26 - Time To Goodbye

-Third P. Pov-

DreamXD's statue stood tall in the behind the burning trees. Being revealed the longer the trees continued to burn and fall around them.

The skies were filled with darkness yet the illuminating light of the angry flames broke it. The sounds of shouts of agony and loss broke the usual quietness of the forest that continued to ash away.

With it George's soul went. But the forest wasn't gone and George stood strong. Using the sources and power and nature itself as they battled to the end. DreamXD's statue almost taunting the enemies high in the night sky as they fought oh so near.

It was a statue made of stone, hardened clay and nature's greenery. It was almost an exact representation of the god himself. One of the statue's palms were held facing upwards with a large eye floating just above, the other holding a sword made of both gold and hints of glittering emerald.

Other bits of gold sprinkled on the robe and sleeves, while the halo formed into an 'X' sat in bright glow-stone and gold as well. George always found the material odd yet undeniably beautiful. It was yet another source of light that lit up part of the forest nicely. Apart from the stars above.

But now it's light almost looked dim and sad. Like it was never even there in the first place as the gold and yellow of the fire replaced it. Like evil replacing a symbol of good and peace, Oriana thought.

Seeing the statue as she fought almost made her weak. Reminding her of the husband she only got ever so much of. She missed him to the brim of death and his death definitely left a deep hole in her heart.

But then again it only made her stronger.

Because she was going to avenge him. She was going to pick up what he left off and finish it for him.

She wanted Dream to know how true of a hero his father was. She didn't want to lie any longer, or hide the truth any longer. So much was revealed and this was bound to be revealed as well.

Oriana, or best known as Mrs Dream (according to Sapnap), swung her sword. Swinging the weapon through the air like she she'd never even put it down to start with. Her blond hair whipping swiftly through the air with each movement that she did.

Dodging, attacking, fighting.

Far off to her side, her son fought the same. Movements almost just as good and identical to hers and her husband's. Dream reminded her of herself back in the days. But he also reminded her of his dad as she stabbed her sword into another pillager.

Kicking him off her sword and swung again.

Dream tried to keep his eyes out for everyone. They were losing many men and women and Dream felt weak. Battered, bruised, bloody. He pushed himself further however. He never gave up nor was he planning to, but more and more were falling and his worries were starting to get provoked and played with.

He knew he couldn't save everyone, he knew he couldn't be there for all of them, but he could still try.

A battle cry crawled up Dream's throat as he ran, Techno and everyone else's mimicking that cry of bravery and determination as they battled to the death.

The dirty blond fighter swiveled between his enemies, kicking or punching them down whilst his sword slit their throats right after. Dodging, weaving, blocking, Dream raised his shield just in time for an axe to smash into it. His wrist flicking the sword in his their hand with expertise and he raised it to land a finishing blow.

My son..

The fighter's movements halted. Heart beat almost delayed but so was his reaction as a striking pain shot up his chest. A sword had whipped up against Dream's torso, ripping cloth and skin but Dream quickly fought back and head butted the opponent.


The voice spoke again and Dream was once again unfocused, his head whipping around like he was looking for the person behind the voice. His father.

Another lingering pain shot up through Dream's head, the end of an axe smacking against his face and the fighter dropped to the ground. Vision white and a ringing tune replaced the sounds of battles in his ears as the world turned around him.

"W-What the.." Dream whispered, followed with a groan as his arms tried to push him back up to his feet but he was too dizzy to. That probably gave me a concussion..

When Dream finally forced his eyes though, everything was white around him. Am I dead already? How the fuck did I get to Heaven so quickly? He thought as he groaned and tried to look around.

The only response he got though was a deep yet warm chuckle.

"George thought the same." DreamXD shook his head with a hidden smile as he appeared in front of the puzzled fighter. Dream's eyes growing wide yet angry as he quickly stood up and held his sword out in front of himself in defense.

"How do you know George." He growled possessively while his eyes glared at the god before him. Merely eyeing the fact that he had wings twice his size on his back, until the sword between his hands turned to dust and a hand was placed on the dirty blond's shoulder.

DreamXD was much taller obviously, making teenage Dream crane his head up slightly to glare at him.

"You've grown so much.. you were so little when I left." The scarily familiar voice filled Dream's ears. Dream grit his teeth, pushing the god's hand off his shoulder angrily but he kept his ground. However he was still having suspicions as he huffed.

