Today was my first day back at school.
Me, Hikaru and Kaoru hadn't told anyone we were family now, but we hugged each other a lot just to weird people out.

Entering the host club arm in arm with both of my new brothers, everyone turned to face us.
"Get you hands off my daughter!!" Tamaki yelled running over.
"Ah ah!~ I don't think so boss!~" the twins chimed.
I smirked.
"Ya, I like being near Hika-kun and Karou-kun!" I added giving them both a kiss on the cheek.
"Waaaaaaaaaahhhhh?!?!" Tamaki yelled.
And I swear I heard something snap...probably just my imagination.

"Hey boss.." Hikaru called, then tilted my head so it looked like we were gonna kiss.
Tamaki's jaw hung open.
Right when our lips where about to touch we both bursts out laughing.
"Huh? W-what!?" Tamaki sputtered out.
"What just happened?" Haruhi asked.

"We got you didn't we?" I asked still laughing.
"Huh, are you three dating or something?" Honey asked confused.
"We were only joking!" The twins yelled with disgusted looks on their faces.
I almost Puked at the thought.
"No! Oh glob no!" I yelled.

"Then what's up with you three?" Haruhi asked.
"Weeeeelllll.....meet Kayla Hitachinn! Our new sister!" They pushed me forward and I did a pose with a peace sign over my left eye.
Everyone's jaws fell to the floor again.

The twins then both wrapped an arm around my waist, walked me with them over to a coach, sat down and looked at the other host expectantly.
"It's time to start hosting isn't it?" They asked simultaneously.

A/n: I'm so so very sorry I haven't updated lately!!!! And I'm sorry this is so short and shitty.
I haven't had time to write much lately because off my failing grades :(
