16 - Hypothetically

-Dream's Pov-

It was getting late. Time having passed so fast that I can already hear the familiar sounds of the phantoms up above. Unlike Sapnap and I, the phantoms were new to Fundy. His eyes wide in a mix of pure, solid curiosity and a hint of nervousness as he peaked out. Seeing the odd creatures flying above before he turned back to us.

Sapnap was also looking out. Remembering the first time they were attacked by them and frowned. "We won't make it with Dream's injuries. He'll slow us down." Sapnap frowned, making me scoff and grumble half-heartedly. Not really offended though because it was pretty much true.

Moving was already difficult enough for me, running out there and defending myself is basically like asking the phantoms to come get me. Call it a suicide mission. I winced from my spot on the floor, carefully pulling myself up a bit so I sat more comfortably, and looked up at everyone.

My injuries were treated well enough that I didn't feel much dizzy anymore, and the blood loss knocking me out definitely helped energize me in a way, but doing much physical and pressured movements was still a bitch. Hurt like one too.

George frowned next to me as he could hear the phantoms just as loud, wishing he could somehow order them off, but he knew phantoms were stubborn. Born to be stubborn and independent, and they worked under their own demand. But they had a common goal with George and that was protecting the forest and keeping all those who could harm it, out.

The brunette took a mental note of that, realizing he shouldn't let his guard down that easily and looked back up at us. A thought in mind.

"Dream can stay the night.. I'll care for him until you can come back tomorrow." He suggested seriously, looking up at the other two with a curt nod and glanced at me with a small smile. It didn't seem like a bad idea- in fact I definitely wouldn't say no to it. Spending the night with George..

My heart skipped an automatically happy beat at the thought and I smiled back at him. A little too brightly which allowed Sapnap to notice, but he brushed it off for now. Crossing his arms against his chest thoughtfully as he leaned against the nearest wall.

Fundy seemed to consider the idea too but something was still bugging him. Scratching his neck a bit and glancing back out at the roaming phantoms. "I don't think Sam will brush off the fact that we left Dream alone in the forest." He scrunched his nose, knowing that was just not believable. Or possible, unless they were psychos.

Fundy looked at us.

"I mean, no one except us knows about George, and Dream -hypothetically- can't survive the night out here alone according to everyone else." Fundy continued to explain and Sapnap raised a small brow. Seeing where this was going as Fundy seemed to be getting somewhere.

"So what are you suggesting?" I piped in, looking between Fundy and Sapnap before Fundy shrugged a bit. "What if one of us stays here with you? And the other person delivers the message back to the rest of the villagers."


"I think that could work." I nodded up at them, impressed as usual with Fundy's thoughtful strategy even if it wasn't that big of a plan. George considered the idea too, lifting up his cute mushroom hat from falling on his face and pushed up his glasses on the hem of his hat so it allowed us to see his eyes.

My own eyes trailed gently down to his face a bit, admiring the gentle freckles that were sprinkled over his nose and softly against his cheeks as he started talking. Zoning me out almost completely and I watched how his nose scrunched a bit when something he heard didn't satisfy or convince him that much. And the way his impressively long lashes brushed against his cheeks faintly every time he blinked..

I didn't notice I was staring however until George turned to me. Flashing me a smile and-

"Dream!" Sapnap called again and waved a hand in front of my face. Looking at me like I grew two heads and a tail. I looked back at him irritatedly, swatting his hand away from my face and glaring at him. "What?" I huffed a bit and Sapnap shook his head. Chuckling a bit before he stepped back again and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"We decided that I'll be the one staying. George said he'll help Fundy get back to the village safely so he can relay our update. He won't reveal George's location though." The raven explained, looking at George who nodded with a gentle and grateful smile to confirm it to me and I figured it was probably what George did with the fireflies to help me back then.

I was genuinely incredibly grateful for all of them though. Sapnap, Fundy, George. Especially when Sapnap actually decided to give George a chance despite having hated the idea of  'goblin'. Same with Fundy. I trusted my two friends and I realized that I trusted George just as intensely.

"Works for me." I grinned, winking playfully at Sapnap and reached up to ruffle George's hair a bit. Making him giggle softly and blush happily as he moved my hand away with his own. His hands.. they're so soft..

My eyes widened a bit as my own cheeks turned pink, and I shook the thought away. Starting to wonder what the hell was happening to me and reached up to rub my face before anyone could notice.

But oh how late I was. Glancing up to see Sapnap smirking at me and wiggling his brows teasingly. Making kissing motions with his lips as he hugged himself while Fundy continued to talk George's ear off. Though the brunette definitely didn't mind.

I let out an irritated huff as I look at my best friend annoyedly, wondering when I could punch that smirk off his face, and flipped him off- and he broke out into a loud laugh. Tearing up as he clutched his side and and started to cough.

God I hate him so fucking much sometimes..

I rolled my eyes, letting out a deep sigh as Sapnap continued to mock me, but something of what he did did linger with me. Glancing towards George a bit.

There's no way I feel that way about him,

