1 - Late Nights

-Dream's Pov-

I sit on the roof of my house, staring down at the barley lit streets of our village and the few villagers taking their night shift as guard. Torches lite up the dusty, lifeless streets dimly and the mutters and murmurs of the villagers were the only sounds that interrupted the night's silence.

"We're low on supplies again... its getting.. all over again." I can hear them say and narrowed my eyes a little as I crouched up a bit. Crawling closer to the steep ledge and pulled up my hood to try and listen unnoticed. I glanced once at my room window behind me to see if the coast was clear and turned back to the villagers. "Yeah, the baker and village chefs said they're running out of yeast and fresh vegetables too! Those filthy rats chewed through the bags and got most of the ingredients." Another villager said and shook his head in disappointment.

I frowned and tried to listen in a bit more and tried leaning a bit closer too but they soon turned the corner and were officially out of ears' reach. I let out a groan and dropped back so I was laying in my back. Throwing an arm over my head and the other over my stomach as I looked up at the stars. Probably the brightest miracle our village was blessed with. Everything else was dead and scarce. Like grass and trees. Just greenery. That was our village, wherever you looked you'll find a few trees, dead, yellow grass and barely any animals.

Its like something repelled life other than humans from the village. I turned on my side a little and used my arm as a pillow. Staring dead straight at the dark shadows of the forest. The DeepThorn forest. As cursed and haunted that it is, the forest held life. Much unlike the village. Its like all that we needed and are trying to preserve is repelled from here and drawn towards the forest. Frowning a bit, I eyed it for a little more before sighing and closing my eyes. Feeling a small breeze hit against my face and flow gently through my dirty blond hair.

I would need sleep for the next day. I'm a hunter, like my best friend Sapnap and a few other villagers. We would get sent out on search missions and resource hunts on the other side of the forest where humanity abandoned the areas and moved further into more accessable and tolerable areas. But that's because, despite how many times we've asked and argued, we're not allowed to enter the DeepThorns forest. No matter what the reason or occasion was. It was a rule carved in cobblestone over generations and us new generations were forced and obliged to go by it and respect it.

My father didn't.

Which was how my little sister and I were left with only mom to care for us. Mom always said I was ignorant and stubborn like my father which was -despite how it had its cons- something I was proud off. I wasn't a whimp, I wasn't afraid of things until I actually experienced them, I wasn't afraid of commitment. Well, in some areas at least. But that was the least of my worries to be honest. I don't believe this because I'm cocky.. it's more like my personality I guess.

Letting out a soft breath, I slowly felt myself slip into a deep slumber.

When I woke up the next day it was to banging on my window sill and the angry mutters and scolds that mother threw at me- so early in the morning might I add. "Clay! Get your ass off of there- I just had this roof repaired three days ago!" She huffed with a glare making me let out a groan of annoyance and slowly turn on my back. Running my hands over my face and sighing. "Annoying woman.." I grumbled half-heartedly and stood up. Hearing the small cracks of my cramped bones as I stretched and winced.

Hearing my mom scoff and mutter something along the lines of "..suits you right.. you teenagers never listen.." I chuckled gently as I shook my head and climbed back through the window. Dropping down on my feet and dusting off my clothes a bit and running a hand through my bed hair. Fixing it up and walking into the bathroom to get washed up.

Once I was done and ready I exited the bathroom and climbed down the stairs to greet my little sister. Smiling and ruffling her hair a bit as he munched on the few bits of cereal we had left. Walking up to mom near the stove I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and a small 'morning' and walked to the fridge to grab a cold cup of water. I glanced at her. "We're heading off again, you know.." I hummed a bit as I took a sip.

She sighed. "I don't know why you do this, Clay. There's nothing out there to find anymore. I've been out there with your father before, what makes you think you'll find anything this time?" Mom and dad used to be hunters like ourselves. Also two of the most qualified and skillful amongst others and searched the very areas Sapnap and I now run. However she dropped her role as a hunter when I came along and then Drista. She didn't have to, but she claimed that she didn't want to be the type of person who was never there for her children. Dad was close to drop too, but he was an overenergetic person and knew he would benefit us more out there than here. Seeming as we were in rough times at the time, despite how many times he tried to convince mom into joining again. She just wouldn't have it.

I leaned against the fridge and crossed an arm against my chest and used the other to drink. "There's nothing we can do but continue searching mom. Maybe times have changed, maybe there's something out there and we're here sitting our asses and doing nothing." I shook my head, still not convinced as usual, and downed the rest of my water. Placing it in the sink gently and giving mom a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye when I heard her sigh and shake her head. Smiling assuringly at her before giving my sister a quick goodbye and heading out the door after grabbing my mask.

I wonder what's our mission today..
