there is another life out of that school he must see as hell. I aways wanted to be his friend, a shoulder on who to relay on, a person who can hear him out. I really don't care if-if I get to talk to him, he only sees me as a friend. That would mean everything in the world for me to get to be all the things I said. I could help him get out of his misery. Protect him from bullies, specially Derek. I could be more than a friend. I would be the shield for him from all the bad things in life.


"W-w-What?'' I said snapping out of Saraland.

"You where spacing again.'' Hunter stated.

I rolled my eyes. "No shniz Sherlock.'' I avoided a bad word!Shniz will be the word I will use from now one instead of Shit. Oh, I said shit already... I said it again!

"Sara... you are doing it again...'' Blondie said with a chuckle. "Dang it, you are just like Ron. Right Ron?''

Ron sat still and didn't move or blink.

I smirked and went next to his ear. I rounded up a bunch of air and screamed with all my might. "ROOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Ron screamed like a little girl.

I burst out laughing like a maniac.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" He yelled at me. Annoyingly too.

"Dude you spaced just after Sara. That is an example of how much you two are alike.'' Hunter said with a grin. "I ship it!"

I stopped laughing and turned with Ron to glare at Hunter.

"We are nothing alike!" We both screamed. I added. "No shipping allowed!"

He smirked. "That's another example...''

Ron and I shared a look of disgust. I mean, Come on! It's Ron we're talking about here! Not that he's bad or anything, but he still gets on my nerves.

I made a face of concentration. "You know what, let's stop talking about me and let's get back to the game. I say if I win you have to do as I ask for a whole week. Any week I ask for. Capichi?'' I said extending my hand to Ron.

Ron smirked ''Capichi. But then, if I win, it will be you doing as I ask for the whole week I ask for too. Capichi?''

I nodded. "Capichi.''

"What's with the Capichi?" Hunger mumbled.

"I don't Capichi." Edmund replied.

"Now let's play!" Ron yelled.


We were tied, 14 to 14. I was missing a point to win. I had the snipper, my favorite gun, and a hand riffle, not my favorite gun. The battle between us was so intense I could not find any other gun.

I walked my player up on a mountain, where I had the clear view of almost everything. I charged my sniper and aimed to see if he appeared. Then I saw Ron. He was running towards me... with a freaking bazooka! I aimed with the snipper... and fired. Shnitz! I missed! I shoot again. This time it hit his shoulder lowering his health.

Just one more shot!

Ron was getting closer. By shooting he now knows where I am. He's aming, but I'm aiming too. I aimed aimed and.... fired! Wait! No! I'm out of ammo!!!! Noooo! I strated to move to the side, but it was too late. He fired the bazooka and managed to kill me.

"Nooooo!" I exclaimed covering my face with my hands.

"Wooohooo!!!" Ron cheered while jumping and punching the air. "I kicked your butt! I kicked your girly butt! Woop woop!"

I covered my face with my hands and mumbled a ''No no no no no. This can't be happening." Someone patted my shoulder. I looked next to me to see Blondie's face with a grin.

"See it this way. You were really close to wining. Now you'll hang with us more often! It's ok!" Blondie reminded me of a little innocent boy. He was cute!

I rolled my eyes and laid my head on Blondie's shoulder and closed my eyes. "It's not ok! I lost on my best game! Plus, I have to do what Ron says for a whole week! It's inhumane!" I yelled.

"You did great. I've never seen a girl play as you do.'' And that is how the world turned upside down.

Ron just complimented me. Ron complimented me.

I opened my eyes to see a smiling Ron. I frowned ''You're only saying that cause you want to rub it in my face, right?"

"Yup! Hahaha I won I won!"

I knew it.

''Shut up!'' I screamed.

Shaggy snickered. ''Don't throw a fit Snow White, he is the best at the game."

I froze. Hunter froze.

There is something you should know about me. I hate to be called Snow White. I don't have anything against the Disney Snow White, no no no. I love the movie.

For me, calling me Snow White is like saying I'm extremely pale and fragile. Two things: I'm not fragile! I'm a martial artist. I don't like being called fragil or delicate. And two, I have a thing for my skin. Being a very pale Latina has always been an issue of mine. Being called Snow White, has it's way to get under my skin.

''Dude take that back...'' Hunter said to Shaggy. Hunter knows me too well for his own good. But that doesn't make me feel any more calm.

''What? About Ron being the best?'' Sheggy asked.

''No about the Sn-''

Hunter didn't have time to finish speaking because I threw the controler I had in my hand towards Shaggy. It hit him behind the head and slumped on the chair after hitting it's target.

