My eyes opened to the sound of sirens...
Police sirens?
I looked hazily around the room...
My room...
I felt like i was lying in something sticky..
I lifted my hand and saw blood..
my blood...
I heard angry yelling and someone getting dragged out of the house.

A lot of footsteps then came my way..
Tons of men in black police uniforms entered my room, along with one worried man in a doctors coat.
He kneeled down beside me.
Checking my pulse, thanking hugging me.
"Your gonna be alright Kayla.." I could feel his tears on my shoulder.

I'm so tired....
Just gonna take a quick nap...


"Is she gonna be alright?"
"What happened to Kay-chan?"
"Shh!! I think she's waking up!"

Opening my eyes I quickly re-shut them.
"To fricking bright!" I groaned out.
I then slowly adjusted to the light.
Looking up I saw the whole host club in the room except Kyoya who was talking to a doctor in the hallway.

"Hey guys..." I croaked out.
I noticed they all looked sad.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Haruhi asked looking at the ground.
My eyes widened...they knew..
"I-...I'm sorry." Was all I could think of to say.
I felt tears in my eyes.

"Thank you for not dying Kay-chan!!!!" Honey screamed jumping on me and hugging my torso.
I yelped in pain but hugged him back.
"Hey! We want a hug too!" The twin yelled.
They joined in, and soon enough to the whole club was hugging me.
With the exception of one glasses wearing host, who just stood in the doorway a scowl on his face.

I frowned...does he hate me?