"Cut the bullshit- you act like you're my father or something. You don't even know me."

"Stubbornness really does run through our blood, Oriana was right." DreamXD laughed sweetly as he raised a hand to his own face. Fingers pressing against the mask marked with 'XD', and it crumbled. Instead revealing warm, fatherly green eyes that Dream never got to see after the incident.

Dream's body stilled.

Mind going completely blank as he stared up at the man he once got to call 'dad'. The man that lived two lives- a husband, a family-

"Techno was telling the truth.." He whispered, a small feeling of emptiness and hurt filling Dream's chest as tears leaked down his face. He removed his own mask and it dropped to the ground next to him.

Green eyes now staring at mirroring ones and different emotions swam through the both of them. Father and son

Clayton smiled warmly, weakly at his son. Knowing their time was running out but he was glad he got to talk with his son one last time. "But, how..?" Dream choked out. He felt so many damned emotions he didn't know which t focus on first. Shaking is head a small bit in disbelief and his father pursed his lips in thought a bit.

He smiled none the less and looked at Dream. "Some truths are best hidden than told, my son. But, not in all cases.."

"I can not answer your questions however, I don't have time-" Dream shoved him back. Seething. "No. You can answer them- you can answer all my questions you just don't fucking want to." He spat. "You leave mom, Drista and I for years and when I finally get to talk you again after so damn long, you're here telling me you can't fucking answer my questions?!" Dream yelled furiously, hurt.

His fists were clenched to his sides and Dream began to wonder just where his respect for his father stood. Gritting his teeth as his tears continued to pour regardless. Feeling so lost in his pool of emotions. Not even having time to process any of it.

But Clayton looked at his son calmly. Giving him a bit of time but even that was running out.

"I do not have time. You will learn everything, Clay, except not from me." He finally said. He understood and he felt Dream's pain because he missed his family just as much. He missed Oriana, he missed Drista, he missed it all.

Dream let out a small chocked sob as he grit his teeth but his attention never wavered. Looking at his father after years and years, but if it was true, if his father didn't have much time left then Dream wanted to listen.

Clayton smiled.

"I've lived two lives for as long as time could tell, Dream. I lived in hiding just like you were before this, but it doesn't have to end for you the same way it did for me." He spoke. Dream listened.

"I can see myself in you and George." He said with a chuckle and Dream's eyes shifted a bit. Curious but also a bit confused. "How.. how so..?" He sniffled as he wiped at his eyes. Seeing his father smile but wondered just how he could in a situation like this.

"Your mother was a human and I wasn't, Clay.. Just like you and George's- except our fate's ended differently. Your fates don't have to mirror our own.."

"Dream, I want to give you a gift." His father then said, taking a step forward and he placed both his hands on Dream's shoulders.

A gift?

"I want to give you the gift I was born with and I want you to treasure it with your heart."

Dream could feel a small tingling feeling suddenly flow through his body. Swimming through his arms, legs, even climbing up his neck and Dream's eyes shown gold for a mere second before dying down just as fast as they appeared. He also felt a sudden rush of power. Power he's never felt before and none like the energy he got from a morning coffee or a run or something like that.

"W-What, what did you do..?" He whispered almost fearfully but Clayton's eyes remained warm and assuring as they always did. Calming his son down.

"I gave you the power of the forest, Clay. Like George's."

"I tried to balance my life between protecting my family and protecting the forest for most of my life after I first met your mother. Hiding my identity became a must and yet your mother was stubborn enough to go through with it regardless."

Dream pursed his lips. He knew his father was talking about him and George and in a way, he understood. Having had to make up a lie each time Dream went out to meet George. It wasn't fun.

His lips parted to finally speak up but his father's image suddenly starting to turn into dust spoke enough to Dream. This was the goodbye.

Clayton's smile never fell but Dream's tears fell for him.

Realizing that this was truly the end and before his father's image could completely disappear, Dream lunged forward.

Wrapping his arms around his father one last time.

Hugging him for the last time- this was goodbye.

Clayton's body eventually turned into beautiful golden ash, picked up by a soft breeze that took his smile with it, and Dream soon found himself standing in the center of battle once more. Listening to the familiar battle cries and sounds that he'd started to grow used to. However a mask laid in hands.

DreamXD's mask.

Dream stared at the mask for a bit, before finally lifting it up to his face.