Shaggy screamed and held his head. ''WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?''

''-Snow White...'' Hunter finished wide eyed.

''Don't ever call me SNOW WHITE!'' I yelled at Shaggy.


''WHY DID YOU CALL ME SNOW WHITE?!'' I screamed at him.


He answered what everybody answers when I ask the same question. Because of my skin. So it's white, I don't care. Being made fun of it like in the past? Not so fun.

I sigh and close my eyes. After a few moments of total silence I opened them and mumbled ''Sorry. I got angry.''

''Why did you get angry? Being called Snow White is no big deal.'' Ron mocked.

I glared at him the turned my glare to the floor, not wanting to let anyone do eye contact. This was embarrassing.

''Dude, shut it.'' Hunter said addressing Ron angrily.

I pouted and stared to mumble uncoherent words under my breath.

''Sorry, didn't know it bothered you...'' Shaggy said noticing my angry/bothered face.

''It's alright. You didn't know, sorry.'' I spoke now getting ahold of my anger.

Silence now over took us again.

Mohawk, who had been silent through all the game coughed and earned the attention of everybody. "Uh... who wants pizza?''

We all answered ''I do!" Hum, if you search for something to distract your sorrowing and angry self, always turn to pizza... or chocolate. I prefer chocolate. Or chocolate pizza. Got to try that one another time.

The guys went upstairs and I followed. We ended up in the living room, the ginormous living room. Mrs. T was in the kitchen but when she heard the ruckus we were making, she walked in the living room with a plate of sandwiches.

"What's up boys... and girl?'' I laughed and we all responded with 'fine's and ok's'.

"Mom, we're gonna order pizza.'' Edmond told Mrs. T.

"The number's written on the counter.''

Edmund wasted no time in going to order.

"So, who won?'' She asked giving me a look.

I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. "He won.''

Ron started laughing and high-fived Shaggy. "Yeah I did!"

Mrs. T rolled her eyes and sat next to me. "Don't worry Sara, boys are like that. And did you gamble?''

Ron answered that. ''Yup! She's supposed to do everything I say for the rest of the week!"

Mrs. T rose an eyebrow and looked sternly at her son. "And I suppose, young man, you won't take that as an advantage towards this sweet girl, right?''

Ron blinked and frowned. "I don't get it. Isn't she supposed to do everything I ask as my advantage?''

Mrs. T narrowed her eyes at Ron. "I mean no unnecessary contact involved.''

Ron and I started gagging, coughing and going 'Ewwww'. All the boys burst out laughing.

"That's just disgusting ma'!" Ron screamed. "I mean, it's Sara we are talking about! She's just crazy and disgusting."

My face, that was showing it self as 'ewww', fell into a hurt one. Ouch... even thought I don't care a damn about Ron, that comment still hurt.

Crazy? I'm used to that.  Disgusting? This day has gone with everybody insulting me! I mean Snow White and now disgusting?

"Ron! I was just asking! You didn't have to insult her! Apologize to her right now!" Mrs. T screamed at Ron.

The guys stopped laughing and took a look at my face before I could change it to my normal state. Hunter frowned at Ron, so did the guys.

I shrugged. "It's alright Mrs. T. Anyway, that won't happen. I would kick him if he asked something like that. But, now that the show-down is done, I should really get going.'' I stood up but was pulled back down by Blondie falling on his lap and hugging me so I wouldn't disappear.

"Nooooo! You can't go! I wanna spend more time with you!" Blondie screamed like a little boy. "Ron! It's your fault she's leaving! Apologize!"

Ron groaned, "She said it herself, she has to leave. It isn't because of me!''

"Yes it is! You called her disgusting! Sara is not disgusting! On the contrary, she smells good...." Blondie screamed at him, while sniffing my hair and hugging me tighter. I literally feel like he was crushing me to bits.

"Um, Mrs. T? Can you ask Blondie here to let me go so I can breath?'' I managed to get out.

"Hahaha! Oh Bryan, let go of her.'' Mrs. T said to Blondie.

"Not until she promises she'll stay.'' Blondie screamed.

"Ok ok, I won't leave!" He let go with a grin, then glared at Ron.



"Blondie, it's no big deal!" I told him.

"Yeah it is!" Hunter said glaring at Ron. "You are my friend and I won't take anyone insulting you like that.''

I rolled my eyes ''No need. It doesn't mean anything. Don't worry Hunter... Blondie, can I get off your lap?''

