25 - Repeating History

-Third P. Pov-

A secret, something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others. But how long you can keep a secret is a mystery on its own. No one knows how long this secret could be held for, know one knows until it's finally revealed. It was scary, terrifying even if you didn't know about it's origins or the power that just those words could possess.

But at the end of the day, a secret is always revealed. Years later, in the same moment, centuries later, the secret will reveal itself one way or another whether it is kept for the good of human kind or just to bury a crime output of existence.

There was a story behind the history of forest goblins. A story, a tale, maybe secret even. But there was also a saying, one that said "A villain is just a victim who's story hasn't been told- or perhaps hidden." So what's the story behind the forest goblin? What's the secret and truth behind those creatures that just so happened to exist and the villagers' abrupt hate towards them? Well, that depends.

Years ago long before George and the youth of the village existed, ancestors of the Village of the Mist claimed their land just opposite the forest that long after became the village this new century now lived in. The villagers had their duty for the new generation, a goal, and deep into the forest was a malignity of creatures unknown to humans that had their own.

Creatures of nature that had their own duty of protecting the heart of the forest while remaining invisible to the human eye. It was their home.

Forest goblins had a rule, a rule that said "no human shall befriend a goblin and no goblin shall befriend a human". It was a simple rule yet it had damaging consequences. Consequences that no one on earth could ever expect. It was a rule passed down from generation to generation and they stuck to it each time- well, except for the two young teens who's fates and decisions undeniably changed the future forever.

An outcast living each day with his own unique view towards life, and a troubled human teen who so desperately needed to run away from her manipulative and controlling parents back at the village. Each time the human found herself standing in front of the humongous gold gates leading into the forest. Staring up at it with a bubbling temptation to go against their village's rule and rebel in revenge.

A simple rule, a difficult decision.

The human would be in tears, in heartbreak, and he would be in pain and loneliness hidden behind a forced smile and yet some bubbling urge to learn and discover more. Each time she would find herself just outside the gates of the forest, but never through. Each time and always the same outcome. Until one fateful night finally lead her right through the border and sprinting through the intimating dark woods that, regardless of how deep she ran, surrounded her consistently.

He, on the other hand, had been been exploring the endless and endless lengths of the forest, his home per say. Clayton was always a curious fellow but was shunned for it. Because he was not like regular goblins. Because he was an example of what went against these goblins' rules and beliefs.

He was half human, half goblin and the first to ever exist of his hybrid kind. A god.

And his curiosity and will to explore was just as odd for the goblin malignity since they only ever cared about doing their duty and serving the heart of the forest as their own. Clayton's elf-like ears perked at the sound of faint yet frantic steps nearing whilst he was exploring some cave hidden behind curtains of vines and large leaves.

It was the most exciting thing so far but the hurried footsteps approaching caught his wandering mind. He'd peaked through the curtains hiding him and that's when the hybrid-teen finally saw her.

Her cheeks were stripped with both dried and wet tears, her eyes were filled with a mixture of pain, curiosity and uncertainty. But she'd stopped running. Her eyes never leaving Clayton's the moment they met, like she was entranced in them, until a threatening, angry growl echoed through the forest around them. The goblins were looking for her.

"Quick, in here!" Clayton whisper-yelled as he motioned her in. Pulling the vines up just enough to let her through and immediately hid them in the deep chilly space. Their labored breaths being the only sound in the cave aside from the quiet drips of water falling into the growing puddle beneath.

"You should be safe in here-" The goblin had started- when a deep, sharp like pain erupted just above his eyebrow and against his forehead.

The teen had hit him with a rock big enough to make him bleed as he groaned painfully and reached up to cup the right side of his face in lingering agony. About to question her about it but oh-ho-ho she wasn't done. His eyes widening.

"H-Hold on now! Let's talk about this-!" Clayton tried, yelping as he ducked right before another rock could hit him in the face again but she was already raising another rock. Somehow managing to grab one in the few seconds that she got and Clayton immediately held out his hands in front of him. Trying to surrender.

"Idiot- you think just because I'm a woman you can fool me?! I'll show you the fucking wrath of a woman and we'll see who's the damn fool here." She spit, angrily pulling up her sleeves, surprising Clayton by how quickly her mood had changed and gasped as a large rock was thrown at him. Dodging it merely, the solid item skimming his side only barely before he'd finally decided he had enough.

He caught whatever Oriana, her name was, threw his way. She was strong and strong willed, the half-goblin could see, and couldn't help but admire her more than he already did. Clayton knew what he was getting himself into when his eyes laid on her merely minutes ago.

But he knew it was right- no it felt right. The skip in his heart when his curious eyes met her ready ones. When he saw the tears on her cheeks and the pain that he could almost feel. Her silky blond hair pulled into a messy bun and played with.

She was beautiful, perfect in a type of way.

It was the type of beauty even nature couldn't provide for Clayton as he knew right then and there that he would give up anything to have her as his own. To protect her with everything that he could provide and give her the world in itself if it was possible.

Call is love at first sight or whatever, but Clayton knew she was the one. He could feel it in his heart.

"I don't think I can fool you." Clayton spoke with genuinity as he dropped the rock calmly and looked at her. Her face contorted into anger and confusion.

"What?" She snapped, voice brave and confident.

Clayton smiled which only made her confusion rise. "I said I don't think I can fool you. And, I'd rather not experience a woman's wrath really.." He spoke, voice growing nervous at the end with a nervous laugh as he scratched lightly at his neck. Knowing by how confident she was that she could probably knock him out with a single hit. He didn't want to find that out though.

Oriana huffed and glared at him. Studying the creature in front of her before she finally dropped her next weapon. Wiping harshly at her cheeks but her glare never eased.

"You're not human.." She ended up stating, quite obviously. Her voice was a little calmer now though but she was still stiff about it all. Clayton's features weren't all human-like, they definitely attracted somewhat attention yet they blended with his handsome features. Making it almost unnoticeable.

Clayton's eyes widened lightly before shaking his head. But even doing so a sudden calmness settled on Oriana's shoulders. Her heart felt lighter, her thoughts seemed to ease and she wondered just how it was happening.

Her eyes softened to truly illuminate her sparkling-like green eyes and a small curiosity took over them. She wasn't afraid of the creature in front of him. Somehow she just couldn't because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't care as much about what he was.

"My name is Clayton." He smiled.

"... Oriana." She huffed.

"You're beautiful.."

"You have elf-ears-" She grumbled back, perking a bit when Clayton suddenly let out a rumbling laugh and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him. Crossing her arms against her chest as she eyed him and she couldn't help but find his positive personality both charming and annoying.

However the small smile forming on her lips spoke truths for both Clayton and Oriana.

A friendship, a confession, and a couple of lies, and the two different teens found themselves living a life of hidden truths, betrayals and secrets. Clayton and Oriana's love blossomed and grew infinitely.

It grew strong enough to bring two new souls to the world, but so did their lies and secrets. Clayton was introduced as a runaway from another village and Oriana kept her side of the promise. Clayton's true identity would remain a secret for as long as it could.

It was the start of something new, something big, but for just how long could their said-to-be forbidden love remain a secret from the world for?

As she now fought against the people who'd once taken the love of her life away in this exact same way, Oriana realized it was the time. The truth had come out, and it came out in one of the most depressing ways.

The goblins found out about their love long after. But they were unforgiving, believing the human teen had played with Clayton's mind and lured him into false love. They attacked, people died, some fought back and many lost all.

History was repeating itself, except, Oriana would win this time.

She would win this same war and avenge Clayton, and she would do it for herself, for Dream, and for Drista.
