3rd person view~~~

Haruhi kept glancing at Kyoya as she hosted a group of girls.
She had noticed how he had been acting around Kayla lately, but was confused. She couldn't tell if it was like or hate he felt for her friend though, and she needed to find out.

Now it isn't like Haruhi to get in other people's business, but this was about one of her closest friends, and with what had happened lately, she could help herself.

After club hours had ended and all the other hosts were gone she cornered him.
"What has been up with you lately Kyoya?" She asked squinting her eyes at him.
"Nothing has been 'up' with me lately, what are you talking about?" He acted calmly.

Haruhi pulled a broken pen from her pocket and raised an eyebrow.
"You broke this earlier when the twins were messing around with Kayla." Haruhi gave a small smirk.
"You were jealous, weren't you?"
Kyoya blushed, it was barely noticeable, but it was definitely there.
"No, I was not." He pushed up his glasses and stepped pass her.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have thing to attend to."

"You have to make the first move. She'll never tell you how she really feels, or what she really needs. It's just how she is." Haruhi blurted out, making him freeze for a second.
But he then waltzed out of the room and headed out to his limo, like she hadn't said anything.

Haruhi shook her head.
'Your a good liar Kyoya, but I saw you blush and that was answer enough for me.'
The girl was usually really dense to this stuff, but if the shadow king blushed, he must have a crush on the white haired girl.

A/n: chapters from now on will probably be shorter than usual.
Sorry :(
