I had lied to Kyoya and said I knew how to dance the waltz.

Now I was suffering on the side lines of the ball room avoiding the people who wanted to dance with me.
"Hey what are you doing all alone?" A voice from behind me asked, causing me to jump.

Looking behind me I saw Haruhi in a brown suit.
"Oh hey Haruhi! I was just um...admiring the... wall.." I am stupid.
It was silent for a second before Haruhi started laughing.
"It's alright that your nervous, the host club is pretty hard to adjust to." She said after calming down.
Patting me on the back she added.
"I'm just getting used to it myself."
I nodded and gave her a small smile.

She then got an idea and put her hand out towards me.
I held back a flinch from the sudden movement, she didn't notice.
"May I have this dance?" She asked.
"I... Don't know how too..." I replied quietly.
"That's fine, just follow my lead." She grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor.
A slow song started and she started to dance pulling me along with her.
Amazingly I caught on quickly and was actually having fun.
"So, you sure you can't dance?" She asked jokingly, then spun me around.
"I've never danced formally before.." I looked down smiling sheepishly.

"Hey, look at the guys!" Haruhi whispered amused.
I glanced at the other host to see them staring at us, jealous looks covering their faces.
I giggled and smirked at Haruhi.
"Wanna make them even more jealous?" I asked and she seemed to catch on.

Right as the song ended me and Haruhi both leaned in and kissed each other on the lips.
We heard lots of gasps and squeals from the girls.
We pulled away and almost laughed our asses off at the hosts reactions, but held back.
Then we walked over to the other hosts.

"What was that!?!?" Tamaki yelled blushing.
Since they didn't know i knew Haruhi was a girl, or that we were best friends in grade school.
Also I knew all her secrets, like that she was bi.
I decided to mess with them.
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist Haruhi's manly aura!~" I pretended to swoon.
All of them were freaking out until me and Haruhi broke out laughing.
"We were!-Haha!- joking!" I laughed out.
They paused then Tamaki started to stutter.
"B-b-but y-you! K-kissed! What?!"
"It's not like we haven't before." Haruhi rolled her eyes.
"You will explain yourselves!-"
Kyoya cut Tamaki off.
"After Kayla sings." He then pushed me into a stage.

I froze, then my stage personality kicked in.
"Hey guys and girls! How'd you enjoy that little make out session me and Haruhi had?" I asked smirking.
Almost everyone blushed.
"Don't worry, we're not dating!" I winked and saw a few people have nosebleeds.
"Alright, now I want to sing you one of my favourite songs!"

I then started swaying my hips to the music.

(She sings the song above: Bad apple by vocaloid)

After I finished everyone was cheering for me and I smiled, hopping off the stage. I then went the host room to change into jogging pants and a t-shirt.

It would have been fine if someone hadn't walked in on me....
