10- New Friend?

-George's Pov-

I was scared. Not sure what to do as I looked at Dream. But I was also at ease despite the still lingering fear of Dream turning on me and hurting me in the end. But I pushed it all away, finally happy to interact with someone after so, so long and possibly make a friend. It gets lonely when you have nothing but nature surrounding you, when everyone is scared of you or wants to hunt or hurt you.

Dream was being nice to me, that did ease my worries I'll admit, but as I listened to him speak I became more and more tempted to help him. I shouldn't.. but I can help. I have the power to. I bit my lip a small bit, glancing at the water beneath my feet as I tried to bite my tongue, but I couldn't. I want to make a friend.

Looking back at Dream slightly, I let out a small breath. "I can help.." I murmured, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. A habit I grew up having when I'm nervous or contemplating. Looking softly at him. Dreams head whipping up at me and though I couldn't see his face, I had a feeling he was meeting my eyes. His expression was unidentifiable though.

"How?" He asked, turning to me completely now. I took in a breath before flashing him a kind smile. Looking around the area for a bit before focusing on an apple tree that I easily identified. I raised my hand towards it and slowly started to grow beautiful pink flowers that eventually turned into strong, red and green apples.

I raised another hand and strings of weed and vines began swirling gently below the tree and there a basket started to weave itself. Collecting the apples that fell from above and within a minute, a basket of fresh big apples was sitting there. I looked at another plant and focused on that wet spot as well and a few wheat plants and crops began to grow as well. The power of nature.

I tried to grow a few more plants and such but my miracle could only do  so much and I didn't want to risk disrupting the protection force-field I placed upon the entirety of the forest.

"George.." Dream whispered almost like he was speechless and I glanced over nervously. Wondering what his reaction would be and perked when he took a few steps towards me. Making me shift uncomfortably, well more nervously than uncomfortably and- "eek-!"

Dream hugged me. His arms wrapping completely around me as I was pulled in. My eyes were probably popping out of their sockets, hands stiff like they didn't know what to do, and my mind still trying to distinguish reality from hallucination.

"Thank you.." Dream whispered, clearly not thinking of what he was doing but it still somehow felt right to him. Hugging me which was something I never got to experience before, but it was.. nice. Easing into his slowly and I hesitantly and slowly hugged Dream back. Closing my eyes a small bit out of non-admittant enjoyment and for once, I was able to let my guard down. He's hugging me... I've read about this in books before but..

Perking when the hug was parted soon after, I opened my eyes again and pulled away with Dream. Still in the shock of that hug but couldn't help but smile kindly at him. My cheeks unnoticeably tinted a gentle shade of pink as I looked up at him. "S-Sure, I'm always ready to help if you need it.." I said genuinely, shyly.

"I'll keep that in mind." Dream said and I could somehow hear the smile in his voice. He then looked up and around him for a bit and I realized it was getting darker. Frowning as I realized... "The phantoms will appear soon, you have to go now." I said seriously as I looked around for them and could hear faint rustling through parts in the trees. They're here..

Dream seemed to have noticed that too and gave me a curt nod, hurrying towards the dry lands as water splashed after his feet and reached his belongings. Slipping on his hoodie first, then shoes, the grabbed his duffle bags to bag the resources. And my nerves started growing. Hearing the rustling of the phantoms get louder and I looked back at Dream worriedly.

"You won't make it in time.." I whispered, standing up straighter and gasped when three night phantoms suddenly shot out of the tree tops and began soaring through the night above swiftly. That's not good..

"Shit." He muttered.

Clenching my teeth, I took a few steps closer to Dream and within a second, I ordered small groups of beautiful glowing fireflies flying Dream's way. The blond perking and pausing a small bit as he watched the fireflies surround him in a sort of sphere shape.

"They'll keep the phantoms away, but not for long." I explained hurriedly, hurrying up to him and helped him grab up everything before he was finally done. The sudden loud screeching of the phantoms erupted loudly through the night sky and one of the phantoms began to soar. Flying past Dream by a few feet but not hitting him just yet. I looked at him.

He gave me a curt nod, as if thanking me, and he was off. Running under the moss curtain and disappeared behind it as he started running towards his village. The fireflies still surrounding him in a light sphere and also lighting up his path as he followed the mushrooms that were aligned for him.

Dream couldn't get what happened today out of his mind. With Sapnap, with George, with everything. But even as he ran through the forest with predators on his tail, he couldn't help but feel bits of happiness linger on his lips in the form of a smile. Even if it was hidden behind the mask.

He was grateful, thankful for everything George has done for him so far. Starting from the brunette saving his life, to him helping Dream with something he could've easily refused.

And so all Dream and George could think was,

new friend?