"Nop.'' He answered hugging me again.

I sigh, ''If you let go, I'll play a game with you guys before the pizza arrives.''

He let go in an instant and pushed me on my feet. "Woo! Let's go then!"

All of them started laughing as Blondie dragged me downstairs again.


Three games of Halo later, the pizza arrived. All the guys ran upstairs leaving me to shut down the Xbox alone. Before I could go upstairs, Ron appeared.

I was planing on just passing by him, but before I could do that he said: ''Sorry.''

I froze. Did I hear well?

"What did you say?'' I frowned. 

"You heard me...''

I smirked. ''Oh, I did not.''

He glared at me but soon looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for calling you disgusting. That was out of line.''

I glared, "Who made you apologize?''

He glared back. "No one.''


"You don't beleive me?!"

"Not one bit.''


"Because it's you we're talking about. You hate me. Even thought it was for dumb reasons." I mumbled that last part.

"I don't hate you.''

I narrowed my eyes "Don't believe you either.''

He scratched the back of his head. "What would it take to make you believe me that I don't hate you and I'm sorry?''

I thought for a moment, finally coming up with something.

"Don't make me do anything this week.''

"What?! No! That was a bet and I won. You can't change that!" He yelled.

I pouted ''You said anything I wanted.''

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!" I yelled.

"Sara, can't you just accept my apology?!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Yeah, whatever. It wasn't a big deal either (even thought it hurt)" I thought that in my mind.

"Yea it was a big deal. I called you disgusting. No girl should be called disgusting. Even if she really is disgusting.''

"So now you're saying I'm disgusting but should not be called that?" I replied, quite hurt.

"No, I didn't mean that! I was just- UGH. You aren't disgusting!" Ron yelled.

"So what am I? Unapealing?'' I yelled.

He was getting on my nerves.

"What? No. You are really cool and crazy. You are fun to hang with. I didn't mean to call you that.'' Ron said truthfully.

I rose my eyebrow. "Hmm...''

He smiled ''What?''

I smiled sweetly, ''Ron...''

He smiled wider ''Yeah?''

I smirked . "I don't believe you.''

He groaned. "You are stubborn.''

I grinned. "I know. And yes. You are forgiven.''

We both smiled at each other but that didn't last long. There was clapping from the stairs. We frowned and walked to the door frame. We poked our heads on the stairs to see everybody, including Mrs. T, clapping and smiling.

"Oh boy that was better than any TV show!" Missis T said smiling making me raise my eyebrow higher.

"You sounded so cute arguing like that!" Edmond (who now is going on my hit list) said with a grin.

"You were eavesdropping!" Ron glared at them.

"Not exactly... Well, yeah. Exactly.'' Mohawk replied in amusement.

I looked at Ron who was frowning at everyone. I began to laugh. His anger for being caught apologizing was highly amusing.

"Stop laughing! It ain't funny!" Ron yelled at me.

I held my laughter but soon coudn't hold it and everybody started to laugh with me.

-few minutes later-

I picked my purse from the basement and ran to the living room, were everybody was waiting.

"Sorry Blondie, now I really have to go...'' I said giving a hug to Blondie.

"I'm gonna miss you!" He yelled.

"Me too Blondie, me too.'' I let go and waited for Edmond to get his keys for the Mercedes.

Hunger sat down next to me as I waited in the living room.

"So, you going to the hospital later?''

I frowned. "Why would I go to the hopital? Yeah I'm crazy, but I don't need medications.... I think...''

Do I need medications? If that is the reason of me going to the hospital, then how come Hunter knows before I did? That means I'm not actually going to the hospital! I'm going to the nut house!


"I knew it! You're taking me to the Nut House!!!!" I stood up and pointed my menacing finger towards Hunter.

"What are you-'' I cut him off. I knew his little plan!!! I had it all figured out!!!

"You brought me here as a distraction! Soon the nut house employees will get here and take me away! Why did you do it Hunter!? Whyyyy?!"

"Sara I don't know what-'' Again cut him off. The boys burst laughing and chuckling.

"Oh! I know why! It's because of Ron!!! He sent me there and let you do the job!!!"

"SARAA!!!!" Hunter yelled.

I stopped moving.

"Sara, where did you get those ideas?!" Hunter asked standing up ad shaking me by the shoulders.

"From my FBI?'' I guessed.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "I was asking you if you were going to see Ian at the hospital. But obviously you still think Ron wants to kill you in the woods!"

"What did you say?'' I asked confused. Hospital? Ian?

