
It had been a week since I woke up in the hospital.
I only had to stay here one more night before I could leave.
But the question is, where will I go?

-I can't go 'home', it was a crime scene.
-I couldn't live with one of the hosts, I couldn't burden them.
-I can't go to Kyon's, I found out his wife is pregnant, they need to focus on her.

I have no other guardian...I'll probably be sent to an orphanage..
If that happens, I'll probably have to change schools....id never see the host club again....probably have to end my singing career...

"Hey." A voice came from my hospital room door.
Looking up I saw mr.Hitachinn.
"Hello Mr.Hitachinn." I patted down my hospital gown, trying to look a little formal.
He is my boss.

He smiled at me and pulled a small stack of papers from behind his back.
"Please, just call me dad."
He passed me the papers he held.
Looking down at them I was shocked, joy flowing through me.
"Adoption papers?" I looked up at him.
Him hugging me confirmed my suspicions.
"If you agree, I would love for you to join my family." He pulled back.

Nodding vigorously I hopped up and wrapped my arms around him.
"Welcome to the family." Two voices chorused from the door.
Hikaru and Kaoru walked in.
"It'll be a nice change to have a little sister." They smirked.
"Hey!! I'm at a higher grade level!" I stuck my tongue out at them.

The came over and hugged me, rubbing their cheeks against mine.
"Okay LITTLE SIS!~" they chimed.
"I'm only 4 months younger than you!!!" I yelled, my cheeks going red.
I could here Mr. Hitachiin laughing at us.

This must be what a REAL family's like.
It's nice.
