2 - The Decision

-Dream's Pov-

I was easily greeted by the bright sunlight and the warm air. Stuffing my hands in my pockets as I started heading towards the weaponry and armory area so I could get ready for the hunt. I hummed a small tune as I walked and perked when it finally came into view.

Assuming Sapnap would already be there to greet his boyfriend, that was soon confirmed when I entered the shop to see two figures huddled up against one of the walls and, quite clearly, kissing- "Will you two get a room already?" I huffed and then narrowed my eyes, about to tell Sapnap to get ready when- a dagger suddenly zoomed towards me and stabbed right into the ground just between my two feet.

Leaning down to pick up the dagger I scoffed and grumbled half-heartedly when I realized it was the dagger I had asked Karl to fix up for me. He did a good job and it was surely nicer and more fuctionable than before but I didn't really appreciating him testing it out on me per say. "Thanks.." I rolled my eyes a bit and stuffed it into my back pocket before walking up to the two and grabbing Sapnap by the bandana wrapped around his head. "-woah, woah, okay! Okay!" He complained, falling back with me as he broke off from Karl.

"Stop making out, we have better things to do." I sighed and glared at him when he suddenly punched my shoulder. Though he couldn't really see it through the mask. "You have better things to do, Dream. I have Karl." Sapnap said with a teasing grin and chuckled when I punched him back as we walked towards the back. Commitment to love. That was what I was afraid of. Relationships, love. "You're a dick, Dream!" I could hear Karl yell from the counter and chuckled a bit as we were soon presented with our hunting equipment. Thick leather armor with weapons like swords, axes, bows, any many more. Bags, nets and traps as well. My personal favorite was working with the sword. Sapnap's was the axe and many of the other hunters varied between all of the different types of weaponry. It's basically working with what suit us best, like a partner.

I began slipping my chestplate first over my head, tugging it a bit when it was completely on and went do the same with the rest of the armor, seeing Sapnap do the same as well. But then I noticed something. "Wait, why didn't the rest of the hunters show up?" I asked confusedly as I turned to him. Finally realizing what felt off. It couldn't have been they got ready before us because we always got armored up and ready together. Usually discussing our game plan and routes for the day.

Sapnap pursed his lips a bit and shook his head as if he wasn't too sure himself. Seeming that he also noticed that was the case and I frowned a bit. Trying to think and remember if I missed anything Awesamdude -the head of our hunting team and the oldest between us- said.

He is usually the one who organizes our missions and routes despite us having many objections with what he chooses and decides on, but even then each time he turned out to be right. We trusted him, we had to, and he hadn't failed us once so far. "Let's just go. We'll ask Sam when we get to the center."

The only biggest tree that still remained on or land. Surrounded by a cobble stone platform, and it dropped vines like curtain all around. Like the rest though, it was slowly dying.

This particular tree though took much longer than everyone had thought or anticipated to wither away. Being one of the "ancient" trees that somehow linked to the story of a goblin and whatnot. I've never encountered one, but I have scene pictures and sightings that we are forced to keep in memory off when we go hunting. Sam also gives us physical papers to keep with us if it ever came down to it. Sapnap nodded from beside me and grabbed his trusty axe, before we both started making it out. Waving Karl good bye and heading in the direction of the village center.

"Sam!" I called out the moment we approached and raised my arms in question. Not seeing any of the other hunters lined up and ready but instead I saw them trying to calm an angry crowd of villagers. All yelling and calling out things, that I could barley hear Sam over it.

Huffing in frustration and walking towards the large gold bell underneath the tree, I started ringing it loudly. The lingering ring deafening us all, I more than others from how close I was to it, and soon enough the yells and chants died down. Ignoring the angry glares and stared they gave me I walked towards Sam and the rest along with Sapnap who wanted to know what was happening just as much as I did.

"It's no use. They're demanding we do something about the decrease in resources or they're threatening to infiltrate the forest themselves." Awesamdude said a little panickedly as he ran a hand through his hair and glanced back at the other hunters forming a barrier in front of the villagers. I could understand why he was panicked.

Because we've never come across this level of a threat.

The villagers were fed up like all of us were, except they were fed up enough to want to act irrationally and lose grip of common sense. We all know why the forest is out of reach, but yet we have never come across a problem like this.

"I'll go-" "So will I. Dream and I will armor up and go as a two man team." Sapnap said, cutting me off as he looked straight at our head guard -who's eyes widened- and didn't even bat me an eye. I could here the seriousness and determination in his voice and it brought a smirk to my face as I nodded in agreement. "Anymore of us will only cause a havoc and bring us more attention. We will have to be stealthy and sneaky enough so we'll armor up and equip ourselves with as much bags as possible." He spoke again. I looked at Sam.

"You know I don't like this.. Your mom will kill me Dream and so will-" Sam started, clearly distressed and very against our decision but it was my turn to cut him off this time. Standing my ground and shaking my head in objection. "We keep this a silent mission. Like every other mission we do, we give only few details and keep the important stuff to ourselves. This is just like it, Sam." I frowned, hoping to convince him but that didn't seem to succeed quite well. He huffed.

"I don't think you get it, Dream. It's dangerous out there- you'll die before you even get the opportunity to find anything useful!" He yelled a bit as he pointed accusedly at the forest and glared at the two of us. I was getting ticked off.

My eye twitching in irritation beneath my mask before I finally removed it to reveal my face and show how serious I was being. "It's become more dangerous here than it is out there, Sam. People will die without resources and you know it. The sick, the hungry, the weak. They'll all die without anything left anymore." I spoke as calmly as I could and I could see him glance at the village folks looking our way. Some worried, some sad, some desperate and angry. Sam sighed and ran his hands over his face. Groaning a bit before looking at the two of us.

"I'm, calling the mission.. but I hope you know I'm the one responsible for what happens with your lives. You better come back alive."

I smiled.
