13 - Intruder

-George's Pov-

I was waiting for Dream. Gently sitting on the grass as I weave in a beautiful flower crown. Gently picking a flower that grew back just after, and adding it to the forming crown that became a hobby of mine by time. I paused my movements for a bit, turning the crown around to see if it needs any adjustments, and let out a soft hum of satisfaction. Liking how it looked so far.

I glanced back at the path of mushrooms that I set out for Dream. I have a friend now.. I thought, a bright smile growing on my face and a happy blush tinting my cheeks pink as I thought about him. Plucking out another flower and I added it to the pretty crown. It felt so surreal. I was always alone, aside from the forest. I never had human contact since forever. Not after villagers came for my head and tried to hunt me down and I came into hiding.

Some tails of the 'forest goblin' were true. But I never once came to killing someone.. or eating them. Not like the stories that were made up and exaggerated to represent the legacy of the forest goblins. My duty was to take on the role of protecting the forest, and I did whatever I could do to save it from the people who wished to chop it down or set it on burning flames. So that's how the tails of the forest goblin came to be as the horrible, terrifying monster that haunted the forest.

But now I had someone who actually wanted to befriend me. Who wasn't scared of me, who actually saw the real me and not the stories-

"Thinking about me?"

I whipped my head up to the sudden voice, gasping softly and grinned as I shook my head with a small giggle. "I was actually." I smiled, making Dream's eyes widen and his face flush a small red but it didn't show underneath the mask. "O-Oh.." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood there.

I tilted my head curiously a bit, wondering what would be wrong about saying that, but didn't give much thought to it as I slowly got back to my feet. My soft cape hanging behind me gently as I walked over with my flower crown. Dream furrowed his brows curiously, watching me as he saw the crown.

I smiled softly and reached up to gently place it on his head. His eyes widening again underneath the mask and he blushed. Thanking the mask to no end as he chuckled. "Thanks George." He smiled, tilting his head down a bit so I can put it on. I could hear it through his voice, the smile. It made me happy.

My heart skipped a joyful beat when Dream seemed to like it, nodding to say 'you're welcome' and I reached for his hand. Taking it in mine and started dragging him over towards a small area I've been working on. So excited to show him as I guided him towards a small look-a-like hill. Seeing the curtain of vines.

Dream was still stuck on the fact that George grabbed his hand again, blushing for probably the third time as he glanced down at it. Still stuck in the small shock state of it and he began to wonder if George even knew what he was doing. It wasn't anything bad, but the brunette did it so casually and nonchalantly that Dream wondered if he knew what a relationship was. Or- or holding hands and hugging each other.

What the hell is happening to me..? Dream thought, secretly glancing at me as I guided him over.

Stopping us just behind the curtain and I turned to him with a smile. Tilting his head curiously as he waited for e to explain. "I did a small something so I could help you, but I didn't want to keep you waiting a lot." I said, carefully opening the delicate vines to the side so it revealed tons and tons of crops and food, materials and supplies, and just anything that Dream might need to take back to the village.

There were also glow berry vines that I worked on -more so for Dream than the rest of the villagers-, the pretty glowing fruit dangling down from the roof and giving a pretty hue to the small cave-like room. When I looked back at Dream, he was silent.

Staring at the entire room filled with everything his village may need right now. Filled with everything that I didn't need to help with, but I wanted to. Dream looked at me and I yelped when I was suddenly pulled into a hug. Blinking in surprise but I immediately hugged him back afterwards.

"Thank you.. George.." He whispered genuinely, truly grateful as he hugged me and I nodded gently against his chest. "O-Of course, Dream. I always want to help you if I can." I smiled, yet felt something weird start to tingle in my stomach. Furrowing my brows a bit as I've never felt this way before, but I didn't pay much attention to it just yet.

He's so warm..

Dream gently pulled away after a while, his mask over his mouth to reveal a kind grin this time and I happily returned it. But it immediately disappeared the moment I felt an odd presence suddenly appear in the forest. Frowning worriedly a bit as I walked towards a tree and gently placed my palm flat on the trunk. Somethings wrong.

"George?" Dream asked.

I closed my eyes, letting the trees talk to me as I focused on our surroundings and tried to suspect the issue. I already had a feeling what it was as I listened to the sounds of the forest as well as the whispers of the trees as they spoke to me.

Frowning worriedly, I opened my eyes and turned to Dream.

"There's someone approaching."

An intruder.