"I said that you obviously think Ron-''

"No. The hospital thing.'' I asked

"You don't know?'' Hunter asked unbelievably.

"Know what?''

Hunter let my shoulders go and took a step back. He was starting to scare me, a lot.

"Hunter, you're scaring me. What happened? What are you not telling me!?" I screamed.

"Ian was shot yesterday at the party.''

"What?'' I whispered. My heart fell to the bottom of my stomach.

"You heard me. He was shot... and by a cousin of yours too.'' Hunter said with sad eyes.

I was angry. Who in the world would be brave enough to hurt my favorite cousin?!

"Who, if I may know.'' I said furiously.

"Umm... I think it was Anthony....'' Hunter said frowning.

I frowned. "I don't know anybody called Anthony...''

"Wait! It was Antonio, yes. Antonio.'' Hunter said nodding

My eyes opened huge. No way. He had left drinking, guns, and drugs ages ago. He can't be back on the same path. Antonio promised me he would never get involved again... Oh God! He injured Ian. My own cousin injured my other cousin!

"Take me to the hospital. I'll call mom on the way there.''

He nodded just as Edmond appeared. All the boys and Mrs. T that had seen the exchange looked at me with sadness, even Ron; Surprise, he has feelings.

Edmond rapidly got me to the hospital and said his good-bye's. Hunter stayed behind at Ron's place. I entered the room Ian was kept. I was happy to know he was fine but weak. Unhappy to know all my friends knew my family member was shot except me.

"How come you didn't call?!'' I yelled at the girls, who were beside Mindy and Ian, beside the bed.

"We thought you knew!" Replied Keithlin defensively.

''Obviously Sara didn't know because she wasn't at her house when they told us.'' Taylor said in a 'duh' tone to her.

''No shintz Sherlock!'' I yelled making Mindy scowl at me. ''Sorry Mindy.''

She stood up. ''No harm dear. Come, sit beside your cousin.'' Mindy told me patting the spot she was recently sitting on.

I chuckled and went to sit next to Ian. He was sleeping or just laying there with closed eyes, so me being me, decided to wake him up.

''Ian the hospital's on fire!" I said panicked

He just mumbled something. ''What?'' I asked

''I said 'Duh. I'm here and I'm hot'.'' Ian said opening his eyes.

The girls burts out laughing. I just scowled. ''Here I am, telling you the hospital is about to collapse by fire and you say it's because you're  hot... That's awesome man. You learn well from me!'' I said grinning.

''Nop. I don't think you're the one who taught me all those stuff... I blame Jake! It's called flirty comments, not crazy comments...''

I glared at a chuckling Ian. ''Stop laughing and explain why I can't be flirty?!''

Ian gave me a look. ''You aren't good at flirting and you know it very well. It still amazes me you have a boyfriend!'' Ian said unbelievable.

''What are you talking about?'' I said frowing. I don't have a boyfriend!

''Don't play dumb with me! What are you doing here Sara when you are supposed to be with him!? I thought you were better!'' Ian asked with a grin.

I frowned at not getting what he's talking about. Me? Today? Then it hit me! Looking behind me to a Taylor holding her laughter.

''Taylor Reed! How dare you say Ron is my boyfriend!'' I yelled at her.

She burst out laughing but rose her arms ''I didn't say anything about Rooooon! You just gave out that you were thinking of Ron! And talking abut him, how was your date? You smooshed?''

I swear, Taylor one day will regret this. Before I could form a coherent answer filled with many insulting words, Samantha, being the matured one, stopped it before it even started.

''Stop it you guys! We are at a hospital! We are supposed to look out for Ian not disturb him! He's supposed to be sleeping not hearing the latest show-down between you two dummy heads!'' Samantha screamed.

Ian smirked. ''Sami, dear?''

Her gaze softened to the other side of the bed. ''What? What happened?''

''Could you lower your voice?'' Ian said, holding his laughter.

Sami stared blankly at him until she got the message. 'Let the girls scream all they want, since you're yelling too."

After the laughter downed, I turned to Ian. ''Ian, be honest; how are you feeling?''

He rolled his eyes ''Do you know how many times I've heard that today? Seriously, I've been at worse. It only hurts if I move.''

I nod. ''You gave me quite the scare, Ian. I came as soon as I heard.''

Ian pouted. ''Sorry to make you worry Sassy.''

I frowned. ''Did you call me Sassy?''

He grinned. ''Yup, you like it?''

''Don't ever call me that again.''

''Okie dokie Sassy.'' Some times I hate my cousin.

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