3 - Departure

-Dream's Pov-

"This is a horrible idea. I can't let you do this."

Sam crosses his arms over his chest. Frowning heavily at the two of us as we got ourselves equipped with a survival bag and some empty duffle bags for any of the resources we might find. I clipped mine on over my chestplate and brushed myself done. "Too late now. Done Sapnap?" I said stubbornly and looked over at my friend and he sent me a thumbs up. Also similarly equipped like me. I grabbed my sword and his axe, throwing his over before exiting the weaponry area once again as we started making it to the forest entrance. The DeepThorn Forest.

Gazing up at the broken and rusty sign to the large curved entrance, I clipped on my mask. Sapnap tightened his bandana next to me and Sam who obviously followed shook his head in dismay. He knew there was no talking us out, we won this fight. It's only up to time to tell whether Sam was right in the end or not. Glancing back once at the town, I met Sapnap's eyes through the mask- and the two of us broke into a sprint without another word. Running straight through the long path leading us in and we could hear the familiar sounds of the village begin to fade every foot we stepped in.


But if it's not the quiet sounds of the forest that I could hear, it's definitely the heavy beating of my heart underneath my chest. Feeling so much adrenaline, energy and determination, it made me wonder if this was how dad felt when he ran these paths.

"It's getting darker." Sapnap commented after a while and I looked around us for a bit. Too lost in my thoughts to have noticed but Sapnap was right. The tree tops casted a large shadow over the areas we now ran and only let a few rays of light through. Tolerable, but it would get worse as we continue. I frowned a bit and came to a slow jog. Sapnap did the same and walked over to me. "Flashlight?"

"Flashlight." I confirmed and he threw one over with a little click of his tongue as we looked around for a bit. Studying our surroundings and trying to listen for any particular sounds but everything seemed quiet and calm so far. Already deep enough. Wherever you looked trees surrounded us, dim rays from the moon began to shine through on certain spots of the blanket of grass beneath our feet, and little bits of flowers and colorful mushrooms sprouted at the roots of the trees.

Flicking on our flashlights, we followed the dirt path we originally started on though it was starting to fade more and more as we went. I ran a frustrated hand underneath my mask when we eventually reached the end of the path. Which lead.. nowhere. "The trail stops here.." I frowned, blinking confusedly and flashing the light around the ground beneath us but I couldn't find any other path. "Dream.."

Sapnap said and I turned to him a bit. He frowned and narrowed his eyes at me. "we're not splitting up, I wont allow it." He said and I smirked a small bit underneath the mask. He figured me out already.. "Coming out here was already breaking a rule, I can't lose my best friend too." He said again, shaking his head in refusal. Standing his ground and I let out a sigh. "We're too far in to go back now so let's just finish this together. We can't afford to lose anyone else, especially you." He said again, smiling his signature determined smile as he swung his axe over his shoulder making me chuckle with a shake of my head.

"Read me like a book, Sappynap." I hummed, expectant as usual and walked over. Slinging my arm over his shoulder as we started walking. "You know it, Dreamy." He winked back and I rolled my eyes playfully. This dude..

As much as I felt at ease in that moment- it was instantly wiped out as a swift figure suddenly flew past us. My eyes widening as I swiftly detached from Sapnap and swung out my sword. "What the fuck is that-" Sapnap started saying, when a huge death-like screech suddenly erupted above us- and I was suddenly sent flying through the air. A sharp sting shooting up my entire arm before I was harshly slammed against a tree. The impact knocking the breath out of me as I opened my eyes to directly stare into glowing green ones and bared sharp razor-like teeth that sunk into my shoulder not a second long after- "Mother fucker-!"

I cried out, feeling it's sharp teeth break past flesh and muscle as I tried to shake it off. Grabbing it by the long boney spine that ran down the middle of its back and shoved it back just in time for Sapnap's axe to pummel right through it. The creature finally dropping to the ground with a thump and releasing its hold on me. Sapnap immediately ran to my side and pulled me up by the arm. "You alright man?" He panted a bit as he pointed his axe in different directions around us. Because soon enough, a flock of those same creatures circled in the air above us.

Hunting us like prey. Taunting us.

"I'm fine.." I winced, grabbing my sword with my good arm and swiftly sent my sword slicing through another one the second it swooped down. Cutting it in half before more started to glide down around us. Those same death-like screeches ringing in our ears and the same glowing green eyes boring into our souls. I suddenly let out a groan and reached up to painfully grab my shoulder. Wincing as I glanced at it but everything looked blurry and foggy.

I was able to cut down another creature just as it swooped down to grab me but almost tripped down if it weren't for Sapnap grabbing me. Pulling my arm over his shoulder and grit his teeth as he started dragging me with him. I feel dizzy.. Panting, I forced my eyes open and tried to use my feet but my body felt.. weak. Exhausted almost but I mustered up enough energy to pull away from Sapnap. "Dream what are you-" He started saying before I harshly shoved him back, the flying creature swooping just between us but it's wings managed to send me flying further away from Sapnap as I hit the ground.

"Go! I-I'll be fine!" I groaned out, grabbing my sword and stabbed it into the ground to help lift myself up. Panting heavily as I straightened up. Flinging a rock up into he flock of the creatures and yelled out loudly- "Go Sapnap!!" I hollered, before breaking into a sprint. Glancing back once to see all the creatures tailing behind me and away from Sapnap.

Fucking persistent much. I grit my teeth in irritation and continued to drag myself through the forest. Using only the faint moonlight to navigate myself but everything looked the same. Everywhere I went, it looked like I was walking in circles. My vision becoming more unclear, before another sharp pain erupted in my back. I could feel the cold blood trailing down my flesh but I couldn't stop here. Continuing to drag myself forward and suddenly, I could feel nothing but the wind flowing through my clothes and hair.

The cold sting of it slashing against my skin as I fell forward- and my body finally slammed against the rocky ground. Twig after stone after anything, digging through my armor and skin as I tumbled down a steep hill. My body twisting and turning in abnormal directions before I finally met rock bottom. Nothing but pain and pure nausea soaring through the entirety of my body,

and my eyes finally shut..
