
"Tamaki! Get your butt back here!!!" Kayla yelled, laughing as she chased him around.
"No!!! I don't want to!!" He screeched with a scared look on his face.

The boy wasn't looking where he was going and ran straight into the arms of a man who had just entered the backyard of the large house.

The man rose an eyebrow as he looked down at the boy, who was wearing a mud covered dress shirt and purple shorts.
He pushed up Tamaki's glasses that were slipping down the bridge of his nose, then grabbed him by his pits and hoisted him up, placing the boy on his waist.

"Now Tamaki, why don't you want to go to your uncles wedding?" Kyoya asked his son.
"Because the clones will be there and it'll be soooooo awkward!!"

Kayla laughed to herself as she remembered what had happened last time her son had been on a play date with Hikaru's daughter Mai, and Karou's daughter Hiyori.

Even though they came from separate parents, they had somehow been born nearly identical and with only a day difference for their birthdays.
They both had long ginger hair and greenish gold eyes, they also both had a crush on Tamaki jr.

Around a week ago, the girls wanted to have a kissing war, deciding whoever gave Tamaki junior the most kisses would get to marry him.
It ended up being a tie with each of them having 15 points, so the girls decided they would both marry him.

Kayla walked up to her husband and kissed him on the cheek, mumbling to him.
"If you get him clean in less than 20 minutes and in the car, I'll do that special thing you wanted to try once we get home from the ceremony."
Pink dusted Kyoya's cheeks as a smirk formed on his lips. He pushed up his glasses so that they gave off a glare and glanced down at his eldest child.
"Challenge accepted."

Tamaki jr. felt a sudden chill run down his spine, knowing what that look meant.
"Oh no...."
"Oh yes." Kyoya replied, then started to run into the house with his son over his shoulder.

Tamaki reached out for his mother, feigning fear.
"Mommy!!! Help me!!"
She just waved with a smirk, yelling back. "Have fun with your bath sweetie!"

Kayla then glanced to her watch, smiling when she saw that it was time to wake her daughter up from her nap to get her ready as well.


Kayla walked down the grand staircase, holding a small bundle of light purple ruffles in her arm.
Once she reached the bottom she saw her husband and son standing by the door waiting for her.
"Daw-daw!" Fuyumi cheered, reaching out for him to hold her.

Kyoya smiled as he was handed his two year old daughter.

Fuyumi looked a lot like her mother. She had shoulder length white hair that hung in pigtails, and was pale with graceful features; the only thing she seemed to have from her dad was her bright grey/silver eyes.

Tamaki junior was the exact opposite. He had Kyoya's raven black hair and features, with Kayla's red orbs.

"Well we should be going, or we'll be late." Kyoya told his family.
Kayla nodded and grabbed his and her sons hands as they walked to the limo.


"I still can't believe you had a big wedding, I thought you wanted to elope?" Kayla teased Haruhi, sitting with her at a table during the after party dinner.

Haruhi shrugged with a small grin on her face as she glanced over to her new husband who was chatting with her dad and her in-laws.

"I didn't really want to make a big deal of it, but it's something Tamaki and both our fathers really wanted. You know, it's been Tamaki's dream to have a big white wedding ever since he was a little boy." Haruhi told her best friend.
Kayla giggled and rose an eyebrow.
"Isn't that usually the girls dream?" She asked jokingly.
Haruhi laughed along with her and they continued to talk about what had been going on recently.


Tamaki had finally gotten away from his parents and Ranka for a moment, and he sat beside his best friend.
"I see you and Haruhi's parents are getting along well." Kyoya started the conversation.
"Yeah." Tamaki sighed happily, "I'm so glad my mother and father were able to come from France for the ceremony." He said as he picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

"They seem to be getting along well with Haruhi's father." Kyoya nodded over to the three, who were all laughing and clinking their glasses happily.
"Oh yeah, mom already decided that she's gonna take Ranka for a shopping trip..." he trailed off.
"Let me guess, in a different country?" Kyoya asked smirking.
"Mhm, America." Tamaki chuckled,"she's always so eccentric, especially now that she's no longer sick all he time. Thanks again for that."

Kyoya put a hand on the blondes shoulder, smiling gently at him.
"I should be thanking you. Thanks to my branches discovery and classification of the illness, as well as the cure for it, we were able to link it to over 300 000 undiagnosed cases so far; and help those people to get well.
If your mother hadn't been so generous to let me run tests on her for a year, I wouldn't own 57% of the Ootori group today."
Tamaki grinned back at his glasses-wearing friend gratefully.

The blonde then suddenly remembered something and hopped out of his chair to stand in front of Kyoya excitedly.
"You know how I said me and Haruhi were thinking of having a kid?" Tamaki asked, and Kyoya nodded, remembering he had some similar news to share too if Tamaki was gonna say what he thinks he is.

"You've mentioned it."
"Well..." Tamaki got down on one knee in front of him and grabbed Kyoyas hands in his. "Me and Haruhi had a long talk about it, and....would you and Kayla be the babies god-parents?"

(The "long" talk:
Tamaki: "Hey Haruhi, who do you think should be the-?"
Haruhi: "Kayla."
Tamaki: "But you didn't even let me finsi-"
Haruhi: "Kayla's going to be the godmother, that's final.
Tamaki: "What about-"
Haruhi: "Nope."
Tamaki: "And the godfath-"
Haruhi: "Obviously it'll be Kyoya."
Tamaki: "But the other hosts-"
Haruhi: "No way in hell am I letting the twins corrupt my child."
Tamaki: "I wasn't even going to suggest them!!!"
Haruhi:"What's decided is decided.")

