~~3 weeks later~~~

Kayla's POV~~~

I don't know what happened that night at the beach after I got drunk.
But again I had woken up in the same bed as Kyoya.

Nothing else impotant happened in the next couple weeks, except one thing with Tamaki.


It was Monday after the beach weekend, and I was still calling Tamaki a pervert.

He was getting really sad about it and I was gonna apologize when it happened.

I looked around the room for my after school clothes.
And heard the twins snicker.
"I think Haruhi put your clothes in the change room." Hikaru said.
"Ya, to get them out of the way." Kaoru looked slightly guilty....

"Thanks." I said, then walked off to the change room.
I opened the curtain and saw something that caused my cheeks to turn as red as tomatoes.

"Ahh!!pervert!!" Tamaki screeched holding his shirt to his chest.
"...." I was silent and lucky me...
I fainted.


"Wake up Kay-chan!!" I heard a familiar cute voice asked.
I opened my eyes and saw the whole host blue leaning over my laying form.

I was still in the dressing room on the floor.
I saw Tamaki and a glare formed on my face.
"I'd run if I were you senpai." Haruhi advised him.
He looked confused and scared.

"What the fuck Tamaki!!!?!?!" I jumped up and attacked him.
I straddled him and tried to wring his neck, when I was pulled off by big strong arms.

"Stop." My eyes widened.
I turned around in his arms and hugged him.
"Oh my gosh!!!! You spoke!! This calls for a celebration!!" I yelled kissing his cheek.
"What's wrong with her?" Hikaru whispered to the others.
"I think she finally cracked.." That was Haruhi.
I looked over to the other hosts and saw all of them confused, and Kyoya looked like he was going to exploded in anger for some reason.

"I didn't crack...yet." I smiled evilly.
"It's just my 'aunt flow' came to visit."
Haruhi blushed in embarrassment at me just saying that.
"Oh? Can we meet her?" Tamaki asked.
I bust out laughing.
"Dude, 'aunt flow' means period in girl talk." I explained.

All the hosts blushed embarrassed except Honey who looked confused.
"What's a Pea-re-id?" He asked innocently.
I smirked.
"It's when a girl bleed from her privates for 3-5 days in a row. It why were able to have babies."
Honeys eyes widened and his face turned red.

I felt something hit me over the head.
"Ow!" I screamed and rubbed my head.
"Bad Kayla." Kyoya said.
I could see a smirk on his face.
"Douche bag..." I growled.

**flashback over**

And that's it, I don't think anything else will happen for a while.
