Kyoya's POV~~
(Ha! Surprised you didn't I?)
I walked down the streets of town, annoyed that the limo broke down and i had left my cell phone at the host club.

I just have to find a phone booth and call for another ride..
But I couldn't seem to find one anywhere!

I passed by a the only building that wasn't closed and stopped.
Looking at the sign I new it was a bar from the sign, which just said 'bar'.
What a creative name! Can you sense the sarcasm?

Sadly this looked like my only possibility to call a ride..

I sighed and entered the bar only to hear a familiar singing voice.
Looking to the karaoke stage (what a weird bar....), I saw the one and only Kayla Tategame.

I could feel my eyes widen.
From her stance, flushed face, and way she slurred her words it was obvious she was drunk.

I paid closer attention to the song as I slowly walked closer to the stage.

(Song is 'Drunk' by Ed Sheeren, this part is 2 minutes into the song)

"On cold days Coldplay's out like the bands name,
I know I can't heal things with a handshake,
You know I can change, as I began saying,
You cut me wide open like a landscape,
Open bottles of beer but never champagne,
To applause you with the sound that my hands make." She sang.

I was almost to the front of the crowd of drunk men and surprisingly women that surrounded her.

"Should I? Should I?
Maybe I'll get drunk, again!
I'll be drunk again!
I'll be drunk again!
To feel a little love again!"

'Believe me, you're already drunk enough...' I wanted to say, but was polite and didn't interrupt the song.

"All by myself I'm here again,
All by myself,
You know I'll never change,
All by myself,
All by myself!~

I'm just drunk, again,
I'll be drunk, again,
I'll be drunk, again,
To feel a little love~"

Her voice faded out and the music slowed to a stop.

The crowd cheered for her, a random man or two throwing sexual comments at her; that for some reason annoyed me..

"Thhankyouuu!~ imma go gets another drink at the barr!" She slurred out and started to walk to the bar, almost falling over five times.
I caught up to her and grabbed her arms.

She looked at me and smiled goofily, but still looked gorgeous somehow-okay what the hell was that..stop it Kyoya! Focus!

"Oh heyyyy Kuyoyaa!! You here for a driink too?" She asked raising an eyebrow lazily.

"No I didn't. I was looking for a phone...finding you drunk wasn't part of my plans..." I said partially annoyed, partially worried for her health and safety.

"Ooo! I have a phone!" Kayla ignored my comment on her alcohol intake.
She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a black flip phone.
She handed it to me and stared at me patiently.
When I didn't do anything she pointed to the phone and said.
"It's a phoooone, you use it to caaaaalll people. Not to stare at." Damn, even drunk she's still sarcastic.

I dialled a cab company and told them my location, so I could be driven to my family's house.
They said a cab would be here in less than five minutes.

I passed the phone back to Kayla, and then she started to walk off.
Grabbing her arm again I pulled her back to me.
"And where do you think your going?" I asked narrowing my eyes.
"To get a drinkkk?" She replied almost like she was asking for permission.
"No. I'm getting you driven home."

I dragged her out of the bar and stood on the curb. Waiting for the taxi cab to arrive.

Once it did we got in and the driver asked for the location we were headed for.
I looked to Kayla.
"Where do you live?" I asked.
She got a strange look in her eyes and shook her head.
"I don't wannaaa goo homeee..." She whined.

I frowned and went to argue that she had to when I saw tears I saw tears eyes.
I sighed giving up and deciding I'll just bring her to my house.
You are getting weak Kyoya. Weak.

"Fine.." I grumbled.
Then told the driver my address.

The ride to my house was filled with random talking from Kayla, the taxi driver randomly saying we were a cute couple, and me arguing that i was barely even friends with her let alone dating her.

All in all the drive was a horrible headache.