Everyone in the room was now looking at the two of them in curiosity, while two audible smacks could be heard from the two men's wives as they face palmed.

Kyoya hid his embarrassment from all the attention that was on him and cleared his throat.
"If you insist. I guess it'd only be fair, as you and Haruhi are TJ and Fuyumi's god-parents."

Tamaki cheered, jumping up and hugging Kyoya, rubbing their cheeks together.
Everyone in the room smiled at them and went back to their own activities, while Kyoya tried to pry the blonde off of him.

"Get off of me you idiot..." he growled half-heartedly, remembering how childish his best friend truly was.


"Sis!" Identical voices called happily from behind the white haired woman.
She stood up and turned around with a smile.
The two attacked her with a hug before she could return the greeting and she laughed.
"We haven't seen you in sooo long!!" Hikaru whined.
"Yeah! You need to visit more often!" Karou whined.

Kayla deadpanned, "you guys came over to my house a week ago."
"A week is such a long time though!" Two more voices complained, as four more arms wrapped around her.
Kayla rolled her eyes at her twin brothers and their twin wives.

Kayla tried to wriggle out of the group hug, only to be squeezed tighter.
She winced a bit and held her arms in front of her stomach as a shield.
"Cmon, let me go!"

They all suddenly let go and shied away from her, paling as they all hid behind Haruhi.
"Huh?" Kayla looked behind herself to see her husband glaring menacingly at the twin couples.

Kyoya gently wrapped his arms around Kayla's waist and pulled her to his chest.
"You four should know that that will be the last group hug you'll get with her for several months." He told them.
They looked confused for a second before Haruhi spoke up.
"Oh I get it! Congratulations you guys." She said with a closed eye smile.

Chihiro and Sakura (the twins wives) smiled and ran forward to grab Kayla's hands, rambling about going baby shopping with her; while Hikaru and Karou glared playfully at Kyoya.

"Kyoya you dog.~" they teased.
Honey and Mori walked over with a smile, having heard the whole conversation.
"And we thought Mori was bad.~" Honey joked.

"I don't have that many-" Mori was cut off when four boys ran over to him laughing and yelling, a little girl running behind them to catch up, and a brunette woman holding a baby and a two year old speed-walking and scolding them.

"Yo Dad!!!!" A tall boy with black spiky hair and golden eyes yelled running past them.

"Oh hey uncle Mitsukini!!" A slightly younger but identical one called as he passed them.

"Sup uncles!" This one was around 9 years old with brown hair and grey eyes.

"How's it hanging aunts?!" The last and youngest boy with long brown hair and gold eyes asked, but didn't stick around to wait for an answer.

The little girl with long black hair and grey eyes stopped near them for a second, giving a small bow before going back to chasing her brothers.

"Hello everyone, sorry about them." Amelia apologized to them with a nervous chuckle, "they're a bit rowdy after having to sit still the whole ceremony.."

The others all nodded in understanding, laughing along with her.

"So, what's everyone been up to?" Mori's wife asked, tilting her head.
The twins wives stepped up and started pointing to people as they talked, switching who talked each person.
"Well Haruhi is pregnant."
"So is Kayla."
"I'm trying to get pregnant again."
"So am I."
"Honey is still single and ready to eat a Pringle- well, more like ready to eat cake."
"Tamaki is still an idiot."
"And Kyoya is almost as bad as Mori for getting Kayla pregnant again."

Amelia smirked and shifted the children in her arms.
"Kyoya you dirty dog!~ that's the third one in 5 years! "
"That's what we said!" The twins said crossing their arms and playfully glaring.
Kyoya groaned and rolled his eyes, wishing they would stop calling him that when they didn't even know-

"Ha! And he hasn't even told you that their triplets!" Kayla laughed as her husband just sweat dropped, now he was in real trouble with Hikaru and Karou...

"Hey bros, why are you holding baseball bats?" Kayla asked tilting her head to the side curiously.

They started running past her and she turned around to see them chasing her husband all over the room.

Everyone laughed,
"They never change do they?" Haruhi asked chuckling, remembering how they did the same thing when they found out Kayla and Kyoya had been secretly dating for 3 months.
"Old habits die hard." Tamaki said nodding.

Kayla thought of something and turned to the blonde French/Japanese man.
"Your not allowed in the hospital room this time." She told him.
He looked shocked.
"B-but why?" Tamaki asked, ears forming in his eyes.
"Because I'm not letting you name another one of my children while I'm knocked up on pain medicine and Kyoya's passed out." She said with a glare.
"But little Tamaki junior loves his name! Right TJ!?" Tamaki yelled across the room to the kids table.
"No I don't!" He yelled back.

"But I love his name!!!" Mai added.
"Not as much as I do!!" Hiyori argued.
"Husband!!!!! Which one of us do you think loves your name more?!!!!" They yelled at TJ, who just shrunk back in fear.

Kayla sighed and looked at everyone one around her, her family.
She was happy that she had met every single one of them.

"Hey she's my wife, I'm allowed to have sex with her!!" Kyoya yelled to the twins.

"Really gross dad!" TG yelled at him from the kids table.

"She's also our sister! Which means we are still aloud to beat the crap out of you for being a horn-dog!" They screamed back.

Kayla shook her head with a smile on her lips.
'Their so overprotective.
It's nice to have people care for me like that, even if their trying to kill my husband.'

A/n: Well that's it, the end of this story. Glad I could finally finish it.
Thank you all for reading!! <3
