A/n: pretty depressing chapter ahead....sorry in advance.

Kayla sat on her bed, sipping from an almost empty vodka bottle.
She felt like crap...Emotionally, physically, mentally; pretty much anyway you can feel shitty.

It was around 3 in the morning and all she had done since she woke up was stare at the wall and nurse off of the alcohol.
She hated that she had gone back to her old friend alcohol for comfort once again, instead of going to her new family.
But she shouldn't put all of her weight on their shoulders, she couldn't do that to them.

She sighed and took another sip, wincing as her mind flashed back to the nightmare that woke her up.

"Why are we in the bathroom daddy? I had a bath yesterday..." An innocent little girl asked her only guardian.
He didn't reply, just locked the door and turned on only the hot water in the bathtub.

I was so dumb to not be scared of him yet... He had just started with the abuse at the time and I was to much of an idiot to look badly on my 'daddy' and see the monster he really was.

Another sip.
She was to exhausted, not caring that she had school in just a couple hours, just needing the pain to stop.

"Daddy! I don't want to! Please daddy! NO!!"
The girls head was roughly shoved under the scalding water once again, the liquid filling her lungs.
After what seemed like hours she felt a tug on her hair, and she was pulled up for oxygen.
After she caught her breath she was shoved under another time.

Stupid memories! Why do they even exist? They only hurt you...
Tears streamed down her cheeks.
She felt like a horrible person for being sad. She had an amazing loving family, a great house, and the best (albeit most annoying) friends in the whole goddamn world!

She shouldn't be crying, she didn't deserve the bitter tears that covered her face.

Lifting the bottle to take another drink, she found it empty.
'No more liquid joy I guess..' Kayla thought sarcastically.
She out the bottle in her hiding spot and flopped back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

'Shit...I'm gonna be majorly hungover tomorrow...' Was her last thought before her mind shut off, and she fell asleep.
