19 - Pillagers

-Dream's Pov-

I woke up in tears.

Finding myself kneeled on the ground isn't the middle of the infirmary. Staring at the ground as I heaved in heavy breaths and looked around a small bit.

I had a dream, but it almost felt so real. I don't remember much except for some sort of weird god or something. He was dressed in green and had a mask on his face with 'XD' carved on it. The god also had large wings and a halo. I couldn't hear, but it's like he was also talking. I just don't know what about or towards who. It was all white around us, almost like heaven or something.

Then everything began to fade until the image of the god remained. He waved at me, I think it was me at least, but then that image was replaced with fire. Then I could feel my body lunging forward- and I woke up.

I stared at the ground a small bit, trying to calm myself down before I quickly reached up and wiped my tears away. "Why am I crying?" I muttered, wiping harshly at my face and finally stood up. Letting out a breath before I ran a hand through my hair and glanced out my window.

It was still dark enough and I let out a sigh. Walking towards the door and opened it. Everyone seemed to be sleeping as I walked through the village a bit. So peaceful. The cold wind brushed through my hair lightly, kissing my cheeks with a gentle pinch and the dim light posts lit up the night calmly as I let out a breath,

I needed some air after all that as I walked around, but the image of the fire flashed in my eyes again. I shook it away but it only appeared again, and longer this time. I groaned and cupped my head a bit. Feeling a headache build up before another image flashed yet again. A forest, followed my mushrooms and-

"George!" I gasped.

I instantly opened my eyes, stumbling towards the forest gates immediately and my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach.


"Fire. The forest's on fire!" I screamed out, quickly rushing towards the nearest houses and banged on the doors frantically. I needed everybody up. "Everyone get out! There's a fire!" I screamed gain, running towards the center this time and started to ring the bell loudly. The echo of the bell ringing through my ears, and it was apparently loud enough to wake everyone up. When people finally began to show, I sprinted towards the forest gates.

George.. My heart spiked at the thought of him as I ran, just a few feet away from the gates- when my body suddenly hit the ground. A weight slamming me against the dirt and rubble and the impact knocking the breath out of me, but the fall wasn't bad enough to break anything. I was forced back up again, about to faint whatever or whoever the cause was- my eyes widened.

"Sapnap-?" I asked in shock and a bit of confusion as I furrowed my brows. "Damn you run so fast- anyways yes I'm Sapnap." My raven friend huffed and shoved armor against my chest. "You're an idiot if you think I'm letting you go in there without armor." He glared, handing me a sword as well.

I smiled. "Thanks Sap." I said, starting to slip the armor on but my eyes kept shifting towards the burning forest. Mind so far gone as I worried about George. When I was finally done, I grabbed my sword and gave Sapnap a curt nod.

"We'll follow, go save him." Sapnap smiled, and he was off. Running back towards the rest of the hunters and started yelling out orders.

I glanced at them for a bit before I faced the gates once again, and began running. Sprinting as fast as my legs would take me, and surprisingly enough, the pain of my wounds were unnoticeable. Like they weren't even there as I jumped over weeds and rocks and dodged up coming trees.

Seeing the fire's spread up ahead and George's house just near it and on fire too. No. "George!" I yelled in panic, starting to slice through the thick burning vines shielding the entrance with my sword. "Fucking hell-!" I groaned, wincing at the scorching sensation against my skin but I ignored it.

I can't lose George, I refuse to let that happen. Not after everything.

Kicking through the last bits of vines, the door finally budged. The place was drowning in fire and I had to squint to be able to see anything. But I couldn't find George. "George! Where are you!" I screamed in fear, the cackles of the fire and the creaks of tumbling trees silencing my voice but I was determined. Yelling out in pain as I shoved myself through the remaining vines, but I was only yanked back again.

Something snake-like wrapping around my body before I was finally released and put down on the ground. Hands immediately grabbing me and my heart almost exploded from my chest.

"Fuck- you scared the shit out of me, George." I whispered shakily, feeling the brunette wrap his arms around me and I did the exact same a second after. Feeling the tears threatening to well up in my eyes but George didn't let them. Squeezing me a bit before he finally pulled away and sniffled.

"I'm okay, I managed to get out just before it could trap me inside." He assured, grabbing my hand and immediately took us behind a large tree a bit away from the raging fire. Fear and panic glossed in his eyes as he faced me. Something was clear,y wrong and I knew it the moment I saw the fire.

"You shouldn't be here, Dream, it's dangerous." He shook his head softly, scanning the area around us for a bit and I frowned.


I shook my head and grabbed George's hand again. "I'm not leaving without you George. What the fuck is happening-" "Pillagers." George finally looked at me grabbing my hand back. Hints of pain and anger swirling in his beautiful eyes as he grit his teeth. "T-they're called Pillagers. They're raiders and travel from village to village a-and burn them down- they leave no one alive, Dream." He teared up. Shaking his head quickly to compose himself and he took in a deep breath. He didn't want to get emotional right now.

He stepped back from me a bit, letting of my hand which definitely stung, but I pushed the feeling away and watched as George closed his eyes a small bit, and soon enough vines began to swim around the forest and animals began to approach. Magic.

I looked around a bit, seeing how tons and tons of animals surrounded the area. Deers, bears, rabbits, even the birds in the sky. He phantoms were also there. George opened his eyes and looked at me softly. "Your village is next, but the pillagers have to get through the forest to get there. I'm not letting that happen-"

"Then I guess we have to help." A voice suddenly said and my eyes widened. Turning around to the voice. There, Sapnap stood. Followed by the rest of the hunters stacked up in armor and weapons. Even Sam was there. Sapnap smirked cockily and winked at me.

But that wasn't it, bit by bit my people began to appear behind them. Standing around the hunters holding pitchforks, bats, swords, torches, you name it. And then came the one and only. "What have I told you about running off on your own Mr, and when you're injured?" Mom suddenly pushed through everyone and my eyes widened again.

She was dressed in armor- no her armor. Holding the sword she once fought with alongside dad. Her blond hair was tied up in a pony-tail and her eyes were filled with nothing but bravery and determination. Smiling towards me before she glanced towards George next to me.

I immediately stepped in front of him, realizing this was the first time they see him but none of them looked threatening or challenging. They had a few hesitant expressions, but they were here.

Mom nodded curtly at George and his eyes widened softly. This is Dream's mom.. he thought softly and bowed his head in respect to them all. So thankful and grateful that they seemed here to help and willing to work along him.

George glanced at me and I gave a bright, assuring smile. I can't believe they're actually here.. And they aren't even attacking George-

But almost like he read my thoughts, Sapnap smiled proudly and pounded lightly on his heart, mouthing 'I've got your back' and I couldn't help but chuckle gratefully. That's my best friend alright.

But this wasn't the end of the story, we still had a war we had to finish.

I could hear the sounds of men and women in the distance, the sounds of heavy thudding and shouts, and I'm sure everyone else heard it as we turned in the direction of our approaching enemies.

"Well, let's go! We have a war to win everyone!" Sam yelled and released our first warning arrow into the air.
