4 - The First Meeting

-Dream's Pov-

..A tired groan escaped my lips as I slowly woke up. Weakly opening my eyes to look around me but everything sill looked cloudy and blurry. Dropping my head back with a sigh, I reclosed them. Taking in a deep breath, I reached up underneath my mask to rub my face- when my ears picked up on rustling near me.

My first instinct was to grab my sword but it wasn't there. Instead replaced with that familiar yet forgotten pain in my shoulder and arm. Letting out another painful groan and clutching my arm as I forced myself to sit up a bit and looked around me. My first impression being "where am I" before it was replaced by- "Who the fuck are you?" I growled as I glared at the person sitting across from me. Pulling myself back away from him a bit. Person..?

A wet rag and bowl was held in each of his hands but what caught my attention was, well, a lot of things. The large red and white mushroom-like hat propped up on his head, the white circle-rimmed glasses over his face, the moss cape wrapping around his shoulders, and the fact that I had neither my armor nor my weapons on me. He quietly placed the bowl and rag down and gently placed his hands on his lap. Looking at me for a bit like I was some sort of out of the world creature. My eye twitched.

"Answer me damnit!" I yelled out a bit, feeling panic and anger fill me as I glared at him. Immediately letting out a hiss from the strain I put on myself and he perked in worry.

I noticed the bandages wrapped around my bare torso and chest as well as a weird leaf wrapped around some parts of my body just like the bandages. Did he heal me..? Why won't he speak? I thought, groaning in irritation as I glared at him even if he couldn't see it. Something seemed off about him though. Until he finally spoke.

"Why do you wear that..?"

I blinked and looked at him. Surprised by the soft gentleness in his voice but I shook it away. "For times like this, now answer my question. Who are you? And where are my things?" I huffed angrily as I glared daggers at him. Taking the time to look around the place a bit too but nothing seemed familiar. "I'm.. the forest goblin.." The boy suddenly said and my eyes widened. Hand immediately reaching to grab the paper Sam always forced us to take from my pocket.

Their features definitely looked alike yet.. this one looked almost harmless.. Like he wouldn't hurt a fly. However I couldn't rely on looks and with a swift movement, I was next to him. Grabbing him roughly by the shirt and harshly pushing him up against the wall as I growled lowly. Causing my foot to kick the bowl of water to the side and the boy to let out a yelp of fear.

"W-wait, wait!" He gasped, putting his hands up to hide his face from my raised fist. "What?" I grit my teeth as I looked at him. Him glancing hesitantly at me and I was taken aback for a second there. His eyes were different colors. One of them a gentle blue color, and the other a chocolate brown. Very faint freckles painted on his cheeks and nose and his brows scrunched up a bit in fright. Finally getting a good look at him.

"I don't mean any harm.. I promise." He shook his head as he looked at me. "Why did you bring me here then? You should be dead right now, you know.." I scrunched my face in irritation and I saw how he cringed, glancing away a bit. "I didn't intend to.. The phantom's bite," He said, then pointed at my shoulder which instantly ached and I hissed. Letting go of the brunette to clutch it a bit. I sighed heavily with a frown and took a step back a bit as I listened to him. "Phantom?"

He nodded a bit. "The protectors of the forest during the night.. They only show up during then and burn to flames during the day. It's fangs contain toxins that were secreted into you once it bit you, which is why you fainted." He explained quietly as he occasionally glanced at me, probably studying my reaction which was more perplexed than anything. Taking in all this new information. Even if what he's saying is true.. I can't let him go. He's the reason behind our suffering, the reason why my father his dead right now.. but I'm still too weak.

"Tell me how to get back to my village." I demanded in the end, not needing to hear anything else right now. I needed to get back.

He didn't answer my request instantly, pausing, and I could see how he flinched, one hand clutching onto his moss cape and his other fidgeting nervously. It almost made me feel guilty, treating him like that when he was the one who healed me- but I couldn't look past all the rumors, stories and tales I was forced to hear while growing up about him either. To me right now, he was an enemy. The monster.

The forest goblin. The monster that separated my family from my father, even if he saved me..

I was about to yell at him again out of frustration and impatience but stopped mid way when he suddenly pointed behind me. What, not talking anymore? A spaceway opening in the wall of roots, flowers and leaves to reveal a small pathway as well as a beautiful look of the forest. A small wide space of pure green grass and flowers that shone out with the help of the bright warm sunrays that coated over it all.

"F-Follow the mushrooms, it should take you where you want.." He murmured, and I noticed how he adjusted his gaze away from me yet again. I eyed him for a bit more before grabbing my shirt from the side and stepping out of what I assumed was his "house". The cool flow of wind immediately brushing through my hair as I walked away. Not batting a glance back as all I could worry about was getting back home, and Sapnap..

I don't know how far I ran or got separated from him, but all I could hope was that my decoy managed to drive those creatures away. At least enough for Sapnap to make it to shelter or hiding.

The phantoms..

Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I continued to walk. Following the mushrooms which reminded me of the boy- the forest goblin. But something was up. Why did he save me in the first place? Why did he seem different compared to everything else that I've heard about him? Why?

Why, why, why.

All questions yet no answers that I had. But he did. Frowning, I looked at the ground and sighed heavily. Following the mushrooms that perked up every time I got closer. I decided I would come back, oddly enough. But I needed my things, and I needed my answers.

And then?

I'll kill him.
